7 research outputs found

    mTOR-dependent translation amplifies microglia priming in aging mice.

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    peer reviewedMicroglia maintain homeostasis in the brain. However, with age, they become primed and respond more strongly to inflammatory stimuli. We show here that microglia from aged mice had upregulated mTOR complex 1 signaling controlling translation, as well as protein levels of inflammatory mediators. Genetic ablation of mTOR signaling showed a dual yet contrasting effect on microglia priming: it caused an NF-κB-dependent upregulation of priming genes at the mRNA level; however, mice displayed reduced cytokine protein levels, diminished microglia activation, and milder sickness behavior. The effect on translation was dependent on reduced phosphorylation of 4EBP1, resulting in decreased binding of eIF4E to eIF4G. Similar changes were present in aged human microglia and in damage-associated microglia, indicating that upregulation of mTOR-dependent translation is an essential aspect of microglia priming in aging and neurodegeneration

    Endocytic uptake of fluorescence labelled DNA in yeast.

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    After dispiriting results using viral vectors in gene therapy, by which a number of patients acquired cancer as a result of the use of retroviral vector constructs, the percentage of non-viral approaches has increased over recent years. To elucidate potential bottlenecks in the non-viral transfection process we here introduce a novel method to directly visualize endocytic non-viral DNA uptake in a transfection approach. This novel method allows for the first time to monitor the location of DNA which is taken up by endocytosis in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) wild type and mutant strains. More specifically it enables drawing conclusions about conditions favouring non-viral gene transfection

    Defects in intracellular trafficking and endocytic/vacuolar acidification determine the efficiency of endocytotic DNA uptake in yeast.

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a standard model system to study endocytosis. Here we describe the examination of a representative subset of deletion mutants to identify and locate steps in endocytic transport, endosomal/lysosomal acidification and in intracellular transport of hydrolases in non-viral transfection processes. When transport in late endocytosis is inhibited, transfection efficiency is significantly enhanced. Similarly, transfection efficiency is enhanced when the pH-value of the endosomal/vacuolar system is modified. Transfection efficiency is furthermore elevated when the N+/K+ transport in the endosomal system is disturbed. Finally, we observe enhanced transfection efficiency in mutants disturbed in the CVT/autophagy pathway and in hydrolase transport to the vacuole. In summary, non-viral transfection efficiency can be significantly increased by either (i) inhibiting the transport of endocytosed material before it enters the vacuole, or (ii) inducing a non-natural pH-value of the endosomal/vacuolar system, or (iii) slowing down degradative processes by inhibiting vacuolar hydrolases or the transport between Golgi and late endosome/vacuole

    Absence of See1p, a widely conserved Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, confers both deficient heterologous protein production and endocytosis.

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    The uncharacterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae open reading frame (ORF) YIL064w is predicted to encode a cytoplasmic 28 kDa protein, recognized by sequence similarity as a putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine methyltransferase. A micro-scale screening performed in our laboratory with the EUROSCARF S. cerevisiae BY4741 deletion mutant collection identified YIL064w deletion as negatively affecting secretory production of reporter alpha-amylase. The work presented here corroborates the later observations of the yil064w mutant in a larger-scale assay and shows that Yil064p is necessary for the efficient secretory production of two reporter proteins, murine alpha-amylase and fungal polygalacturonase. Further, we analysed endocytosis in the yil064w mutant strain and observed defects at both very early and later stages of endocytic transport in cells in the late logarithmic phase. The defects at very early stages may decisively account for the low transfection (DNA uptake by endocytosis) efficiency that we also observed in the yil064w mutant. These are the first in vivo data reporting a functional role for the protein encoded by ORF YIL064w and identify Yil064p, named here secretion and early endocytosis 1 protein (See1p), as a novel component of intracellular transport

    Functional characterization of the recombinant N-methyltransferase domain from the multienzyme enniatin synthetase.

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    A 51 kDa fusion protein incorporating the N-methyltransferase domain of the multienzyme enniatin synthetase from Fusarium scirpi was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The protein was purified and found to bind S-adenosyl methionine (AdoMet) as demonstrated by cross-linking experiments with (14)C-methyl-AdoMet under UV irradiation. Cofactor binding at equilibrium conditions was followed by saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR spectroscopy, and the native conformation of the methyltransferase was assigned. STD NMR spectroscopy yielded significant signals for H(2) and H(8) of the adenine moiety, H(1') of D-ribose, and S-CH(3) group of AdoMet. Methyl group transfer catalyzed by the enzyme was demonstrated by using aminoacyl-N-acetylcysteamine thioesters (aminoacyl-SNACs) of L-Val, L-Ile, and L-Leu, which mimic the natural substrate amino acids of enniatin synthetase presented by the enzyme bound 4'-phosphopantetheine arm. In these experiments the enzyme was incubated in the presence of the corresponding aminoacyl-SNAC and (14)C-methyl-AdoMet for various lengths of time, for up to 30 min. N-[(14)C-Methyl]-aminoacyl-SNAC products were extracted with EtOAc and separated by TLC. Acid hydrolysis of the isolated labeled compounds yielded the corresponding N-[(14)C-methyl] amino acids. Further proof for the formation of N-(14)C-methyl-aminoacyl-SNACs came from MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry which yielded 23 212 Da for N-methyl-valyl-SNAC, accompanied by the expected postsource decay (PSD) pattern. Interestingly, L-Phe, which is not a substrate amino acid of enniatin synthetase, also proved to be a methyl group acceptor. D-Val was not accepted as a substrate; this indicates selectivity for the L isomer

    Neurons undergo pathogenic metabolic reprogramming in models of familial ALS.

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    OBJECTIVES: Normal cellular function requires a rate of ATP production sufficient to meet demand. In most neurodegenerative diseases (including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [ALS]), mitochondrial dysfunction is postulated raising the possibility of impaired ATP production and a need for compensatory maneuvers to sustain the ATP production/demand balance. We investigated intermediary metabolism of neurons expressing familial ALS (fALS) genes and interrogated the functional consequences of glycolysis genes in fitness assays and neuronal survival. METHODS: We created a pure neuronal model system for isotopologue investigations of fuel utilization. In a yeast platform we studied the functional contributions of glycolysis genes in a growth fitness assay iafter expressing of a fALS gene. RESULTS: We find in our rodent models of fALS, a reduction in neuronal lactate production with maintained or enhanced activity of the neuronal citric acid cycle. This rewiring of metabolism is associated with normal ATP levels, bioenergetics, and redox status, thus supporting the notion that gross mitochondrial function is not compromised in neurons soon after expressing fALS genes. Genetic loss-of-function manipulation of individual steps in the glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway blunt the negative phenotypes seen in various fALS models. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that neurons adjust fuel utilization in the setting of neurodegenerative disease-associated alteration in mitochondrial function in a baleful manner and targeting this process can be healthful

    Interactome Mapping Provides a Network of Neurodegenerative Disease Proteins and Uncovers Widespread Protein Aggregation in Affected Brains.

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    Interactome maps are valuable resources to elucidate protein function and disease mechanisms. Here, we report on an interactome map that focuses on neurodegenerative disease (ND), connects ∼5,000 human proteins via ∼30,000 candidate interactions and is generated by systematic yeast two-hybrid interaction screening of ∼500 ND-related proteins and integration of literature interactions. This network reveals interconnectivity across diseases and links many known ND-causing proteins, such as α-synuclein, TDP-43, and ATXN1, to a host of proteins previously unrelated to NDs. It facilitates the identification of interacting proteins that significantly influence mutant TDP-43 and HTT toxicity in transgenic flies, as well as of ARF-GEP(100) that controls misfolding and aggregation of multiple ND-causing proteins in experimental model systems. Furthermore, it enables the prediction of ND-specific subnetworks and the identification of proteins, such as ATXN1 and MKL1, that are abnormally aggregated in postmortem brains of Alzheimer's disease patients, suggesting widespread protein aggregation in NDs