79 research outputs found

    Distribution of velocities in an avalanche

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    For a driven elastic object near depinning, we derive from first principles the distribution of instantaneous velocities in an avalanche. We prove that above the upper critical dimension, d >= d_uc, the n-times distribution of the center-of-mass velocity is equivalent to the prediction from the ABBM stochastic equation. Our method allows to compute space and time dependence from an instanton equation. We extend the calculation beyond mean field, to lowest order in epsilon=d_uc-d.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Imaging the symmetry breaking of molecular orbitals in carbon nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes have attracted considerable interest for their unique electronic properties. They are fascinating candidates for fundamental studies of one dimensional materials as well as for future molecular electronics applications. The molecular orbitals of nanotubes are of particular importance as they govern the transport properties and the chemical reactivity of the system. Here we show for the first time a complete experimental investigation of molecular orbitals of single wall carbon nanotubes using atomically resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Local conductance measurements show spectacular carbon-carbon bond asymmetry at the Van Hove singularities for both semiconducting and metallic tubes, demonstrating the symmetry breaking of molecular orbitals in nanotubes. Whatever the tube, only two types of complementary orbitals are alternatively observed. An analytical tight-binding model describing the interference patterns of ? orbitals confirmed by ab initio calculations, perfectly reproduces the experimental results

    Avalanches in mean-field models and the Barkhausen noise in spin-glasses

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    We obtain a general formula for the distribution of sizes of "static avalanches", or shocks, in generic mean-field glasses with replica-symmetry-breaking saddle points. For the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) spin-glass it yields the density rho(S) of the sizes of magnetization jumps S along the equilibrium magnetization curve at zero temperature. Continuous replica-symmetry breaking allows for a power-law behavior rho(S) ~ 1/(S)^tau with exponent tau=1 for SK, related to the criticality (marginal stability) of the spin-glass phase. All scales of the ultrametric phase space are implicated in jump events. Similar results are obtained for the sizes S of static jumps of pinned elastic systems, or of shocks in Burgers turbulence in large dimension. In all cases with a one-step solution, rho(S) ~ S exp(-A S^2). A simple interpretation relating droplets to shocks, and a scaling theory for the equilibrium analog of Barkhausen noise in finite-dimensional spin glasses are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Spin-Wave-Assisted Thermal Reversal of Epitaxial Perpendicular Magnetic Nanodots

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    The magnetic susceptibility of self-organized two-dimensional Co nanodots on Au(111) has been measured as a function of their size in the 2-7~nm diameter range. We show that the activation energy for the thermal reversal displays a power law behavior with the dot volume. Atomic scale simulations based on the Heisenberg hamiltonian show that this behavior is due to a deviation from the macrospin model for dot size as small as 3~nm in diameter. This discrepancy is attributed to finite temperature effects through the thermal excitation of spin-wave modes inside the particlesComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Aging dynamics of non-linear elastic interfaces: the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

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    In this work, the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in (1+1) dimensions is studied by means of numerical simulations, focussing on the two-times evolution of an interface in the absence of any disordered environment. This work shows that even in this simple case, a rich aging behavior develops. A multiplicative aging scenario for the two-times roughness of the system is observed, characterized by the same growth exponent as in the stationary regime. The analysis permits the identification of the relevant growing correlation length, accounting for the important scaling variables in the system. The distribution function of the two-times roughness is also computed and described in terms of a generalized scaling relation. These results give good insight into the glassy dynamics of the important case of a non-linear elastic line in a disordered medium.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Ageing memory and glassiness of a driven vortex system

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    Many systems in nature, glasses, interfaces and fractures being some examples, cannot equilibrate with their environment, which gives rise to novel and surprising behaviour such as memory effects, ageing and nonlinear dynamics. Unlike their equilibrated counterparts, the dynamics of out-of- equilibrium systems is generally too complex to be captured by simple macroscopic laws. Here we investigate a system that straddles the boundary between glass and crystal: a Bragg glass formed by vortices in a superconductor. We find that the response to an applied force evolves according to a stretched exponential, with the exponent reflecting the deviation from equilibrium. After the force is removed, the system ages with time and its subsequent response time scales linearly with its age (simple ageing), meaning that older systems are slower than younger ones. We show that simple ageing can occur naturally in the presence of sufficient quenched disorder. Moreover, the hierarchical distribution of timescales, arising when chunks of loose vortices cannot move before trapped ones become dislodged, leads to a stretched-exponential response.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Relaxation and reconstruction on (111) surfaces of Au, Pt, and Cu

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    We have theoretically studied the stability and reconstruction of (111) surfaces of Au, Pt, and Cu. We have calculated the surface energy, surface stress, interatomic force constants, and other relevant quantities by ab initio electronic structure calculations using the density functional theory (DFT), in a slab geometry with periodic boundary conditions. We have estimated the stability towards a quasi-one-dimensional reconstruction by using the calculated quantities as parameters in a one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model. On all surfaces we have found an intrinsic tensile stress. This stress is large enough on Au and Pt surfaces to lead to a reconstruction in which a denser surface layer is formed, in agreement with experiment. The experimentally observed differences between the dense reconstruction pattern on Au(111) and a sparse structure of stripes on Pt(111) are attributed to the details of the interaction potential between the first layer of atoms and the substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Grain Boundaries in Graphene on SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) Substrate

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    Grain boundaries in epitaxial graphene on the SiC(0001ˉ\bar{1}) substrate are studied using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. All investigated small-angle grain boundaries show pronounced out-of-plane buckling induced by the strain fields of constituent dislocations. The ensemble of observations allows to determine the critical misorientation angle of buckling transition θc=19± 2\theta_c = 19 \pm~2^\circ. Periodic structures are found among the flat large-angle grain boundaries. In particular, the observed θ=33±2\theta = 33\pm2^\circ highly ordered grain boundary is assigned to the previously proposed lowest formation energy structural motif composed of a continuous chain of edge-sharing alternating pentagons and heptagons. This periodic grain boundary defect is predicted to exhibit strong valley filtering of charge carriers thus promising the practical realization of all-electric valleytronic devices

    Uniform magnetic properties for an ultrahigh-density lattice of noninteracting Co nanostructures

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    We report on the magnetic properties of two-dimensional Co nanoparticles arranged in macroscopically phase-coherent superlattices created by self-assembly on Au(788). Our particles have a density of 26 Tera/in(2) (1 Tera=10(12)), are monodomain, and have uniaxial out-of-plane anisotropy. The distribution of the magnetic anisotropy energies has a half width at half maximum of 17%, a factor of 2 more narrow than the best results reported for superlattices of three-dimensional nanoparticles. Our data show the absence of magnetic interactions between the particles. Co/Au(788) thus constitutes an ideal model system to explore the ultimate density limit of magnetic recording