26 research outputs found

    Jugoslavija i ambivalentnost ekonomske saradnje Jug-Jug u sedamdesetim i osamdesetim godinama

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    Na vrhuncu napora zemalja u razvoju da uspostave Novi međunarodni ekonomski poredak, Jugoslavija je, kao jedna od vodećih članica Pokreta nesvrstanih i Grupe 77 zemalja u razvoju (G-77), nastojala da dokaže da je moguće uspostaviti novi obrazac odnosa između industrijski razvijenih zemalja, kojima je delimično i sama pripadala i saveznika iz ove koalicije, čije su ekonomske baze još uvek bile u fazi izgradnje. U skladu sa određenim dominantnim grupama unutar UN-a, jugoslovenska teorija razvoja spajala je marksistička sa neoklasičnim ekonomskim shvatanjima u ambiciozan program globalne reforme koja je odstupala od stavova kapitalističkih i socijalističkih velesila. Ipak, u isto vreme, ova vizija globalizacije morala je da se nosi sa ideološkim, geopolitičkim i ekonomskim uticajem novonastale neoliberalne revolucije, koja je početkom osamdesetih počela bitno sužavati prostor za manevrisanje. Pored programskih načela sadržanih u zvaničnim dokumentima, ovaj rad prati i konkretne oblike jugoslovenske bilateralne ekonomske saradnje sa pojedinim afričkim zemljama

    A horvát és a szlovén katolikus egyház dilemmái és lehetőségei a késő szocialista Jugoszláviában

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    The paper focusses on Slovenia and Croatia as two predominantly Catholic religious milieus within multi-confessional Yugoslavia, which nevertheless exhibited notable differences in the period of late socialism, differences that are partly attributable to distinct historical circumstances and partly to a different state of relations between the Catholic Church and the Communist Party in either country. Although the choices of the leaderships of the Roman Catholic Church in the two republics in the late 1980s may seem obvious from today’s point of view, the paper highlights various dilemmas encountered by this religious community in social as well as political contexts. The latter was largely the result of diverging Party religious policies in the two republics. By analysing a vast array of public and archival documents, the paper illustrates the cautious positioning and choices of the Roman Catholic Church in Slovenia, which up to the early 1990s had always avoided politicisation. Through a comparative analysis of diplomatic documents of the Yugoslav embassy to the Holy See, the paper traces the pronounced process of ethnicization of religion in Croatia, which left increasingly less space for dialogue. Although warnings about the danger of such choices came even from the Vatican, the representatives of the Roman Catholic Church as well as their Party counterparts insisted on their positions and with their rigidity paved each other’s ways to (problematic) decisions the consequences of which became patent during post-socialism

    The crumbling touchstone of the Vatican\u27s ostpolitik : relations between the Holy see and Yugoslavia, 1970-1989

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    Based on Yugoslav archival sources, the paper analyses the relationship between the Holy See and Yugoslavia as the only Eastern European socialist state with which the former had official diplomatic relations. The relationship between the Holy See and socialist Yugoslavia provides insight into the precarious position of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia, but also into the issues and dilemmas that the Holy See faced in terms of its Ostpolitik towards Eastern European socialist regimes. The article initially centres on the parallels between the Holy See and the foreign policy agenda of non-aligned Yugoslavia, especially during the papacy of Paul VI, when both actors shared an understanding of the acute problems of the Global South. It then analyses the stance of the Holy See towards the Yugoslav domestic policy of self-management that claimed that this system could present a viable environment for the life of believers in modern socialist society. The analysis closes with an in-depth examination of the role of the Holy See in the process of convergence between religion and nationalism during the 1980s, in which the Vatican did not play as clear-cut a role as it has generally been ascribed and proved unable to tackle this formidable phenomenon

    "Kosovo, My Land"? : Slovenians, Albanians, and the Limits of Yugoslav Social Cohesion

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    The author examines the Kosovo crisis in the context of the pluralisation and democratisation of Slovenian society in the 1980s and early 1990s. This issue became a catalyst not only for the repositioning of structures of party leadership in relation to Belgrade, but also with respect to general public debates. By charting individual stages of the critical decade of 1981%1991, the author presents Slovenian perceptions of Kosovo%s political, economic, and social issues, first through the works of neo-Marxist critics and later through the activism of a group of left-liberal intellectuals, which included the provision of legal support and a high-profile social action related to the violations of Kosovar Albanian human rights. The author discusses the constraints encountered by this brief attempt to establish a pan-Yugoslav civil society initiative. At the same time, he shows how the complexities of the Kosovo crisis were used to coalesce the Slovenian nation into flight from Yugoslavia

    Oporečništvo v samoupravnem socializmu

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    Socializem na meji kapitalizmov

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