22 research outputs found

    Ophiostomatoid fungi (Ascomycota: Ophiostomataceae) associated with bark beetles and their possible economic impact in forests and timber production

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    Ophiostomatoid fungi are commercially and economically important group of fungi in forestry and timber production. This group is represented by several genera of Ascomycetes with common morphological characteristics, although withdistinct taxonomy and phylogeny. Several genera of ophiostomatoid fungi have been considered synonymous solely based on morphological similarities as a result of an adaptation to insect dispersal. Ophiostomatoid fungi cause considerable economic losses in the forestry and timber production due to sap stain and vascular wilt diseases. The threat of introduced ophiostomatoid fungi is increasing with the global timber trade and loose control measurements. An overview of the taxonomy, ecology, concept of association (mutualism/symbiosis) and the economic importance of ophiostomatoid fungi are provided

    Ofiostomatoidne glive (Ascomycota: Ophiostomataceae) na podlubnikih in njihov možni gospodarski vpliv na gozdove in lesno proizvodnjo

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    Ophiostomatoid fungi are commercially and economically important group of fungi in forestry and timber production. This group is represented by several genera of Ascomycetes with common morphological characteristics, although withdistinct taxonomy and phylogeny. Several genera of ophiostomatoid fungi have been considered synonymous solely based on morphological similarities as a result of an adaptation to insect dispersal. Ophiostomatoid fungi cause considerable economic losses in the forestry and timber production due to sap stain and vascular wilt diseases. The threat of introduced ophiostomatoid fungi is increasing with the global timber trade and loose control measurements. An overview of the taxonomy, ecology, concept of association (mutualism/symbiosis) and the economic importance of ophiostomatoid fungi are provided.Ofiostomatoidne glive so komercialno in gospodarsko pomembna skupina gliv za gozdarstvo in za proizvodnjo lesa. To skupino predstavlja več rodov Ascomycetes, ki imajo veliko enakih morfoloških značilnosti, vendar različno taksonomijo in filogenijo. Več rodov ofiostomatoidnih gliv je bilo štetih kot sinonim na podlagi morfološke podobnosti, ki je rezultat prilagoditve vektorskemu raznosu. Ofiostomatoidne glive povzročajo velike gospodarske izgube v gozdarstvu in lesni proizvodnji, ker povzročajo obarvanje beljave in bolezni prevodnih elementov dreves. Nevarnost vnosa ofiostomatoidnih gliv se veča z globalno trgovino z lesom in z ohlapnimi ukrepi nadzora trgovine. Prikazana sta pregled taksonomije, ekologije, koncept asociacije (mutualizem /simbioza) in gospodarska pomembnost ofiostomatoidnih gliv

    Vektorski odnos ofiostomatoidnih gljiva i Ips amitinus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) na smreci ovisno o vremenu naseljavanja, položaju na stablu i fazi razvoja

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    The small spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus is predominantly found in the spruce forests in mountainous areas of Central Europe. Its most important host trees are Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Under favourable weather and trophic conditions, this bark beetle can become dangerous, particularly for younger trees and plantations. The climate changes that we face today can be favourable to the species, which had not been economically important in the past but is currently causing forest damage. Information about the ecological/biological characteristics of I. amitinus in the literature is rare, especially for bark beetle–fungi associations; though bark beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) species are known to be associated with variety of fungi. We investigated the factors affecting the associations of ophiostomatoid fungi with I. amitinus on Norway spruce. Material for this study was collected in the year 2010 near Dravograd, in north Slovenia, where Norway spruce trees were felled during the winter windthrow. Four hundred and forty-two samples (bark beetles and infested samples from wood discs, from two trees at 0.5 m, 6 m and 15 meters above the stump) were taken for ophiostomatoid fungi investigation. Isolation yielded a total of 625 isolates. Ophiostomatoid fungi were the most numerously represented group. Identified fungal isolates belonged to ten species. The most commonly found fungal associate was Ophiostoma brunneo-ciliatum, followed by Grosmannia penicillata, Ophiostoma bicolor, Ceratocystiopsis minuta, Grosmannia piceiperda, Endoconidiophora polonica, Ophiostoma piceae, Ophiostoma fuscum, Grosmannia cucullata, Graphium fimbriisporum. The association with O. fuscum, G. cucullata and G. fimbriisporum have not been demonstrated previously. The differences in distribution of fungi over different beetle life stages (adults, larvae, pupae) and infested wood were investigated.Mali osmerozubi smrekov pisar Ips amitinus najčešće naseljava smreku u montanskima područjima Središnje Europe. Najvažniji domaćin je obična smreka (Picea abies) i bijeli bor (Pinus sylvestris). U ugodnim vremenskim i trofičnim uvjetima, potkornjak postaje opasan, posebno za mlađa stabla u plantažama. Klimatske promjene, s kojima se suočavamo danas, mogu biti povoljne za vrste koje nisu bile ekonomski važne u prošlosti, a u zadnje vrijeme počinju pričinjavati štete u šumama. Informacije o ekološkim/biološkim obilježjima I. amitinus su u literaturi rijetke, posebice za asocijacije potkornjaka i gljiva; iako je poznato da su vrste potkornjaka (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) povezane s različitim gljivama. Istraživali smo čimbenike koji utječu na asocijacije ofiostomatoidnih gljiva s I. amitinus na običnoj smreki. Materijal za studiju bio je prikupljen 2010. godine u blizini Dravograda, na sjeveru Slovenije, gdje je u zimskim vjetrovima bila porušena obična smreka. Za izolacije ofiostomatoidnih gljiva prikupili smo 442 uzorka (kukci i zaraženo drvo - uzorci iz drvenih diskova, s dva stabla na 0,5 m, 6 m i 15 metara iznad panja). Uzeto je ukupno 625 izolata. Ofiostomatoidne gljive su bile najbrojnije zastupljene skupine. Identificirali smo deset vrsta gljiva. Najčešća je bila Ophiostoma brunneo-ciliatum, slijedile su Grosmannia penicillata, Ophiostoma bicolor, Ceratocystiopsis minuta, Grosmannia piceiperda, Endoconidiophora polonica, Ophiostoma piceae, Ophiostoma fuscum, Grosmannia cucullata, Graphium fimbriisporum. Povezanost I. amitinus s O. fuscum, G. cucullata i G. fimbriisporum bila je prvi put potvrđena. Istraživali smo razlike u pojavljivanju pojedinih vrsta gljiva u različitim stadijima života potkornjaka (adulti, ličinke, kukuljice) i zaraženih uzoraka drva

    Mesec požarne varnosti 2023: Požari v naravi

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    Ophiostomatoid fungi (Ascomycota: Ophiostomataceae) associated with bark beetles and their possible economic impact in forests and timber production

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    Ofiostomatoidne glive so komercialno in gospodarsko pomembna skupina gliv za gozdarstvo in za proizvodnjo lesa. To skupino predstavlja več rodov Ascomycetes, ki imajo veliko enakih morfoloških značilnosti, vendar različno taksonomijo in filogenijo. Več rodov ofiostomatoidnih gliv je bilo štetih kot sinonim na podlagi morfološke podobnosti, ki je rezultat prilagoditve vektorskemu raznosu. Ofiostomatoidne glive povzročajo velike gospodarske izgube v gozdarstvu in lesni proizvodnji, ker povzročajo obarvanje beljave in bolezni prevodnih elementov dreves. Nevarnost vnosa ofiostomatoidnih gliv se veča z globalno trgovino z lesom in z ohlapnimi ukrepi nadzora trgovine. Prikazana sta pregled taksonomije, ekologije, koncept asociacije (mutualizem /simbioza) in gospodarska pomembnost ofiostomatoidnih gliv.Ophiostomatoid fungi are commercially and economically important group of fungi in forestry and timber production. This group is represented by several genera of Ascomycetes with common morphological characteristics, although withdistinct taxonomy and phylogeny. Several genera of ophiostomatoid fungi have been considered synonymous solely based on morphological similarities as a result of an adaptation to insect dispersal. Ophiostomatoid fungi cause considerable economic losses in the forestry and timber production due to sap stain and vascular wilt diseases. The threat of introduced ophiostomatoid fungi is increasing with the global timber trade and loose control measurements. An overview of the taxonomy, ecology, concept of association (mutualism/symbiosis) and the economic importance of ophiostomatoid fungi are provided

    Urban trees and their management in Lesce

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    V Lescah smo naredili inventuro 725 osebkov drevnine, od tega je bilo 79,2 % dreves in 20,8 % grmov. Izmerili smo obseg v prsni višini in višino, ocenili vitalnost in poškodovanost ter predlagali ukrepe za nego in vzdrževanje. V Lescah prevladuje mlada, na novo posajena drevnina (58,2 %). Za mlado drevninosmo predlagali 171 vseh ukrepov ali 75,3 %. Nobeno staro drevo ni vitalno, kar 84,6 % jih je poškodovanih. Med Leščani smo izvedli anketo o njihovem mnenju glede drevnine in zelenih površin v Lescah. Ugotovili smo, da si krajani želijo zelenje v svojem okolju, da pa potrebujejo nasvete in usmerjanje strokovnjaka pri vzdrževanju, negi, sajenju. Ugotovili smo tudi, dani razlik v mnenju ljudi, ki se ukvarjajo z drevnino, in tistimi, ki se ne.We made an inventory of trees and shrubs in Lesce, which included 725 individuals. They comprised mainly trees (79.8 %), while shrubs were less abundant (20.2 %). Each individual was given a serial number, and the following characteristics were recorded: locationdimensions (height and diameter at breast height)vitality: visible damageand recommendations for further tending. In Lesce young, recently planted trees and shrubs were common(58.2 %), for which we suggested 171 or 75.3 % from all measures. Old trees were not vital, and 84.6 % of them showed damage. Among the inhabitants of Lesce we made a survey regarding their opinion toward trees and shrubs and green spaces in Lesce. We discovered that residents wanted greenery in their environment but they needed suggestions and help from professionals regarding maintenance, care and planting. We found that there was no difference between people who were involved in maintaining greenery and those who were not