7,114 research outputs found

    "Graph Entropy, Network Coding and Guessing games"

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    We introduce the (private) entropy of a directed graph (in a new network coding sense) as well as a number of related concepts. We show that the entropy of a directed graph is identical to its guessing number and can be bounded from below with the number of vertices minus the size of the graph’s shortest index code. We show that the Network Coding solvability of each specific multiple unicast network is completely determined by the entropy (as well as by the shortest index code) of the directed graph that occur by identifying each source node with each corresponding target node. Shannon’s information inequalities can be used to calculate up- per bounds on a graph’s entropy as well as calculating the size of the minimal index code. Recently, a number of new families of so-called non-shannon-type information inequalities have been discovered. It has been shown that there exist communication networks with a ca- pacity strictly ess than required for solvability, but where this fact cannot be derived using Shannon’s classical information inequalities. Based on this result we show that there exist graphs with an entropy that cannot be calculated using only Shannon’s classical information inequalities, and show that better estimate can be obtained by use of certain non-shannon-type information inequalities

    Network Communication with operators in Dedekind Finite and Stably Finite Rings

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    Messages in communication networks often are considered as "discrete" taking values in some finite alphabet (e.g. a finite field). However, if we want to consider for example communication based on analogue signals, we will have to consider messages that might be functions selected from an infinite function space. In this paper, we extend linear network coding over finite/discrete alphabets/message space to the infinite/continuous case. The key to our approach is to view the space of operators that acts linearly on a space of signals as a module over a ring. It turns out that modules over many rings RR leads to unrealistic network models where communication channels have unlimited capacity. We show that a natural condition to avoid this is equivalent to the ring RR being Dedekind finite (or Neumann finite) i.e. each element in RR has a left inverse if and only if it has a right inverse. We then consider a strengthened capacity condition and show that this requirement precisely corresponds to the class of (faithful) modules over stably finite rings (or weakly finite). The introduced framework makes it possible to compare the performance of digital and analogue techniques. It turns out that within our model, digital and analogue communication outperforms each other in different situations. More specifically we construct: 1) A communications network where digital communication outperforms analogue communication. 2) A communication network where analogue communication outperforms digital communication. The performance of a communication network is in the finite case usually measured in terms band width (or capacity). We show this notion also remains valid for finite dimensional matrix rings which make it possible (in principle) to establish gain of digital versus analogue (analogue versus digital) communications

    Planar tautologies hard for resolution.

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    We prove exponential lower bounds on the resolution proofs of some tautologies, based on rectangular grid graphs. More specifically, we show a 2/sup /spl Omega/(n)/ lower bound for any resolution proof of the mutilated chessboard problem on a 2n/spl times/2n chessboard as well as for the Tseitin tautology (G. Tseitin, 1968) based on the n/spl times/n rectangular grid graph. The former result answers a 35 year old conjecture by J. McCarthy (1964)

    Ultra-short pulse compression using photonic crystal fibre

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    A short section of photonic crystal fibre has been used for ultra-short pulse compression. The unique optical properties of this novel medium in terms of high non-linearity and relatively small group velocity dispersion are shown to provide an ideal platform for the standard fibre pulse compression technique used directly on the nano-Joule output pulses from a commercial laser system. We report an order of magnitude reduction of the pulse width to 25 fs FWHM but predict a substantially improved performance with a dedicated fibre design. Good agreement is obtained with a simple model for the spectral broadening in the fibre

    Tree resolution proofs of the weak pigeon-hole principle.

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    We prove that any optimal tree resolution proof of PHPn m is of size 2&thetas;(n log n), independently from m, even if it is infinity. So far, only a 2Ω(n) lower bound has been known in the general case. We also show that any, not necessarily optimal, regular tree resolution proof PHPn m is bounded by 2O(n log m). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the worst case proof complexity has been considered. Finally, we discuss possible connections of our result to Riis' (1999) complexity gap theorem for tree resolution

    Degrees of Freedom for Piecewise Lipschitz Estimators

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    A representation of the degrees of freedom akin to Stein's lemma is given for a class of estimators of a mean value parameter in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Contrary to previous results our representation holds for a range of discontinues estimators. It shows that even though the discontinuities form a Lebesgue null set, they cannot be ignored when computing degrees of freedom. Estimators with discontinuities arise naturally in regression if data driven variable selection is used. Two such examples, namely best subset selection and lasso-OLS, are considered in detail in this paper. For lasso-OLS the general representation leads to an estimate of the degrees of freedom based on the lasso solution path, which in turn can be used for estimating the risk of lasso-OLS. A similar estimate is proposed for best subset selection. The usefulness of the risk estimates for selecting the number of variables is demonstrated via simulations with a particular focus on lasso-OLS.Comment: 113 pages, 89 figure