109 research outputs found

    Kesan penggunaan peta konsep dan pembelajaran koperatif terhadap prestasi pelajar dalam mata pelajaran sejarah tingkatan empat

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    This article attempts to examine the effectiveness of the use of concept map cognitive strategies and cooperative learning to improve comprehension, short-term knowledge, and ability to solve a given problem based on the topics taught in the form of essay questions at the end of the lesson or test for Form Four History subject. This study also aims to see the difference in performance between male and female students who use concept map cognitive strategies and cooperative learning than male and female students who do not use cooperative learning. A total of 60 students from secondary schools in Penang were taken as a sample. This study used a quasi-experiment with a 2x2 factorial design involving t-test at a 0.05 significance level. The results showed that students who learn to use concept maps learning strategies and cooperative approach can improve performance achievement in the subject of history. Students not only can improve the understanding of the topic being taught, but also can use the new knowledge gained from cooperative learning to solve problems with more confidence. Therefore, learning using concept maps and cooperative strategy is proposed to be practiced in the teaching and learning of History subject in form 4

    Kesan Penggunaan Peta Konsep dan Pembelajaran Koperatif terhadap prestasi pelajar dalam mata pelajaran sejarah tingkatan empat

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    This article attempts to examine the effectiveness of the use of concept map cognitive strategies and cooperative learning to improve comprehension, short-term knowledge, and ability to solve a given problem based on the topics taught in the form of essay questions at the end of the lesson or test for Form Four History subject. This study also aims to see the difference in performance between male and female students who use concept map cognitive strategies and cooperative learning than male and female students who do not use cooperative learning. A total of 60 students from secondary schools in Penang were taken as a sample. This study used a quasi-experiment with a 2x2 factorial design involving t-test at a 0.05 significance level. The results showed that students who learn to use concept maps learning strategies and cooperative approach can improve performance achievement in the subject of history. Students not only can improve the understanding of the topic being taught, but also can use the new knowledge gained from cooperative learning to solve problems with more confidence. Therefore, learning using concept maps and cooperative strategy is proposed to be practiced in the teaching and learning of History subject in form 4

    Devian sosial

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    The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between sex behavior and substance abuse with mental health problems among multi-ethnic secondary school students in Sabah. About 500 high school students, mean age 16.06 from Sabah, Malaysia participated in completing the questionnaire. A survey design using questionnaires that have been confirmed include the Symptom Checklist-90, Sexual Behavior Questionnaire used by Kite (1990) to measure sexual behavior and questionnaires. Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Involvement Scale was used to measure substance abuse. The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between sexual behavior and mental health problems. Results also showed that alcohol addiction as no significant relationship with mental health problems and there are significant differences among ethnic groups in Sabah. Interventions and the importance of mental health issues are also discussed

    Stress and mental health problem on secondary school student in Sabah

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    Several studies proved there is a significant relationship among stress with mental health, depression and stress that prolonged. (Abouserie, 1994; Diane & Misty, 1997; Bojuwoye, 2002; Mahadir, Shazli Ezzat, Normah & Ponnusamy, 2004; Najib, Che Su, Zarina & Suhanim, 2005; Najeemah, 2005). The purpose of the study is to create mental health profile among students in Sabah. This research also tends to find out the relationship between stress and mental health among secondary students in Sabah. Furthermore this research also tends to find out the differences of mental health among multi-ethnic secondary school student. There is about 500 secondary students was aged mean 16.06 was taken from Sabah to do survey. Finding indicated that there is a positive significance correlation between stress with mental health (r= .731, p < .001). Results also indicate there were significant differences among ethnic groups in Sabah (F (9.490) = 4.625, p <.05). The importance of mental health issues and intervention had been discussed

    Pengaruh optimistik, kecekapan kendiri umum dan sokongan sosial terhadap kebahagiaan remaja miskin di Sabah

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    Kajian dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh optimistik, kecekapan kendiri umum, sokongan sosial dan afek positif-negatif ke atas kebahagiaan remaja miskin di Sabah. Kajian rintis dijalankan ke atas 110 remaja miskin. Terdapat lima set soal selidik yang digunakan, iaitu Extended Life Orientation Test (ELOT) mengukur optimistik, General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) mengukur efikasi kendiri umum, Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors (ISSB)-Short Form mengukur sokongan sosial, Positive Affective and Negative Affective Schedule (PANAS) mengukur afek positif dan negatif, dan Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) mengukur kebahagiaan. Analisis kebolehpercayaan dijalankan adalah melihat kepada pekali Cronbach Alfa menggunakan Statistical Packages of Social Science (SPSS) versi 21. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Extended Life Orientation Test (ELOT) menunjukkan nilai Cronbach Alfa 0.697, General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) sebanyak 0.704, Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors (ISSB)-Short Form sebanyak 0.925 dan Positive Affective and Negative Affective Schedule (PANAS) sebanyak 0.730. Manakala, bagi alat kajian pemboleh ubah terikat Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) menunjukkan nilai sebanyak 0.823. Analisis inferensi mendapati sokongan sosial lebih mempengaruhi kebahagiaan remaja miskin, iaitu sebanyak 20.2%. Dapatan juga mendapati afek positif mempunyai kesan mediator antara hubungan optimistik dan kebahagiaan remaja miskin di Sabah

    Sokongan Sosial Sebagai Pengantara Pengaruh Optimistik Ke Atas Kebahagiaan Remaja Di Pengajian Tinggi (Social Support As A Mediator Of The Influence Of Optimism Towards Happiness Among Adolescents In Higher Education)

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    Happiness is the natural goal of life for every human being. Every indivdual is trying to find happiness because it describes a good life. Therefore, this study aims to examine an influence on happiness, which is optimistic, using a positive psychological strength,. Social support is utilized as an external quality as it supports the optimistic influence towards happiness. The study was conducted on 436 adolescents in higher education, aged between 18 and 25 years old. The quantitative study uses a set of questionnaires to obtain the data, Extended Life Orientation Test for optimistic measurements, Inventory of Socially Supportive Behavior Short Form measures social support, and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire measures adolescents happiness. Descriptively, adolescents in higher education showed high optimism (Min = 3.77, SP = .62), while moderate social support for the three forms of support, namely guidance support (Min = 3.07, SP = .81), emotional support (Min = 3.17, SP = .99) and tangible support (Min = 2.82, SP = .95). Adolescents in higher education reported having a moderate level of happiness (Min = 3.39, S.P = .92). The findings show that guidance and emotion support mediating the influence of optimistic towards happiness among adolescents in higher education. Tangible support does not play any role. The implication of the study is to adolescents that even the positive attitudes of optimistic can enhance their happiness, but the guidance and emotional support from significant people can further reinforce those influences

    Sumber stres, strategi daya tindak dan stres yang dialami pelajar universiti

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji sumber stres, strategi daya tindak dan stres yang dialami pelajar sebuah universiti di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Secara khususnya, kajian ini dilaksanakan bagi mengenal pasti hubungan antara sumber stres dan stres yang dialami pelajar universiti. Di samping itu, kajian ini cuba meneliti bentuk strategi daya tindak yang digunakan oleh pelajar universiti untuk menangani stres yang dialami. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Seramai 223 orang pelajar yang berumur antara 19 hingga 22 tahun dijadikan subjek kajian. Alat kajian yang digunakan merangkumi item-item bagi mengukur sumber stres, Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) bagi mengukur strategi daya tindak dan alat kajian Stress Student Scale yang telah diubahsuai digunakan untuk mengukur stres pelajar. Data yang diperolehi telah dianalisis menggunakan ujian statistik inferensi melibatkan korelasi Pearson dan korelasi separa (partial correlation). Keputusan yang diperolehi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sumber stres keseluruhan dan stres yang dialami pelajar universiti. Sementara itu, strategi daya tindak keseluruhan didapati mampu bertindak sebagai perantara (mediator) bagi hubungan antara sumber stres keseluruhan dan stres yang dialami pelaja

    Hubungan perfeksionisme, keperluan psikologi asas dan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan pelajar universiti di Sabah, Malaysia

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    Menurut Ryff, Keyes dan Shmotkin (2002), kesejahteraan psikologi merangkumi resolusi berjaya bagi cabaran utama dalam setiap tahap perkembangan hidup seseorang (Erikson, 1963). Kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan pelajar mula mendapat perhatian dan dilihat sebagai aspek penting dalam kehidupan seseorang individu yang bergelar pelajar sama ada pada peringkat sekolah rendah, menengah mahupun peringkat institusi tinggi. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji hubungan tiga sub-faktor perfeksionisme, tiga sub-faktor keperluan psikologi asas dan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan pelajar universiti. Metodologi kajian adalah berbentuk survei dalam kalangan 468 orang pelajar unversiti dengan menggunakan soal selidik iaitu Scales of Psychological Well-Being (SPWB), Almost Perfect Scale Revised (APS-R) dan Basic Psychological Needs Scale (BPNS). Subjek kajian terdiri daripada 468 orang pelajar peringkat sarjana muda di Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Data yang diperolehi telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 21. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terhadap hubungan yang signifikan antara perfeksionisme, keperluan psikologi asas dan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan pelajar universiti. Implikasi dan cadangan kajian turut dibincangkan
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