23 research outputs found
Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan (Penumpang Domestik) terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan pada PT. Angkasa Pura H (Persero) Cabang Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim H Pekanbaru
Penelitian dilakukan pada PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Cabang Bandar UdaraSultan Syarif Kasim II Pekanbaru yang beralamat di Jalan Perhubungan UdaraKelurahan Maharatu Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kotamadya Pekanbarudengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tingkat kepuasan pelangganpenumpang domestik) terhadap kualitas pelayanan pada PT. Angkasa Pura II(Persero) Cabang Bandara SSK II Pekanbaru. Penentuan sampel denganmenggunakan teknik Proportionate Random Sampling diperoleh sebanyak 100(seratus) responden yang melakukan perjalanan domestikDari hasil analisis diperoleh variabel Keandalan (Reliability), Daya Tanggap,Jaminan (Assurance), Empati (Emphaty), Bukti Langsung (Tangibles)memberikan kontribusi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan.Dari Diagram Kartesius dapat dilihat atribut-atribut atau faktor-faktor yangharus diperhatikan untuk ditingkatkan. Saran pada kuadran B dan C dimanayang mendapatkan prosentase tertinggi . Pada kuadran B menyatakan faktorkepuasan yang sangat penting bagi pelanggan, namun sudah dilakukan denganbaik oleh Perusahaan sehingga wajib dipertahankan. Sedangkan pada kuadran Cmerupakan faktor kepuasan yang dianggap kurang penting bagi pelanggan,namun sudah dilakukan dengan baik oleh Perusahaan. Sedangkan pada kuadranA juga harus diperhatikan, karena merupakan prioritas utama yang harusdilaksanakan agar sesiuxi dengan harapan pelanggan
Pengaruh Biaya Periklanan dan Biaya Promosi Penjualan terhadap Volume Penjualan pada PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru
This study aimed to measure the effect of the advertising fee which consists of; the cost of print advertising, radio broadcasting costs, the cost of brochures / booklets and sales promotion which consists of; the cost of monthly exhibitions as well as a raffle coupon to sales volume PT. Agung Automall located Soetomo streets of Pekanbaru. In this study consists of five independent variables consisting of print ads (X1), radio (X2), brochures and booklets (X3), the cost of monthly exhibitions (X4), the cost of lottery tickets (X5) and the dependent variable sales volume (Y ). This study uses data analysis using multiple linear regression (multiple regression) with SPSS (Statistic Services For Product and Solution) Version 17.0 These results indicate that the advertising and sales promotion variables simultaneously (test f) significant positive effect on the volume of sales at PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru, while (t test) in partial print ads, radio, brochures / booklets, monthly exhibitions as well as lottery tickets, just print ads and promotional monthly significant effect on the volume of sales at PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru. Adusjted (R2) square of the model influence the cost of advertising and sales promotion expenses to sales volume in PT. Agung Automall Soetomo Pekanbaru by sixtyone point eight percent. While the remaining thirty-eight point two percent is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.Keywords: Advertising Costs, Costs of Sales Promotion, Sales Volum
Dampak Brand Equity pada Keputusan Pembelian melalui Brand Preference Konsumen pada Produk Televisi Merek Sony di Kota Pekanbaru
This study aimed to analyze the effect of brand equity on the purchase decisions of consumers through brand preference Sony brand televisions in the city of Pekanbaru. This study used 112 samples. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis method is a way to test variables, regression test, and final test path analysis or path analysis. From the results of the testing that has been done, brand equity directly affect Consumer Buying Decision on Sony Television Products in Pekanbaru "is acceptable because the value of the regression is positive and t count> t table. Influential Brand Equity Against Indirect Consumer Purchase Decision Through Brand Preference on Sony Television Products in Pekanbaru "received as a result of the indirect effect of variables consisting of Brand Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality) on consumer purchasing decisions through more Brand Preference greater than the value of the direct influence of the variables consisting of Brand Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality) on consumer purchasing decisions through Brand Preference. So when variables consisting of Brand Equity (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality) increased, it will cause an increase in the variable purchase decision and also the variable Brand Preference.Keywords: Brand Equity, Brand Preference, Purchase Decisio