8 research outputs found

    A near-real-time tropical deforestation monitoring algorithm based on the CuSum change detection method

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    Tropical forests are currently under pressure from increasing threats. These threats are mostly related to human activities. Earth observations (EO) are increasingly used for monitoring forest cover, especially synthetic aperture radar (SAR), that is less affected than optical sensors by atmospheric conditions. Since the launch of the Sentinel-1 satellites, numerous methods for forest disturbance monitoring have been developed, including near real-time (NRT) operational algorithms as systems providing early warnings on deforestation. These systems include Radar for Detecting Deforestation (RADD), Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD), Real Time Deforestation Detection System (DETER), and Jica-Jaxa Forest Early Warning System (JJ-FAST). These algorithms provide online disturbance maps and are applied at continental/global scales with a Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) ranging from 0.1 ha to 6.25 ha. For local operators, these algorithms are hard to customize to meet users’ specific needs. Recently, the Cumulative sum change detection (CuSum) method has been developed for the monitoring of forest disturbances from long time series of Sentinel-1 images. Here, we present the development of a NRT version of CuSum with a MMU of 0.03 ha. The values of the different parameters of this NRT CuSum algorithm were determined to optimize the detection of changes using the F1-score. In the best configuration, 68% precision, 72% recall, 93% accuracy and 0.71 F1-score were obtained

    Digital Elevation Models: Terminology and Definitions

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    Digital elevation models (DEMs) provide fundamental depictions of the three-dimensional shape of the Earth’s surface and are useful to a wide range of disciplines. Ideally, DEMs record the interface between the atmosphere and the lithosphere using a discrete two-dimensional grid, with complexities introduced by the intervening hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere. The treatment of DEM surfaces, affected by these intervening spheres, depends on their intended use, and the characteristics of the sensors that were used to create them. DEM is a general term, and more specific terms such as digital surface model (DSM) or digital terrain model (DTM) record the treatment of the intermediate surfaces. Several global DEMs generated with optical (visible and near-infrared) sensors and synthetic aperture radar (SAR), as well as single/multi-beam sonars and products of satellite altimetry, share the common characteristic of a georectified, gridded storage structure. Nevertheless, not all DEMs share the same vertical datum, not all use the same convention for the area on the ground represented by each pixel in the DEM, and some of them have variable data spacings depending on the latitude. This paper highlights the importance of knowing, understanding and reflecting on the sensor and DEM characteristics and consolidates terminology and definitions of key concepts to facilitate a common understanding among the growing community of DEM users, who do not necessarily share the same background

    Extraction et analyse automatiques de reseaux a partir de modeles numeriques de terrain. Contributions a l'analyse d'image de teledetection

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    SIGLEINIST T 73487 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Catchment basin versus Mountain range tessellations from DTMs for islands: Lesvos, Kerguelen, Crete, Cyprus, New-Caledonia, Formosa and Sri Lanka

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    International audienceThe aim is to compare the geomorphometric signatures of catchment basins (using Steepest Descent lines converging to Outlets, SDO) and mountain ranges ('massifs', using Steepest Ascent lines Toward Summits, SATS) on a set of islands in various topographical, geological and morphoclimatic settings

    Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models

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    In recent decades, an important number of regional and global digital elevation models (DEMs) have been released publicly. As a consequence, researchers need to choose between several of these models to perform their studies and to use these DEMs as third-party data to compute derived products (e.g., for orthorectification). However, the comparison of DEMs is not trivial. For most quantitative comparisons, DEMs need to be expressed in the same coordinate reference system (CRS) and sampled over the same grid (i.e., be at the same ground sampling distance with the same pixel-is-area or pixel-is-point convention) with heights relative to the same vertical reference system (VRS). Thankfully, many open tools allow us to perform these transformations precisely and easily. Despite these rigorous transformations, local or global planimetric displacements may still be observed from one DEM to another. These displacements or disparities may lead to significant biases in comparisons of DEM elevations or derived products such as slope, aspect, or curvature. Therefore, before any comparison, the control of DEM planimetric accuracy is certainly a very important task to perform. This paper presents the disparity analysis method enhanced to achieve a sub-pixel accuracy by interpolating the linear regression coefficients computed within an exploration window. This new method is significantly faster than oversampling the input data because it uses the correlation coefficients that have already been computed in the disparity analysis. To demonstrate the robustness of this algorithm, artificial displacements have been introduced through bicubic interpolation in an 11 × 11 grid with a 0.1-pixel step in both directionsThis validation method has been applied in four approximately 10 km × 10 km DEMIX tiles showing different roughness (height distribution). Globally, this new sub-pixel accuracy method is robust. Artificial displacements have been retrieved with typical errors (eb) ranging from 12 to 20% of the pixel size (with the worst case in Croatia). These errors in displacement retrievals are not equally distributed in the 11 × 11 grid, and the overall error Eb depends on the roughness encountered in the different tiles. The second aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the bicubic parameter (slope of the weight function at a distance d = 1 of the interpolated point) on the accuracy of the displacement retrieval. By considering Eb as a quality indicator, tests have been performed in the four DEMIX tiles, making the bicubic parameter vary between −1.5 and 0.0 by a step of 0.1. For each DEMIX tile, the best bicubic (BBC) parameter b* is interpolated from the four Eb minimal values. This BBC parameter b* is low for flat areas (around −0.95) and higher in mountainous areas (around −0.75). The roughness indicator is the standard deviation of the slope norms computed from all the pixels of a tile. A logarithmic regression analysis performed between the roughness indicator and the BBC parameter b* computed in 67 DEMIX tiles shows a high correlation (r = 0.717). The logarithmic regression formula b~σslope estimating the BBC parameter from the roughness indicator is generic and may be applied to estimate the displacements between two different DEMs. This formula may also be used to set up a future Adaptative Best BiCubic (ABBC) that will estimate the local roughness in a sliding window to compute a local BBC b~

    ReCuSum: A polyvalent method to monitor tropical forest disturbances

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    Change detection methods based on Earth Observations are increasingly used to monitor rainforest in the intertropical band. Until recently, deforestation monitoring was mainly based on remotely sensed optical images which often face limitations in humid tropical areas due to frequent cloud coverage. This leads to late detections of disturbance events. Since the launch of Sentinel-1 acquiring images with a revisit time of 12 days and a spatial resolution of 5 x 20 m in Brazil, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images have been increasingly used to monitor deforestation. In this study, we propose a multitemporal version of the change detection method we previously applied to timeseries of Sentinel-1 SAR images, to monitor deforestation/degradation in the Congo rainforest. Our approach is based on a Cumulative Sum (CuSum) method combined with a spatial recombination of Critical Thresholds (CuSum cross-Tc). The newly developed multitemporal CuSum method (ReCuSum) was applied to a time-series of 82 dual polarization (VH, VV) Ground Range Detected (GRD) Sentinel-1 images acquired in the Para State, in the Brazilian Amazonia, from 29/09/2016 to 01/07/2019. The ReCuSum method consists of iteratively applying the CuSum cross-Tc to monitor multiple changes in a time-series by splitting the time-series at each date of detected change and by independently iterating over the time periods resulting from the splits. The number of changes in the time-series was then analysed according to the vegetation type (Forest, non-forest vegetation) determined by visual inspection of optical Sentinel-2 image and PlanetScope monthly mosaic. This showed a difference between non-forest vegetation and forested areas. A threshold based on the number of changes (Tnbc) was then developed to differentiate forest from non-forest disturbances. The ability to monitor non-forest vegetation was analysed: the CuSum cross-Tc detected up to 90% of the total non-forest vegetation area over the study region in the past period. After removing past disturbances and past non-forest vegetation, then removing the pixels covered with non-forest vegetations based on Tnbc, the application of the ReCuSum led to a precision of 81%, a recall of 68%, a kappa coefficient of 0.72 and a F1-score of 0.74 in forest disturbance monitoring. According to these results, ReCuSum applied to Sentinel-1 time-series of images can be used for efficient forest disturbance monitoring and for generating a forest / non-forest map after the application of newly developed post-processing steps. Sentinel-1 imagery can be used for both Forest / Non-forest mapping and for forest disturbance detection. ReCuSum was released as an open-source GIT project available at: https://forgemia. inra.fr/bertrand.ygorra/cusum-deforestation_monitoring