46 research outputs found

    Face Verification using Fundamental Matrices

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    Language � Svenska/Swedish Engelska/Englis


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    Mean Value Modelling of the intake manifold temperatur

    Detecting Start of Combustion using Knock Sensor Signals

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    Nyckelord Keywords F ordelarna med att veta f orbranningsstarten i en direktinsprutad dieselmotor ar flera. Exempel ar f ormagan att optimera branslef orbrukningen gentemot utslappsnivan och okade m ojligheter att diagnostisera insprutningsutrustningen. Aterkoppling av f orbranningsstarten m ojligg or dessutom anvandandet av billigare elektronik och mekanik. Dagens motorstyrsystem anvander sig i basta fall av aterkoppling av insprutningen. Eftersom det ar f orbranningen som ger upphov till kraften och utslappen och eftersom f ordr ojningen mellan insprutnings- och f orbranningsstart varierar, sa vore det mycket battre att kontrollera f orbranningsstarten. En ny teknik f or detektion av f orbranningsstarten som bygger pa analys av knacksignaler beskrivs har. Metoden baseras pa matta signaler fran billiga och mycket anvanda knacksensorer. Signalerna bandpassfiltreras, den resulterande signalens envelopp raknas ut och slutligen j amf ors enveloppens varden med en tr oskel..

    Driveline Modelling using MathModelica

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    This thesis is a study of driveline modelling. The modelling is done in MathModelica. Components from the free standard Modelica library have been used when appropriate. The remaining components have either been defined by mathematical equations only or by using mathematical equations together with standard components. The main work has been put into modeling and verifying the clutch, manual gearbox, final drive, shafts, brake and wheel. To this, models of engine, driver, chassis and air drag have been connected and simulated during different driving cycles. The vehicle model is moving in longitudinal motion. The results shows the expected behaviours, however since no measurements has been available it is hard to say how near the truth the model is, just that the qualitative behaviour is correct. Notation For respective indexes applies # # a# # # . Engine # e engine angle [rad] m ac mass of air in the cylinders [kg] M e torque out of engine [Nm] p amb ambient pressure [Pa] p i intake manifold pressure [Pa] u e accelerator pedal signal Clutch # c,in angle of clutch input [rad] # c,out angle of clutch output [rad] # rel relative angular velocity, i.e. # c,in E# c,out [rad/s] # c friction coefficient between clutch discs c c,s,k ratio between maximum static and kinetic torque F c normal force pressing the clutch discs together [N] M c friction torque transferred in clutch [Nm] M c,k kinetic friction torque transferred in clutch [Nm] M c,s static friction torque transferred in clutch [Nm] M c,in torque driving clutch [Nm] M c,out torque out of clutch [Nm] u c clutch signal, 0 for free and 1 for fully engaged clutch Gearbox # g,in angle of gearbox input [rad] # g,out angle of gearbox output [rad] M g,in torque driving gearbox [Nm] M g,out torque o..

    av Supervisor: Erik Frisk

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    Implementation of model-based diagnosis methods on an inverted pendelum Examensarbete utfort i Fordonssystem vid Tekniska Hogskolan i Linkopin

    Active Model-based diagnosis-applied on the JAS39 Gripen fuel pressurization system Diagnosis

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    Traditional diagnosis has been performed with hardware redundancy and limit checking. The development of more powerful computers have made a new kind of diagnosis possible. Todays computing power allows models of the system to be run in real time and thus making model based diagnosis possible. The objective with this thesis is to investigate the potential of model based diagnosis, especially when combined with active diagnosis. The diagnosis system has been applied on a model of the JAS39 Gripen fuel pressurization system. With the sensors available today no satisfying diagnosis system can be built. However, by adding a couple of sensors and using active model based diagnosis all faults can be detected and isolated into a group of at most three components. Since the diagnosis system in this thesis only had a model of the real system to be tested at this thesis is not directly applicable on the real system. What can be used is the diagnosis approach and the residuals and decision structure developed here. Acknowledgemen

    Re nr: LiTH-ISY-EX-2034

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    The art of injecting the correct amount of fue