1,327 research outputs found

    Aproximaciones lingüísticas a la hipótesis de la modularidad de la mente

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    In this article we argue that linguistic evidence, particularly coming from language pathologies, point out that Fodor’s Modularity of Mind Hypothesis is too strong. In its place we defend a weaker version of it, meaning that the language faculty is not conditioned by any specific sensorial modality, as signed languages show, and where modular systems can interact among them

    Sobre el Estatuto Lingüístico de las lenguas de señas

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    El objetivo de este artículo es reivindicar que las lenguas de señas o signos son sistemas lingüísticos naturales y no códigos artificiales de comunicación y que, por tanto, deben ser estudiadas como tales desde las disciplinas científicas. Con este objetivo, presentamos evidencias Neurolingüísticas y Psicolingüísticas que contradicen este prejuicio lingüístico arraigado en nuestra sociedad e incluso en ámbitos académicos universitarios

    Stress’ Impact of Supervisory Styles in U.S. Navy Reservists in Central New York During the Military Fiscal Year 2013-2014

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    Recent studies on stress have paid close attention to the outcomes of global trends like the wars on terrorism. In this convulsed world of the 21st Century, civilians and military are exposed to a myriad of drawbacks, and everyone has to manage to carry out their lives and duties. The resulting work-related stress is present in a significant number of complaints in medical centers and hospitals; public, private or military. Although the United States Ready Reserve has not received much attention in the past, they are getting it now, given its more active interactions on foreign and domestic public policies. Hence, this research has sought to reflect upon the relationship between stress and supervisory styles in the reserve centers. This study reviewed and critiqued relevant empirical literature of the past two decades concerned with stress in the workplace. It also visited some historical publications on supervision and leadership styles affecting performances. In all, the results showed that the organizational culture is more related to stress than the supervisory styles in a naval reserve center. Still, since there is not a similar research-paper to correlate this outcome, additional studies are needed to ensure a better understanding of what should be the appropriate climate in the reserve centers for military reservists

    Techno-morphological analysis and raw materials of lithic artifacts from Laguna de La Flecha 10 site (Lago Musters, Chubut)

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    Este trabajo se encuadra dentro de un proyecto general orientado al análisis del aprovechamiento de los ambientes fluviales por parte de los grupos cazadores-recolectores en el Holoceno tardío. El área de trabajo elegida es la cuenca del lago Musters (Chubut, Argentina) y el objetivo central es verificar la existencia de diversificación económica y conocer la forma en que fue utilizado este particular ambiente. Los resultados que aquí se presentan se refieren a estudios del material lítico del sitio Laguna de La Flecha 10 (LF10), ubicado en el sector noreste del lago y asociado a lentes de fogón. El carbón recuperado en una de ellas, perteneciente al componente inferior, fue datado en ca. 1.140 años AP. En una primera aproximación para conocer la organización de la tecnología lítica de estas ocupaciones, a través del análisis tecno-morfológico del conjunto artefactual, se caracteriza su diversidad tipológica y se estudian las materias primas utilizadas. Los resultados de este estudio dan cuenta de una alta diversidad artefactual y de la presencia de ciertos tipos de instrumentos que permiten inferir una utilización de tipo residencial del sitio, y caracterizar a LF10 como un campamento base, en el que se realizaron múltiples actividades. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta el reducido tamaño del conjunto artefactual y, especialmente, el bajo número de instrumentos, éste habría sido ocupado durante lapsos de tiempo corto. Por otro lado, el uso de materias primas locales haría pensar en un tipo de aprovisionamiento del material lítico no especializado, habiéndose realizado probablemente junto con otras actividades.This research is part of a general project about the utilization of fluvial environments by hunter- gatherers in the area of Musters Lake (Chubut, Argentina) during the late Holocene. The principal aim is to assess the existence of economic diversification and to establish the way in which this particular environment was used. The results presented here refer to the studies of the lithic material of Laguna de La Flecha 10 (LF10), a site located in the north-east area of the lake. The site is associated with hearths dated ca. 1.140 years BP. In order to characterize the organization of lithic technology of the occupations, by the way of the techno-morphologic analysis of the artefactual assemblage, we assess assemblage typological diversity and raw material composition. The results of this study indicate a high artefactual diversity and the types of instruments represented suggest a residential utilization of the site. This would allow us to characterize LF10 as a base camp, where many activities were performed. Nevertheless, considering the small size of the artefactual set, and specially the low number of instruments, we conclude that it had been occupied for short periods of time. In addition, we consider that the local raw material used was acquired within an embedded strategy.Fil: Reyes, Mariano Rodolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - Sede Comodoro; ArgentinaFil: Peralta Gonzalez, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - Sede Comodoro; Argentin

    Análisis de los contenidos de los dosieres de las asignaturas elaborados por los docentes de la carrera de Educación Comercial, entregada a los alumnos de tercer año, primer semestre 2016

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    Este documento está basado en los contenidos de los dosieres de las asignaturas elaborados por los docentes, que entregan a los alumnos de tercer año en el primer semestre 2016. Durante la investigación se analizaron algunas dificultades encontradas al respecto a la reproducción de dosieres que son entregados a los alumnos. De acuerdo al tipo de investigación tanto maestros como estudiantes se les hizo una entrevista. Los instrumentos antes mencionados nos brindan pautas para determinar probables causas de problemas identificados y así los alumnos podrán tener mejor rendimiento académico. Al final esta tesis propone que esto dosieres deben ser ejecutivos con el enfoque metodológico con alto contenido científico y alto nivel de actualizació

    Síntesis de moléculas híbridas entre terpenos utilizando Click Chemistry

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    68 p.Se realizó la síntesis de dieciséis nuevas moléculas híbridas a partir de terpenos utilizando click chemistry. Para lograr esto se recurre a los grupos funcionales de los terpenos seleccionados (sesquiterpenos, diterpenos y triterpenos) en el que se logró obtener terpenos con grupo alquino y terpenos con grupo azida que luego se fusionaron. Esto se llevó a cabo mediante reacciones de esterificación, reducción, sustitución y adición. Los terpenos seleccionados fueron: ácido ciperenoico, ácido dehidroabiético, ácido carnósico, ferruginol, ácido imbricatólico, ácido oleanólico y ácido acetil aleuritólico, los cuales se encontraban previamente aislados y caracterizados desde diferentes plantas. Estos terpenos híbridos están en condiciones de ser analizados frente a una potencial actividad biológica, ya sea con un rol aditivo o distinto frente a la que ya se registra actualmente en la literatura

    Design of interactive distance learning equipment.

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    Distance education focuses on the entitlement of children with limited learning opportunities to schooling experiences that are equivalent to those enjoyed by other students. The means for delivering the curriculum to these learners have been many and varied, but most of these are either unaffordable or deficient in their provision of interactive audio and visual enhancements which are necessary for the pupils' effective understanding of the lesson. The project documented in this report attempts to expand students' access to the curriculum, by providing a cost effective solution to the problems of teaching at a distance. The proposal builds on the cooperative sharing of educational resources within clusters of schools, through which pupils are enabled to study subjects not offered in their own campuses but available in other schools within the cluster. The proposed product employs the concept of a collaborative "electronic blackboard" interface, which allows teachers and remote students to interact with freehand notations on a shared screen. Using audiographics conferencing techniques, remote lessons with live voices and graphic information are transmitted simultaneously to various participating sites. The central focus of the product's design is on the digitiser screen, which accepts handwritten input directly on the display. This provides the user with better eye-hand coordination than was possible in previous systems. The convertibility of the screen from a writing tablet into a computer monitor recognises the students' twin needs for a remote communication device and a computer for other school computing applications. The report covers an extensive analysis of the current status of distance education in Australia, the various technologies used in curriculum delivery, the reactions of users to existing remote learning methods, and the market for distance education and teleconferencing. It documents the various stages of the concept development, and presents the final design in photographs and in line drawings. A study of the commercial viability of the proposal is also included

    Dynamic selection of suitable pivots for similarity search in metric spaces

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    This paper presents a data structure based on Sparse Spatial Selection (SSS) for similarity searching. An algorithm that tries periodically to adjust pivots to the use of database index is presented. This index is dynamic. In this way, it is possible to improve the amount of discriminations done by the pivots. So, the primary objective of indexes is achieved: to reduce the number of distance function evaluations, as it is showed in the experimentationVI Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI