479 research outputs found

    Defining the Molecular Mechanisms of the Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Proteins

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    Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are the second most common class of cerebrovascular brain malformations affecting .1-.5% of the population. The disease is manifested in endothelial cells as lesions of thin, dilated, and leaky capillaries lacking normal blood vessel-stromal interactions. Lesions cause varied symptoms ranging from minor headaches to seizure and hemorrhagic stroke. CCMs can be incurred sporadically or inherited in an autosomal dominant manner from loss of function mutations in one of three genes, CCM1/Krit1, CCM2/OSM, or CCM3/PDCD10. These mutations affect the actin cytoskeleton due to deregulated RhoA/ROCK signaling, which increases stress fiber incidence, reduces endothelial cell barrier function, and decreases angiogenesis in vitro. We demonstrate through global kinome profiling that numerous kinases controlling the actin cytoskeleton are deregulated. Of these, we demonstrate that the RhoA/ROCK effector Lim kinase is overactive and phosphorylates and in activates the actin depolymerizing factor cofilin. Importantly, in vitro CCM phenotypes are rescued with knock down of Lim kinase in CCM protein deficient cells. We further show that a potential molecular mechanism governing the elevated RhoA levels and activity is through the E3 ubiquitin ligase Smurf1, which associates with CCM2 but not CCM1 or CCM3 and is responsible for ubiquitinating GTP bound RhoA. Current cell culture and animal models of CCM have given insight into CCM phenotypes, but the study of patient cells are needed to validate these models and to test potential therapeutics. Thus, we provide proof of principle studies demonstrating the utility of both endothelial progenitor derived endothelial cells and pluripotent stem cells in CCM disease modeling for the ultimate goal of producing a library of patient induced pluripotent stem cells. Overall, our findings elaborate on and provide insight into the complex molecular pathways involved in CCM phenotypes while also making the first steps towards in vitro patient specific CCM disease modeling.Doctor of Philosoph

    Chronic intrauterine hypoxia interferes with aortic development in the late gestation ovine fetus

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    This study explored arterial remodelling in fetuses growth restricted by hypoxia. Chronically catheterized fetal sheep were made moderately or severely hypoxic by placental embolization for 15 days starting at gestational age 116-118 (term ∌147 days). Cross-sections of the aorta were analysed for collagen and elastin content using histological procedures, while immunofluorescence was applied to measure markers of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) type. In frozen aortae quantitative PCR was used to measure mRNA levels of extracellular matrix (ECM) precursor proteins as well as molecular regulators of developmental and pathological remodelling. Relative to Control (n= 6), aortic wall thickness was increased by 23% in the Moderate group (n= 5) and 33% (P \u3c 0.01) in the Severe group (n= 5). Relative to Control, the Severe group exhibited a 5-fold increase in total collagen content (P \u3c 0.01) that paralleled increases in mRNA levels of procollagen I (P \u3c 0.05) and III and transforming growth factor ÎČ (TGF-ÎČ 1) (P \u3c 0.05). The percentage area stained for α-actin was inversely related to fetal arterial oxygen saturation (P \u3c 0.05) and total α-actin content was 45% higher in the Moderate group and 65% (P \u3c 0.05) higher in the Severe group, compared to Control. A 12% and 39% (P \u3c 0.05) reduction in relative elastic fibre content was observed in Moderate and Severe fetuses, respectively. mRNA levels of the elastolytic enzyme, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) were inversely correlated with fetal arterial oxygen saturation (P \u3c 0.05) (Fig. 7) and mRNA levels of its activator, membrane-type MMP (MTI-MMP), were elevated in the Severe group (P \u3c 0.05). Marked neointima formation was apparent in Severe fetuses (P \u3c 0.05) concomitant with an increase in E-selectin mRNA expression (P \u3c 0.05). Thus, aberrant aortic formation in utero mediated by molecular regulators of arterial growth occurs in response to chronic hypoxaemia. © 2011 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2011 The Physiological Society

    Maternal Undernourishment in Guinea Pigs Leads to Fetal Growth Restriction with Increased Hypoxic Cells and Oxidative Stress in the Brain.

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    BACKGROUND: We determined whether maternal nutrient restriction (MNR) in guinea pigs leading to fetal growth restriction (FGR) impacts markers for brain hypoxia and oxidative stress. METHODS: Guinea pigs were fed ad libitum (control) or 70% of the control diet before pregnancy, switching to 90% at mid-pregnancy (MNR). Near term, hypoxyprobe-1 (HP-1) was injected into pregnant sows. Fetuses were then necropsied and brain tissues were processed for HP-1 (hypoxia marker) and 4HNE, 8-OHdG, and 3-nitrotyrosine (oxidative stress markers) immunoreactivity (IR). RESULTS: FGR-MNR fetal and brain weights were decreased 38 and 12%, respectively, with brain/fetal weights thereby increased 45% as a measure of brain sparing, and more so in males than females. FGR-MNR HP-1 IR was increased in most of the brain regions studied, and more so in males than females, while 4HNE and 8-OHdG IR were increased in select brain regions, but with no sex differences. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic hypoxia is likely to be an important signaling mechanism in the FGR brain, but with males showing more hypoxia than females. This may involve sex differences in adaptive decreases in growth and normalizing of oxygen, with implications for sex-specific alterations in brain development and risk for later neuropsychiatric disorder

    The effect of intermittent umbilical cord occlusion on elastin composition in the ovine fetus.

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of varying degrees of intermittent umbilical cord occlusion (UCO) on arterial elastin composition. Over 4 days, chronically catheterized late gestation fetal sheep received 5 total UCO per day lasting 1 min/h (mild group: n = 6), 2 min/h (moderate group: n = 4), 3 min/h (severe group; n = 6); or no occlusion (control group: n = 7). Each group was evaluated for elastin content of the carotid and superior mesenteric artery (SMA), the arterial pressure response to UCO, and plasma cortisol concentration. Elastin content of the carotid artery was significantly increased by severe UCO (9.5 ”g/mg versus 6.4 ”g/mg; P \u3c .05) and insignificantly increased in mild and moderate groups, whereas UCO had no effect on elastin content of the SMA. This dose- and site-dependent response of the vasculature appears attributable to the hemodynamic changes that accompany UCO

    Fetal sex impacts birth to placental weight ratio and umbilical cord oxygen values with implications for regulatory mechanisms

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    Background: We determined the effect of fetal sex on birth/placental weight and umbilical vein and artery oxygen values with implications for placental efficiency and regulatory mechanisms underlying fetal–placental growth differences. Methods: A hospital database was used to obtain birth/placental weight, cord PO2 and other information on patients delivering between Jan 1, 1990 and Jun 15, 2011 with GA \u3e 34 weeks (N = 69,836). Oxygen saturation was calculated from the cord PO2 and pH data, while fractional O2 extraction was calculated from the oxygen saturation data. The effect of fetal sex on birth/placental weight, cord PO2, O2 saturation, and fractional O2 extraction was examined in all patients adjusting for pregnancy and labor/delivery covariates, and in a subset of low-risk patients. Results: Birth/placental weights were lower in females indicating decreased placental efficiency. Umbilical vein oxygen values were higher in females attributed to increased uterine blood flow, while artery oxygen values were lower in females attributed to decreased hemoglobin and umbilical blood flow, and increased oxygen consumption. Fetal O2 extraction was increased in females confirming increased O2 consumption relative to delivery. Conclusions: Sex-related differences in uterine/umbilical blood flows, placental development, and fetal O2 consumption can be linked to the differences observed in cord oxygen. The lower umbilical artery oxygen in females as a measure of systemic oxygenation signaling growth could account for their decreased birth weights, while slower development in female placentae could account for their lower placental weights, which could be differentially effected contributing to their lower birth/placental weights

    Maternal nutrient restriction in guinea pigs as an animal model for studying growth-restricted offspring with postnatal catch-up growth

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    We determined the impact of moderate maternal nutrient restriction (MNR) in guinea pigs with fetal growth restriction (FGR) on offspring body and organ weights, hypothesizing that FGR-MNR animals will show catch-up growth but with organ-specific differences. Guinea pig sows were fed ad libitum (Control) or 70% of the control diet from 4 weeks preconception, switching to 90% at midpregnancy (MNR). Control newborns \u3e95 g [appropriate for gestational age (AGA); n = 37] and MNR newborns \u3c85 g (FGR; n = 37) were monitored until neonatal (~25 days) or adult (~110 days) necropsy. Birth weights and body/organ weights at necropsy were used to calculate absolute and fractional growth rates (FRs). FGR-MNR birth weights were decreased ~32% compared with the AGA-Controls. FGR-MNR neonatal whole body FRs were increased ~36% compared with Controls indicating catch-up growth, with values negatively correlated to birth weights indicating the degree of FGR leads to greater catch-up growth. However, the increase in organ FRs in the FGR-MNR neonates compared with Controls was variable, being similar for the brain and kidneys indicating comparable catch-up growth to that of the whole body and twofold increased for the liver but negligible for the heart indicating markedly increased and absent catch-up growth, respectively. While FGR-MNR body and organ weights were unchanged from the AGA-Controls by adulthood, whole body growth rates were increased. These findings confirm early catch-up growth in FGR-MNR guinea pigs but with organ-specific differences and enhanced growth rates by adulthood, which are likely to have implications for structural alterations and disease risk in later life

    Maternal nutrient restriction in Guinea pigs leads to fetal growth restriction with evidence for chronic hypoxia

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    BackgroundWe determined whether maternal nutrient restriction (MNR) in Guinea pigs leading to fetal growth restriction (FGR) impacts markers for tissue hypoxia, implicating a mechanistic role for chronic hypoxia.MethodsGuinea pigs were fed ad libitum (Control) or 70% of the control diet before pregnancy, switching to 90% at mid-pregnancy (MNR). Near term, hypoxyprobe-1 (HP-1), a marker of tissue hypoxia, was injected into pregnant sows. Fetuses were then necropsied and liver, kidney, and placental tissues were processed for erythropoietin (EPO), EPO-receptor (EPOR), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein levels, and for HP-1 immunoreactivity (IR).ResultsFGR-MNR fetuses were 36% smaller with asymmetrical growth restriction compared to controls. EPO and VEGF protein levels were increased in the female FGR-MNR fetuses, providing support for hypoxic stimulus and linkage to increased erythropoiesis, but not in the male FGR-MNR fetuses, possibly reflecting a weaker link between oxygenation and erythropoiesis. HP-1 IR was increased in the liver and kidneys of both male and female FGR-MNR fetuses as an index of local tissue hypoxia, but with no changes in the placenta.ConclusionChronic hypoxia is likely to be an important signaling mechanism for the decreased fetal growth seen with maternal undernutrition and appears to be post-placental in nature

    Gestational age impacts birth to placental weight ratio and umbilical cord oxygen values with implications for the fetal oxygen margin of safety

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    Background: We determined the impact of gestational age (GA) from near term to term to post-term on birth/placental weight ratio and cord oxygen values with implications for placental transport efficiency for oxygen, fetal O2 consumption relative to delivery or fractional O2 extraction, and oxygen margin of safety. Materials and methods: A hospital database was used to obtain birth/placental weight ratios, cord PO2 and other information on patients delivering between Jan 1, 1990 and Jun 15, 2011 with GA \u3e 34 completed weeks (N=69,852). Oxygen saturation was calculated from the cord PO2 and pH data, while fractional O2 extraction was calculated from the oxygen saturation data. The effect of GA grouping on birth/placental weight ratio, cord PO2, O2 saturation, and fractional O2 extraction values, was examined in all patients adjusting for pregnancy and labor/delivery covariates, and in a subset of low-risk patients. Results: Birth/placental weight ratio and umbilical venous O2 values increased with advancing GA, supporting the conjecture of increasing placental transport efficiency for oxygen. However, umbilical arterial O2 values decreased while fractional O2 extraction increased with successive GA groupings, indicating that fetal O2 consumption must be increasing relative to delivery. Conclusions: Fetal O2 consumption can be seen as ever ‘outgrowing’ O2 delivery over the last weeks of pregnancy and leading to a continued lowering in systemic oxygen levels. While this lowering in oxygen may trigger feedback mechanisms with survival benefit, the ‘oxygen margin of safety’ will also be lowered increasing perinatal morbidity and mortality which appear to be hypoxia related

    Differential and synergistic effects of low birth weight and western diet on skeletal muscle vasculature, mitochondrial lipid metabolism and insulin signaling in male guinea pigs

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    Low birth weight (LBW) offspring are at increased risk for developing insulin resistance, a key precursor in metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Altered skeletal muscle vasculature, extracellular matrix, amino acid and mitochondrial lipid metabolism, and insulin signaling are implicated in this pathogenesis. Using uteroplacental insufficiency (UPI) to induce intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and LBW in the guinea pig, we investigated the relationship between UPI-induced IUGR/LBW and later life skeletal muscle arteriole density, fibrosis, amino acid and mitochondrial lipid metabolism, markers of insulin signaling and glucose uptake, and how a postnatal high-fat, high-sugar “Western” diet (WD) modulates these changes. Muscle of 145-day-old male LBW glucose-tolerant offspring displayed diminished vessel density and altered acylcarnitine levels. Disrupted muscle insulin signaling despite maintained whole-body glucose homeostasis also occurred in both LBW and WD-fed male “lean” offspring. Additionally, postnatal WD unmasked LBW-induced impairment of mitochondrial lipid metabolism, as reflected by increased acylcarnitine accumulation. This study provides evidence that early markers of skeletal muscle metabolic dysfunction appear to be influenced by the in utero environment and interact with a high-fat/high-sugar postnatal environment to exacerbate altered mitochondrial lipid metabolism, promoting mitochondrial overload

    The lifelong impact of fetal growth restriction on cardiac development

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    Background: Maternal nutrient restriction (MNR) is a widespread cause of fetal growth restriction (FGR), an independent predictor of heart disease and cardiovascular mortality. Our objective was to examine the developmental and long-term impact of MNR-induced FGR on cardiac structure in a model that closely mimics human development. Methods: A reduction in total caloric intake spanning pregestation through to lactation in guinea pig sows was used to induce FGR. Proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis of cardiomyocytes were assessed in late-gestation fetal, neonatal, and adult guinea pig hearts. Proteomic analysis and pathway enrichment were performed on fetal hearts. Results: Cardiomyocyte proliferation and the number of mononucleated cells were enhanced in the MNR–FGR fetal and neonatal heart, suggesting a delay in cardiomyocyte differentiation. In fetal hearts of MNR–FGR animals, apoptosis was markedly elevated and the total number of cardiomyocytes reduced, the latter remaining so throughout neonatal and into adult life. A reduction in total cardiomyocyte number in adult MNR–FGR hearts was accompanied by exaggerated hypertrophy and a disorganized architecture. Pathway analysis identified genes related to cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Conclusions: FGR influences cardiomyocyte development during critical windows of development, leading to a permanent deficiency in cardiomyocyte number and compensatory hypertrophy in a rodent model that recapitulates human development
