1 research outputs found

    Trombo embolismo fribrocartilaginosos en un canino de raza Bearded collie

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    10 p谩ginas : fotograf铆asA 2-year-old female Bearded Collie presented to the Veterinary Clinic of the University of Applied and Environmental Sciences U.D.C.A with paraparesis of the pelvic limbs of acute presentation and history of have been exercised before the manifestation of the signs. At clinical examination the vital signs were in range and there was evidence of hyporeflexia of the spinal reflexes (sciatic, patellar, tibial-cranial, perineal, panicular), and absence of superficial and deep sensitivity. The laboratory results non-relevant alterations was observed, radiography of the thoraco-lumbar spine showed no alterations, it decided to perform magnetic resonance imaging in which an area of the hyperintense medullary parenchyma observed at level L2-L3. Based on the anamnesis, the result of magnetic resonance and ruling out other pathologies, fibrocartilaginous thromboembolism (FCE) was suggest as a diagnosis. Treatment with neuroprotectors was established and the patient was refer for physiotherapeutic assessmentUn canino hembra, Bearded Collie de 2 a帽os de edad fue recibido en la Cl铆nica Veterinaria de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A presentaba paraparesia de los miembros p茅lvicos con presentaci贸n aguda e historia de haber estado realizando ejercicio antes de la manifestaci贸n de los signos. Al examen cl铆nico las constantes fisiol贸gicas se encontraron en rango y se evidenci贸 hiporreflexia de los reflejos espinales (ci谩tico, patelar, tibial-craneal, perineal) y ausencia de sensibilidad superficial y profunda. En los ex谩menes de laboratorio se observaron alteraciones no relevantes, se realiz贸 radiograf铆a de columna toraco-lumbar, en la que no se observ贸 alteraci贸n alguna, se decidi贸 realizar resonancia magn茅tica, se evidenci贸 un 谩rea del par茅nquima medular hiperintensa a nivel L2-L3. Con base en la anamnesis, el resultado de la MRI y descartando otras patolog铆as se sugiri贸 como diagn贸stico definitivo: Tromboembolismo Fibrocartilaginoso (EFC). Se instaur贸 tratamiento con neuroprotectores y se remiti贸 paciente para valoraci贸n fisioterap茅utica.Incluye bibliograf铆aPregradoM茅dico(a) Veterinari