2 research outputs found

    Påverkar anställningsformen motivationen hos en anställd?

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    Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur ett större privat företags motivationsarbete uppfattas av dess anställda samt om de anställdas motivation kan bero på antal arbetade timmar. Det finns begränsningar inom tidigare forskning kring anställningsformens påverkan på motivation och vi ämnar där av bidra med ny kunskap på detta område. Studien visar en kontinuitet där de motivationsåtaganden som IKEA tar även uppfattas och påverkar de anställda. Vidare visar studien inte på något samband mellan motivation och antalet arbetade timmar, istället pekar studien mot att motivation är opåverkat av antal arbetade timmar.The purpose with this study is to investigate how a private company works to motivate its employees and how the employees perceive this effort and if differences in motivation is dependent on the number of hours worked. The study shows that the motivational efforts that IKEA makes is perceived by the employees. However, the study does not show any relationship between motivation and number of hours worked, instead it points towards that motivation is unaffected by number of hours worked

    Risk Analysis for Strategic Sourcing

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    Today, the global marketplace enable supply chains to be spread out and linked across the world, thus increasing the nodes and parties involved. This combined with customers expecting the same or increased product availability has increased the need of an agile and robust supply chain. In order to achieve this, it is of vital importance for companies to be aware of and know how to work with their supply chain risk environment. The first step in understanding the risk environment is to identify which risks the company is subjected to. The identified risks then needs to be assessed based on criticality and the most critical risks need to be actively and proactively mitigated