6 research outputs found

    Generalization to New Sequential Decision Making Tasks with In-Context Learning

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    Training autonomous agents that can learn new tasks from only a handful of demonstrations is a long-standing problem in machine learning. Recently, transformers have been shown to learn new language or vision tasks without any weight updates from only a few examples, also referred to as in-context learning. However, the sequential decision making setting poses additional challenges having a lower tolerance for errors since the environment's stochasticity or the agent's actions can lead to unseen, and sometimes unrecoverable, states. In this paper, we use an illustrative example to show that naively applying transformers to sequential decision making problems does not enable in-context learning of new tasks. We then demonstrate how training on sequences of trajectories with certain distributional properties leads to in-context learning of new sequential decision making tasks. We investigate different design choices and find that larger model and dataset sizes, as well as more task diversity, environment stochasticity, and trajectory burstiness, all result in better in-context learning of new out-of-distribution tasks. By training on large diverse offline datasets, our model is able to learn new MiniHack and Procgen tasks without any weight updates from just a handful of demonstrations

    Multi-Objective GFlowNets

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    We study the problem of generating diverse candidates in the context of Multi-Objective Optimization. In many applications of machine learning such as drug discovery and material design, the goal is to generate candidates which simultaneously optimize a set of potentially conflicting objectives. Moreover, these objectives are often imperfect evaluations of some underlying property of interest, making it important to generate diverse candidates to have multiple options for expensive downstream evaluations. We propose Multi-Objective GFlowNets (MOGFNs), a novel method for generating diverse Pareto optimal solutions, based on GFlowNets. We introduce two variants of MOGFNs: MOGFN-PC, which models a family of independent sub-problems defined by a scalarization function, with reward-conditional GFlowNets, and MOGFN-AL, which solves a sequence of sub-problems defined by an acquisition function in an active learning loop. Our experiments on wide variety of synthetic and benchmark tasks demonstrate advantages of the proposed methods in terms of the Pareto performance and importantly, improved candidate diversity, which is the main contribution of this work.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures. ICML 2023. Code at: https://github.com/GFNOrg/multi-objective-gf