135 research outputs found

    Conceptualisation of nation brand image

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    This paper examines the nation brand image notion. Literature review is employed as the method to develop the conceptual model.This paper suggests that the multifaceted nature of a nation can be covered in the nation brand image.In addition, the theoretical relationship between national brand identity, national identity, tourism brand and nation brand image and is also explored.This paper eventually proposes a conceptual model of nation brand image and suggests that future research include the multi elements of national brand identity and national identity as the components of nation brand image

    Career in hotel industry: Dilemma and challenges for muslims graduates

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    The hotel industry has becoming one of the fast growing industries in Malaysia and the world.Around the globe, people from all walks of life and religious background enter this industry hoping to gain a promising career.Many Islamic or Muslim majority countries such as Malaysia, Maldives, The UAE, Turkey and so forth encourage the development of hotel industry in order to support tourism or tourism related activities.The hotel industry on the other hand is looking at ways to obtain a good source of workforce to sustain the increasingly challenging business environment.One of the ways is to recruit fresh graduates who have completed their internship/industrial placement program. They can be considered as trained or semi trained workforce since they are formally trained at relevant hotel/hospitality institutions thus having knowledge and skills required by the industry.Through the industrial placements program, students are exposed to the 'real life' experience of working in the industry.Therefore the program benefits in terms of preparing them for their future career.The hotel industry meanwhile would enjoy the advantage of having a pool of trained professionals to choose from.Nevertheless there seems to be some problems with this type of labour supply.A study on industrial placement program of graduates of a higher learning institution in Malaysia suggests that many graduates did not enter hotel job market due to certain negative experiences or had negative perceptions about this industry after undergone their industrial placements.Some may simply feel that it was hard to work in the industry, while others feel that the industry may not be suitable to them due to religious reasons.Thus, this paper discusses a number of issues related to challenges and dilemma faced by Muslim trainees which seem to impede them from joining the industry's future workforce.Issues related to aurat,praying times, alcohol and halal foods and drinks are deemed as significant in influencing their perception of joining the industry in the future.Information for this study was gathered from a number of internship trainees from a public university through series of interviews by phone, visits to the training sites as well as from trainees' reports. Ultimately, a list of problems and limitations that trainees faced during the training were compiled. In addition, their perception of the industry and their intention to enter the job market within this industry were also solicited.This paper concludes that although the industrial placement program provides hands on experience for the students, it is crucial that the issues faced by the Muslim trainees are addressed.By doing so, they could be persuaded to stay in the hotel industry; thus increasing the number of Muslim workforce and at the same time the industry would not lose a significant number of potential Muslim managers

    An Overview of Moderating Effect of Familiarity on Tourism Resources and Future Behavioural Intentions: A Study on Domestic Tourists Visiting Ningxia, China

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    Tourism resources is one of the most important destination attributes which helps to create an image for the destination and attract the tourists. This study aims to investigate how the domestic tourists visiting Ningxia evaluates Ningxia’s destination attributes (Tourism Resources) and how their evaluation future behavioural intentions, that is, their intention to recommend and to revisit Ningxia. The study will also investigate how destination familiarity moderates the relationship of destination attributes evaluations and future behavioural intentions. In the current study, the researchers reviewed the literatures in order to explore domestic tourists’ travelling behaviour, experiences, and some extensive discussions on their satisfaction level. The researchers have conducted a general search for tourists’ behaviour, and more specifically on moderating role destination familiarity on future behavioural intentions. This study made the contribution towards body of knowledge by reviewing previous literatures related to the evaluation of destination attributes. The study revealed that, when tourists choose a place to visit, they are attracted by destination attributes, more specifically by tourism related resources in the destination

    Malaysian hospitality industry: Graduates’ justifications for leaving the industry

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    Continuous skilled-employee shortage has been reported in the hospitality industry despite the mushrooming growth of higher learning institutions offering the Bachelor of Hospitality Management (BHM) programme.The purpose of this study is to assess the BHM graduates’ areas of employment and their justification for not seeking employment or leaving the hospitality industry.To meet the purpose, a quantitative research paradigm supported by open-ended questions was used. This study focused on Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) BHM graduates.The findings revealed that the UUM BHM graduates’ Islamic faith plays a significant role in the religious Muslim graduates’ career paths.However, as widely documented in the literature, unattractive compensation in the hospitality industry appears to be the most important reason for graduates to seek employment in other industries. This is followed by poor career development opportunities and working conditions.Information from this study may help remedy the continuous shortage of skilled employees in the industry.It may also ensure the graduates’ ability to secure suitable jobs.In addition, it indirectly helps in the initiative to improve the BHM curriculum

    Gauging food allergy knowledge among hospitality students

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    Cases involving food allergy and their effects seem to be growing all around the world.The effects of food allergy can range from mild to severe and even lead to death.It is also noted that students are among the frequent victims of food allergy. The cure for food allergy is unknown. Thus, a form of intervention is needed to prevent food allergy from occurring.In order to do so, an adequate level of knowledge concerning food allergy is crucial.This study, therefore, explores the level of awareness and knowledge on food allergy among hospitality students in Malaysia. Survey method was utilized in this study and questionnaires were distributed to 150 students specifically who are studying hospitality program at two universities in the Northern region of Malaysia.Results revealed that majority of the respondent have an average knowledge pertaining to food allergy issue.This paper revealed the general knowledge, awareness and perceptions of hospitality students pertaining to food allergy.The implication of the study would benefit the public. Proper development of food allergy syllabus will enhance student knowledge and perhaps will help them to prepare and serve wholesome food to the customers

    Customer relationship management (CRM) technology and organization performance: Is marketing capability a missing link? An empirical study in the Malaysian hotel industry

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    Due to the aggressive market competition in hotel sector, it is critical that hotels should adopt new strategy like CRM technology to assist hotel employees, serve customers better and improve organization performance.However, prior studies indicated that the relationship between CRM technology and organization performance is equivocal.These mixed results may be to a lack of understanding of the mechanisms that link CRM technology and organization performance.For this reason, the study used marketing capabilities (planning and implementation) as mediators between CRM technology and organization performance. The study surveyed a sample of 447 hotels firm in Malaysia and used correlation and regression for analyses and testing. The findings suggest that CRM technology is associated with the four dimensions of organization performance (i.e. financial, customer, internal process and learning and growth). In addition the findings reveal that marketing capabilities (planning and implementation) play a mediator role in the relationship between CRM technology and various dimensions of organization performance

    Perceived innovation characteristics as predictors of green practice adoption in the Nigerian hotel industry

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    Green practice has frequently been acknowledged as an essential and common concept, which businesses implement to achieve some business superiority over competitors.However, studies on environmental practices are seldom conducted in Nigeria.The objective of this paper is to examine the influence of perceived innovation characteristics on the adoption of green practices in the hotel. Samples were collected using proportionate stratified random sampling.Data were collected using 80 questionnaires from the 100 distributed, and then analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).Founded on theory of diffusion, this study evaluated three measurements of perceived innovation characteristics influencing the likely adoption of green practices from the perspectives of general managers in the four and five star rated hotels in Kaduna.The study model proposes that hotel's intention to embrace green practices is influenced by the three dimensions of innovation characteristics: perceived compatibility, perceived complexity and the apparent relative advantage.A multiple regression performed indicates perceived compatibility and relative advantage relating positively to likelihood of adoption.The outcomes of this paper may offer valuable understandings of green practices.The findings of this study are practically useful for general managers when developing and implementing organizational innovative policies to ensure sustainable operations

    Beyond the motivation theory of destination image

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    Purpose – The existing literature has accepted the view that the destination image can be explained by the motivation theory. According to this theory the destination image can be explained by either the internal motivation of tourists or the external motivation originating from the destination. The purpose of this paper is to critically review the literature to build an appropriate research framework for understanding the formation of destination image by international tourists. Design, Methodology and Approach – The literature pertaining to destination image till recently can be divided into three evolutionary stages with stage boundaries marked by the seminal reviews by Echtner & Ritchie in 1991 and by Pike in 2002. The two main focuses of the destination image research are – measurement and theory of the destination image. The evolution of measurement and theory is reviewed, in this conceptual paper, through these stages justifying the proposed new research framework. Findings – The existing theories do not take in to account some of the modern variables such as perceived risks of travel and the power of social networks that fuel word of mouth. Originality of Research – All the conceptual discussions and views are original

    Predictors of likelihood of adoption of green practices in hotels: the case of Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria

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    Despite the high level of awareness of sustainable practices around the globe, and literature s on its adoption in businesses, studies showed very few studies are conducted in less advanced countries like Nigeria.Given the rising consumption of resources, apprehension for the environs and sudden realization among people for practices that are friendlier, the trend is gradually picking up in the Nigerian hotel industry. The hotel is facing challenges accepting green practices due to little information on green practice and its perceived benefits, government inability to enforce regulations on environmental sanitation, and absence of enlightenment promotion of green practice.This study strives to determine factors likely to motivate hotels to adopt innovative ways of operating in Nigeria. Based on Rogers‟ theory of innovation diffusion, this study decided to establish perceived innovation characteristics, perceived environmental characteristics, organizational characteristics and stakeholders‟ influence as determinants for likely adoption. Data was collected from General Managers of hotels (363 in number) in Abuja and Lagos.Using Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modelling, the findings indicate all perceived predictors positively correlated to likelihood of adoption

    Conceptualisation of Nation Brand Image

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    This paper examines the nation brand image notion. Literature review is employed as the method to develop the conceptual model. This paper suggests that the multifaceted nature of a nation can be covered in the nation brand image. In addition, the theoretical relationship between national brand identity, national identity, tourism brand and nation brand image and is also explored. This paper eventually proposes a conceptual model of nation brand image and suggests that future research include the multi elements of national brand identity and national identity as the components of nation brand image.   Keywords: Conceptual model, nation brand image.
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