13 research outputs found


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    Multifunctional and multiphysics cellular solids are introduced in this paper as load-bearing structural components. Cellular solids offer a robust low-mass alternative for applications requiring lightweight and stiff components. The unique properties of cellular solids are achieved through cell geometry, connectivity, relative density, and properties of constituent materials. Inspired by biological systems, smart cellular solids can integrate low-mass, sensing/actuating, and self-healing properties into structural components. Discrete fabrication, by integrating patches of smart/active materials onto cellular solids, and continuous fabrication, using additive manufacturing, are two fabrication techniques for the manufacturing of multifunctional cellular solids. We propose a multiscale methodology for the analysis and design of smart cellular structures on the basis of homogenization, structural hierarchy, multiphysics simulation, and multi-objective optimization. It is shown that relative density, cell microarchitechture, cell topology, and volume fraction play a considerable role on the characteristics of multifunctional materials. At last, the potential application of smart cellular solids in civil and building construction industry are reviewed. The paper sheds lights on the emergence of multifunctional and multiphysics materials in industrial sectors and introduces the effect of tailoring the architecture of smart cellular solids in multiple scales on tuning and optimizing the structural functionality

    Investigating the Concept of Integration in Construction Projects: Cases of Integrated Project Delivery and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly

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    RÉSUMÉ: Cette thèse par articles vise à faire progresser les connaissances sur le concept d'intégration dans l'industrie de la construction, au moyen de concepts novateurs tels que la réalisation de projets intégrée (IPD) et la conception pour la fabrication et l'assemblage (DfMA). L'industrie de la construction connaît actuellement de profonds changements, passant des méthodes contractuelles transactionnelles traditionnelles à d’autres plus intégrées, durables et collaboratives telles que le préconisent ces deux approches. Les récentes crises mondiales, telles que les pandémies, le réchauffement climatique et les conflits politiques, contribuent à la transformation rapide du contexte industriel et social, également appelé la nouvelle normalité. Celle-ci tend à accélérer le rythme de changements dans le secteur de la construction, le poussant à adopter des approches qui éliminent les pertes et ajoutent plus de valeur aux projets de construction. De nombreux chercheurs ont souligné l'impact substantiel des approches intégratives et collaboratives sur l'amélioration des performances des projets de construction ; cependant, leur mise en oeuvre reste rare et peu documentée. Encore peu de praticiens et d’organisations semblent engagés à adopter ces stratégies d'intégration avancées. À cet égard, la recherche universitaire peut certainement jouer un rôle positif et faciliter leur compréhension et leur adoption par le milieu. Pour notre part, nous avons d'abord choisi de décortiquer la réalisation de projets intégrée (IPD) comme mode de réalisation collaboratif. Nous avons tenté de comprendre (a) ce qu'est l'intégration dans le contexte de l’IPD et quels en sont les mécanismes d'intégration, (b) quelles sont les caractéristiques contractuelles, organisationnelles et opérationnelles de la IPD qui en permettent la mise en oeuvre dans les projets de construction, et (c) comment la IPD peut relever les défis de la nouvelle normalité de l'industrie de la construction grâce à ses caractéristiques, et finalement, nous avons mené des études sur (d) l'interaction entre la IPD et les stratégies de conception intégrée telles que la conception pour la fabrication et l'assemblage (DfMA). Organisée sur la base de quatre articles de revues scientifiques (2 publiés, 1 sous presse et 1 en évaluation), cette thèse vise à répondre à ces questions et à contribuer à l'ensemble des connaissances, en menant diverses études conceptuelles et empiriques sur les deux concepts-clés que sont l'IPD et le DfMA. Le premier article décortique le concept d’intégration à partir de la littérature sur l'IPD et identifie les stratégies de mise en oeuvre pouvant contribuer positivement aux projets de construction. Toutes les techniques d'intégration de l'IPD citées dans la littérature ont été extraites, et leurs dimensions (force, portée, durée et profondeur) et directions (verticale, horizontale et longitudinale) ont été discutées dans trois contextes : (i) les projets de construction sur site, réalisés de manière traditionnelle, (ii) les projets de construction sur site, réalisés par le biais de la IPD, et (iii) les projets de construction hors site, réalisés par le biais de l’IPD. Les résultats ont montré que l'application de la IPD dans les projets de construction hors site crée une intégration verticale, horizontale et longitudinale complète de la chaîne d'approvisionnement pendant le cycle de vie des projets, ce qui peut réduire la durée du projet. Dans le deuxième article, une revue de la littérature est menée pour identifier les thèmes de recherche les plus récents sur l'IPD et les tendances futures. Les résultats montrent que les thèmes de recherche émergents les plus importants de la littérature sont identifiés comme suit : technologique et procédural sous le cluster opérationnel-cognitif ; juridique et commercial sous le cluster contractuel-réglementaire ; et culturel/comportemental et structurel sous le cluster organisationnel-structurel. Dans le troisième article, les divers défis rencontrés par les projets de construction dans l'ère postpandémie sont extraits de la littérature et classés en trois étapes : pré-construction, construction et post-construction. Ensuite, deux études de cas canadiennes sont menées pour recueillir des données et valider les résultats de l'examen. Plusieurs discussions de groupe et entretiens ont également été menés avec les parties prenantes des projets, au cours desquels les principes de la IPD ont été discutés, et les participants à l'étude ont été interrogés pour dresser la liste des principes susceptibles de relever les défis de la nouvelle réalité dans laquelle nous vivons. Dans les cas étudiés, les résultats ont montré que le nombre de principes liés à l’IPD utilisés a augmenté depuis le début de la pandémie. Les principes de IPD les plus appliqués sont liés aux aspects technologiques (intégration des technologies, plateformes numériques, technologies basées sur le cloud et le web) et relationnels de la IPD (alliance multipartite, gestion par grappes et partage des risques/récompenses). Dans le quatrième article, une stratégie intégrée de conception et de construction, appelée conception pour la fabrication et l'assemblage (DfMA), est étudiée afin de comprendre comment l'interaction entre avec l’IPD peut améliorer l'intégration dans les projets de construction. Tout d'abord, une revue systématique de la littérature et plusieurs discussions de groupe sont menées afin d'identifier les défis de l'application de la méthode DfMA dans les projets de construction et de les classer en 8 catégories : contractuel, technologique, procédural, culturel, commercial, géographique, financier et technique/cognitif. Les résultats montrent que la majorité des défis identifiés sont liés aux aspects contractuels et opérationnels des projets de construction et aux parties prenantes associées. Ensuite, un cadre de DfMA orienté construction (C-DfMA) est développé pour répondre aux défis identifiés, basé sur une interaction entre la DfMA, les modèles d'affaires intégrés, les modes de réalisation intégrée et les outils et technologies opérationnels basés sur le Lean. Les résultats montrent que l'impact synergique entre les stratégies intégrées et collaboratives telles que l'IPD, la DfMA et les techniques opérationnelles Lean peut créer un environnement approprié pour relever les défis actuels de l'industrie de la construction qui sont principalement dus à la fragmentation. Les articles proposés dans cette thèse visent à fournir un éclairage théorique et empirique sur des concepts de grand intérêt pour l’industrie de la construction, et ce faisant, sensibiliser les acteurs du milieu à s’engager plus concrètement dans leur adoption. Mots-clés : Réalisation de projets intégrée, IPD, Intégration, Construction, Gestion de projet, Conception pour la fabrication et l’assemblage, DfMA, Lean. ABSTRACT: This dissertation by articles aims to advance knowledge on the concept of integration in the construction industry, through recently emerged concepts, such as integrated project delivery (IPD) and design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA). The construction industry is experiencing a paradigm shift from traditional transactional contractual methods toward more integrated, sustainable, and collaborative approaches such as IPD and DfMA. Recent global crises, such as the pandemic, global warming, and political conflicts, have led us to live in a new context, also known as the new normal. This has accelerated the shift in the construction industry, pushing it to adopt approaches that eliminate waste and add more value to construction projects. Many researchers have highlighted the substantial impact of integrative and collaborative approaches on improving construction projects performance; however, their implementation remains rare and poorly documented. Still few practitioners and organizations seem committed to adopting these advanced integration strategies. Accordingly, academic research can certainly play a positive role and facilitate their understanding and implementation by the industry practitioners. In this context, first, we selected integrated project delivery (IPD) as the most recent collaborative delivery method and tried to understand (a) what integration in the context of IPD is and what the IPD integration mechanisms are, (b) what the contractual, organizational, and operational characteristics of IPD are which allow integration mechanisms to be implemented in construction projects, and (c) how IPD can address the new-normal challenges in the construction industry through its characteristics. Then, we selected design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) as a collaborative strategy that supports the implementation of IPD and conducted studies on (d) how the interplay between IPD and integrated design strategies such as design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) can improve the current status of construction projects. Based on four journal papers, that are either submitted, in revision, or published, this thesis aims to answer these questions and contribute the body of knowledge, by conducting various conceptual and empirical studies about IPD. Accordingly, in the first article, the concept of “integration” in IPD literature is studied and implementation strategies that can positively contribute to construction projects are identified. All IPD integrating techniques cited in the literature were extracted, and their integration dimensions (strength, scope, duration, and depth) and directions (vertical, horizontal, and longitudinal) were discussed in three contexts: (i) on-site construction projects, delivered traditionally, (ii) on-site construction projects, delivered through IPD, and (iii) off-site construction projects, delivered through IPD. The results showed that applying IPD in off-site construction projects creates complete vertical, horizontal, and longitudinal supply-chain integrations during the projects’ life cycle, which can reduce the project duration. In the second article, a systematic literature review is conducted to identify the most recent IPD research themes and future trends. Results showed that the most prominent emerging research themes from the literature are identified as: technological and procedural under the operational-cognitive cluster; legal and commercial under the contractualregulative cluster; and cultural/behavioral and structural under the organizational-structural cluster. In the third article, various challenges encountered by construction projects after the pandemic era are extracted from the literature and classified into three stages: pre-construction, construction, and post-construction. Then, two Canadian case studies are conducted to collect data and validate the results of the review. Several focus group discussions and interviews were also conducted with projects stakeholders, in which IPD principles were discussed, and study participants were interviewed to list principles that could address the new-normal challenges. The results showed that the number of IPD principles that have been applied in case study projects has increased since the beginning of the pandemic. The IPD principles that are the most applied in the new-normal era relate to the technological (integrating technologies, digital platforms, cloud-based and web-based technologies) and relational aspects of IPD (multiparty alliance, cluster-based management, and shared risks/rewards. In the fourth article, an integrated design and construction strategy, which is called design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA), is investigated to understand how the interplay between integrated delivery and business models such as IPD and DfMA can enhance integration in construction projects. First, a systematic literature review and several focus group discussions are conducted, to identify challenges of applying DfMA method in construction projects, and categorize them into 8 categories: contractual, technological, procedural, cultural, commercial, geographical, financial, and technical/cognitive. The results show that the majority of identified challenges were related to the contractual and operational aspects of construction projects and the associated stakeholders. Next, a construction-oriented DfMA (C-DfMA) framework to address the identified challenges is developed, based on an interplay between DfMA, integrated business models, relational and integrated delivery methods, and lean-based operational tools and technologies. The results show that the synergistic impact between integrated and collaborative strategies, such as IPD, DfMA, and lean-based operational techniques can create a suitable environment for addressing current construction industry challenges that are mostly due to fragmentation. The articles proposed in this thesis aim to provide theoretical and empirical insight into the concepts of great interest to the construction industry, and in doing so, sensitize the practitioners in the field to engage more efficiently in their implementation. Keywords: Integrated Project Delivery, IPD, Integration, Construction, Project management, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, DfMA, Lean

    The new-normal challenges and IPD solutions: a Canadian case study

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    The concept of integration in an IPD context: a grounded theory review

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    Design-for-manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) for the construction industry : a review

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    ABSTRACT: Applying Design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) principles in building has gained attention in recent years. Studies reported that the application of DfMA in building projects can significantly enhance overall productivity. However, the literature on DfMA in the construction industry is still limited. This paper aims to provide an updated and comprehensive review of DfMA approach and its applicability in the construction industry. Web of science, and Google Scholar databases were used to obtain relevant articles from the literature. The study is based on a systematic review of 52 selected articles through search keywords for DfMA. The bibliometric results mapped the research publications by year, journal, and country in which the DfMA study is conducted. The thematic analysis results revealed the research themes and trends. In conclusion, the DfMA literature has increasingly focused on integration and sharing of information during project life-cycle to optimize design, manufacturing, and assembly, and to address issues relating to the integration of off-site manufacturing with on-site assembly. Finally, the review is concluded by providing recommendations for researchers and practitioners, and by identifying future works and opportunities for the application of DfMA in the construction industry. The results of this paper can help future theoretical and empirical research and developments

    Developing a Construction-Oriented DfMA Deployment Framework

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    Applying design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) principles in the construction industry has gained attention in recent years. Studies convey that the application of DfMA in construction projects can significantly enhance overall productivity. However, the literature on construction-oriented DfMA is still limited, and its application in real-life projects has been stifled due to various constraints. Following a design science research method, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify the construction-oriented DfMA implementation challenges. To address these challenges, a construction-oriented DfMA framework was theorized, verified in a project-based context, and validated through focus group discussions with off-site construction industry experts. In this study, 45 challenges were identified and categorized into eight main constraint categories: contractual, technological, procedural, cultural, commercial, geographical, financial, and technical/cognitive. The foremost challenges to the adoption of DfMA in construction projects seems to relate to the contractual and operational aspects and their associated stakeholders. This study provides insight into the challenges of implementing DfMA in the construction industry. The investigated challenges contribute to the theoretical and practice-based checklists of limitations for implementing DfMA methods and can inform future research. Finally, this paper introduces a framework for implementing DfMA and provides supporting field-based evidence for its application