298 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kadar Bioetanol 50% Sampai Dengan 95% Pada Unjuk Kerja Kompor Etanol

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    Persediaan bahan bakar fosil semakin hari semakin menipis, hal ini tidak sebanding dengan penggunaan yang semakin meningkat, terutama di sektor industri dan rumah tangga. Oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan energi alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, salah satunya adalah dengan penggunaan bioetanol pada kompor dalam bidang rumah tangga. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui tentang performa kompor bioetanol berbahan bakar bioetanol kadar rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen untuk mendapatkan unjuk kerja kompor berbahan bakar bioetanol dengan variasi kadar bioetanol yaitu 50% sampai dengan 95% dengan interval 5%, yang didapatkan dari hasil pencampuran 99% bioetanol dan air suling. Kompor uji yang digunakan berdinding api ganda, lubang udara sebaris untuk diameter dinding api 3 inch dan lubang udara susun untuk diameter dinding api 1,5 inch. Pengujian kompor berdasarkan uji kompor kerosene yaitu metode air mendidih (Water Boiling Test version 3.0 revised January 2007) sesuai Provisional International Standards for Testing Woodstove (VITA 1982 & revised May 1985). Dari penelitian ini kadar bioetanol yang baik digunakan adalah kadar 95% sampai dengan 75%, sedangkan untuk 70% sampai 60% dihasilkan nyala api yang tidak stabil. Kadar 55% sampai dengan 50% tidak dihasilkan nyala api

    Manajemen Peningkatan Akhlak Mulia Di Sekolah Berbasis Islam

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    Moral crisis phenomena experienced by our students are at alarming level. Educational institutions come as enlighten bodies to anticipate such situations by optimizing each part of learning environments in order to build student's characters comprehensively. There is a need of breakthrough innovation of reliable management programs so that the students can get their ready-to-life skills to face the nowadays phenomena as well as the future ones. This article will elaborate the descriptive study of how to manage noble-character improvements particularly in Islamic School. The study shows that the management of improving noble character in the Islamic School must be performed through the following stagess: planning, organizing, mobilizing, and monitoring. The strategy that can be chosen to implement character-educations management in Islamic schools are as follows: 1) Achieve teachers' commitment to the implementation of moral education (teacher component), 2) Integrate character education into the curriculum (curriculum component), 3) Creating a financial plan in favour of the implementation of moral education (financing component), and 4) Designing and creating a school culture based on moral education (management component). Krisis akhlak yang melanda peserta didik saat ini menjadi fenomena sosial yang cukup memprihatinkan. Lembaga pendidikan sebagai pengemban fungsi konservatif/penyadaran diharapkan dapat memanfaatkan dan memberdayakan semua lingkungan belajar untuk melaksanakan proses pendidikan akhlak secara optimal. Sehingga diperlukan upaya inovatif untuk mengembangkan pendidikan akhlak tersebut agar mampu menghasilkan peserta didik yang ready for life di era globalisasi dengan manajemen yang handal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan manajemen peningkatan akhlak mulia khususnya di sekolah Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen peningkatan akhlak mulia di sekolah harus melalui tahapan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakkan, dan pengawasan. Adapun strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengimplementasikan manajemen pendidikan akhlak di sekolah Islam adalah dengan melalui: 1) Mewujudkan komitmen guru dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan akhlak (komponen guru), 2) Mengintegrasikan pendidikan akhlak ke dalam kurikulum (komponen kurikulum), 3) Membuat rencana pembiayaan yang berpihak pada pelaksanaan pendidikan akhlak (komponen pembiayaan), dan 4) Mendesain dan menciptakan budaya sekolah berbasis pendidikan akhlak (komponen pengelolaan

    Kinesik Guru Mengajar di Kelas(studi Kasus pada Tya, Guru Bahasa Indonesia)

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    Syarat utama terjadinya sebuah komunikasi adalah adanya interaksi antara para komunikator. Sebuahkomunikasi tidak bisa lepas dari aspek verbal dan aspek nonverbal. Aspek verbal dalam komunikasi padadasarnya sudah biasa terjadi dalam proses komunikasi. Namun bagi banyak orang, aspek nonverbal kurangdiperhatikan kedudukannya dalam kegiatan komunikasi. Padahal, aspek nonverbal juga memiliki peran pentingdalam kegiatan komunikasi.Aspek nonverbal sebuah komunikasi pada dasarnya memiliki banyak jenis, salah satunya adalah kinesik.Kajian tentang aktivitas tubuh inilah yang menjadi fokus dalam penelitian ini. Kinesik merupakan studi yangmempelajari tentang aktivitas tubuh yang meliputi ekpresi wajah, kontak mata, gerakan tangan, dan gerakanseluruh anggota tubuh. Aspek nonverbal komunikasi khususnya kinesik pada dasarnya dapat dianalisis maknadan fungsinya dalam kegiatan komunikasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini membahas tentang bentuk,makna, dan fungsi kinesik dalam kegiatan berkomunikasi.Kinesik atau aktivitas tubuh memiliki jenis-jenisnya. Jenis kinesik meliputi kinesik fasial (ekspresi wajah,kontak mata), kinesik gestural (gerakan sebagian tubuh), dan kinesik postural (seluruh anggota tubuh). Penelitiantentang kinesik ini pada dasarnya didasari oleh teori yang diutarakan oleh Ray L.Birdwhistell. Di dalam teorinya,Ray L. Birdwhistell mengutarakan bahwa “barangkali tidak lebih dari 30% sampai 35% makna sosialpercakapan atau interaksi dilakukan dengan kata-kata”. Dalam teorinya, Ray menyampaikan 7 asumsi dasardalam mencetuskan teori tersebut, salah satunya yakni semua aktivitas tubuh dapat dianalisis maknanya.Berdasarkan hal tersebut, fokus penelitian ini akan membahas tentang bentuk, makna, dan fungsi kinesik dalamkomunikasi.Konteks komunikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kegiatan guru mengajar di kelas. Pemokusan kontekskomunikasi tersebut didasarkan pada lantar pendidikan peneliti yang bergelut pada dunia pendidikan, dan salahsatu penggunaan kinesik dalam komunikasi yakni di dunia pendidikan ketika guru menyampaikan materi.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sehingga, semua bentuk aktivitas tubuh yangmuncul dari guru akan dianalisis bentuk, makna, dan fungsinya. Data penelitian ini berasal dari aktivitas tubuhatau kiinesik yang muncul dari Tya yang merupakan objek penelitian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studikasus.Dalam analisisnya, peneliti memperoleh data tentang aktivitas tubuh yang muncul ketika mengajar dikelas sebanyak 35 bentuk kinesik. Durasi kegiatan mengajar di kelas lebih kurang satu jam dengan hasil 35bentuk kinesik sesuai dengan pedoman observasi. Dari 35 bentuk kinesik yang diperoleh, 29 bentuk kinesikmasuk dalam jenis kinesik postural, 3 bentuk kinesik fasial, dan 3 bentuk kinesik gestural. Kesemua data kinesikyang muncul akan dianalisis berdasarkan bentuk, makna dan fungsinya dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas.seperti apa yang telah dijelaskan, komunikasi tidak pernah lepas dari aspek verbal dan nonverbal, sehinggameskipun penelitian ini memokuskan pada aspek nonverbal, aspek verbal yang mengirinya tetap diperhatikansebagai konteks komunikasi agar timbul makna dan fungsinya sesuai dengan konteks yang ada

    "New Protean Career Contract": Paradigma Baru Pengembangan Karir Abad 21

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    Current trends in organizational change have a psychological impact on individuals, and the result is increasing dislocation among people, opportunities, and mechanisms to connect them. The characteristics and attributes that typify a managerial career are shifting along with developments in organization structure. The competencies needed by a successful person in today’s organizations may be inadequate in the emerging organizational forms of the 21st century. A new model of career is quietly replacing the traditional corporate career model. This article identified the mix of competencies required for a successful career in organizations of 21st century. First, describe the new paradigm of career. Next, examine the phases to adapt new protean career. Finally, implications and directions for organization are discussed

    The Effectiveness of Using Graphic Organizer to Increase Students' Vocabulary Mastery

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    The objective of this research is to find out whether the application of graphic organizer can increase the vocabulary mastery of grade VIII students at SMPN 19 Palu or not. This research wasintact design group that involved two groups; they were experimental group and control group. The research population was the grade VIII students at SMPN 19 Palu. The sample of this research were class VIII C as experimental class and VIII B as control class which consisted of 17 students for each. In collecting the data, the researcher used non-test (observation) and test (post-test). The data were analyzed descriptively and statistically. The results of data analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the achievement of experimental and control groups. In other word, the t-counted (22.16) is greater than t-table (2.120). In this case, the research hypothesis was accepted. Furthermore, the researcherconcludes that graphic organizer can increase vocabulary mastery of grade VIII students at SMPN 19 Palu. Keywords: Effectiveness, Vocabulary Mastery, Graphic Organize

    Strategi Pencitraan Dinas Penerangan TNI Au Dalam Kasus Kecelakaan Pesawat Militer Di Indonesia Image Strategy of Information Service in the Cases Airforce Military Aircraft Accident in Indonesia

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    The aims of study are to (1) understand the image strategy of information servis of Air Force Military in the casses of military aircraft accident in Indonesia, (2) determine the level of alertness of the information service of Air Force in delivering information to media and public in the cases of military aircraft accident in Indonesia. The mothods of collecting the data were observation, interview, documentation. The result reveal that image strategy made by information service of Air Force is preventive action on the crisis by giving attention to standard operation procedures. Then it is followed by emergency actions by immediately sending crises control team, i.e. PPKPU investigation team to find out facts and causes during the accident and image recovery action by involving external assistance, i.e. mass media that can function as the sources of information for the society. Furthermore, the level of alertness in the delivery of information to media and publc by making use mass media, information service of Air Force quickly holds a press conference to clarify the news outside although aircraft accident is still under the investigation of PPKPU investigation team

    The Effectiveness of Communicative Purpose Based Approach to Improve Speaking Skills in EAP Setting: a Case Study

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    English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is an approach in which the content and the learning activities applied according to the needs of the English learners. This experimental study involved 26 students from the fifth semester of Indonesian Language Education Department at University of PGRI Semarang. The data were collected using five different instruments; observation, field notes, interviews, documentation, and performance tests. The data were analyzed using t-test formula and compared to t-table. The results of this study indicate that there is significant value between the pre-test and post-test results. The result of the calculation of t-test is 9.97. Because the t-table is 2.04, it can be concluded that the t-test> t-table. The data shows that the result of the t-test is higher than t-table, it means that the accepted hypothesis is a positive hypothesis which says that "Hi: There is a significant improvement of speaking competence in the case of performing the idea of the elements of the story in the folklores after being taught using Communicative Purpose Based Approach.

    Analisis Kinerja pada Badan Kesbangpol & Linmas (Anggaran Belanja dan Realisasinya) di Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    Regardless of the weaknesses and shortcomings that exist in it, the birth of Law. And No. 22. 25, among others, is the embodiment of the government's pergesean system, the centralized system to the decentralized system. Both the Act contains some explicit mission. First, create efficiency and effectiveness of resource management area. Second, improve the quality of public services and social welfare. Third, empower and create a space for people to participate in the development process. To realize this mission, the necessary changes to local government financial management system. The changes implemented by giving autonomy to regions based on the principle of decentralization in the form of autonomy, real and responsible.The purpose of this study was to determine whether the implementation of regional autonomy shows performance Performance Unit (SKPD) Kesbangpol & Community Protection Agency West Kutai district is likely to increase in 2011 compared to 2010.Performance analysis shows that the Regional Working Units (SKPD) Kesbangpol & Community Protection Agency West Kutai regency in 2011 tended to increase compared to 2010. Based on a comparative analysis of absolute data in 2011 Revenue and Expenditure can eventuated by 95.58% while in 2010 Revenue and Expenditure amounted to 94.89% eventuated.Based on the analysis, the authors provide some suggestions that regional work units (on education) Kesbangpol & Community Protection Agency and should be able to continue to maintain and improve the performance achieved so far, and future. And furthermore should further enhance coordination between each field in carrying out activities in accordance with the Budget Implementation Document (DPA) or Document Change Executive Budget (DPPA) that exist so as to achieve the targets set
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