15 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Konsentrat Protein Daun Gliricidia sepium, Albizia falcataria, Calliandra calothyrsus, Mulberry (Morus alba) dan Cecropia peltata dalam ransum unggas

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    Tiga jenis daun leguminosa (Gliricidia sepium, Albizia falcataria, Calliandra calothyrsus), Murbei (Morus alba) dan Cecropia peltata diekstrak menggunakan air (pH netral) atau dalam kondisi basa (NaOH 0,1 N). Konsentrat protein daun (KPD) dipisahkan dengan memanaskan jus daun pada 60 atau 80 OC (ekstraksi air) atau dengan menambahkan asam (asam khlorida 0,1-0,5N) pada ekstraksi alkali dan dipisahkan dengan sentrifugasi. Titik iso-listrik dari masing-masing protein daun, bahan kering, protein kasar dan kandungan tannin terkondensasi (condensed tannins) dianalisis pada daun giling, sisa daun (setelah ekstraksi protein) dan LPC. Kecernaan protein ditentukan untuk daun dan produk LPC. Kadar protein sejati diukur hanya untuk produk LPC. Titik Iso-listrik protein dari daun gamal (Gliricidia sepium), Albizia (Albizia falcataria), Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus), Murbei (Morus alba) dan cecropia (Cecropia peltata) berada pada pH 3,79; 4,72; 4,33; 4,45 dan 4.12. Kadar protein dalam LPC (ekstraksi air) masing-masing adalah 40,25, 38,80, 41,12; 36,20 dan 37,22% dan ekstraksi alkali 37,50, 37,22, 40,08, 34,44 dan 34,57%. Kecernaan protein dalam KPD lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan daunnya, berkisar antara 55,99 hingga 87,11%. Ekstraksi protein dari daun dapat mengurangi kandungan tanin yang larut antara 73-98%. Pada masa depan, KPD dapat merupakanbahan pakan sumber protein yang potensial dalam penyusunan pakan unggas

    A note on Jayapura

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    The commercialization of da'wah: Understanding Indonesian Sinetron and their portrayal of Islam

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    The impact of media industrialization on mediated religious expression all over the world has been substantial, and this study tries to understand the Indonesian case by looking at the intersections between commerce and Islamic expression. Focusing on Indonesian Islamic sinetron (soap operas), we shall see that contrasting ideological motivations among producers have resulted in particular narratives within their content. Despite these peculiarities, all narratives use Islamic teachings to address societal issues experienced by middle-class Indonesian Muslims. This, in turn, projects an image of Indonesian Islam that blurs existing political divisions in Indonesian society. This article argues that the sinetron plots are inherently a commercialization of da’wah (proselytizing of Islam)

    Book Review of "Anthony Reid (ed.) Indonesia Rising: The Repositioning of Asia’s Third Giant. Singapore: ISEAS, 2012"

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    For years, many have anticipated Indonesia’s rise as an economic power and an important player in international affairs. Keating (2010) used the term ‘the Indonesian tiger’ and Roubini (2011) enthusiastically pronounced ‘goodbye China, hello Indonesia’ (in Reid, 2012). Amid this optimism, Anthony Reid’s edited book, referring to ‘Indonesia’s rise’ in quotes, presents a more balanced, and often contrasting, portrayal of the country’s current state by engaging the perspectives of various experts

    Mainstreaming Islam in Indonesia: Television, identity, and the middle class

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    This cutting edge book considers the question of Islam and commercialisation in Indonesia, a majority Muslim, non-Arab country. Revealing the cultural heterogeneity behind rising Islamism in a democratizing society, it highlights the case of television production and the identity of its viewers. Drawing from detailed case studies from across islands in the diverse archipelagic country, it contends that commercial television has democratised the relationship between Islamic authority and the Muslim congregation, and investigates the responses of the heterogeneous middle class towards commercial da’wah. By taking the case of commercial television, the book argues that what is occurring in Indonesia is less related to Islamic ideologisation than it is a symbiosis between Muslim middle class anxieties and the workings of market forces. It examines the web of relationships that links Islamic expression, commercial television, and national imagination, arguing that the commercialisation of Islam through national television discloses unrequited expectations of equality between ethnic and religious groups as well as between regions

    Regime and representation: Islam in Indonesian television, 1962 to 1998

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    This article traces the changes in the representation of Islam on Indonesian television before the rise of Islamic themes in the early 2000s. By understanding the televised manifestations of Islam relative to the ruling power within the television system, one can see that as long ago as the 1970s Islamic culture already enjoyed a privileged position in television content. Long before the more recent trend of 'Islamic commodification', state interest and business logic had gradually set precedents for how Islam is manifested in the commercial system today

    Cyber taman mini indonesia indah: Ethnicity and imagi-nation in blogging culture

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    Although the shift of paradigm in Post Authoritarian Indonesia has rearticulated the discourse of nationhood, the general notion that it is based on an imagined community remains an important consideration. Decades of ideological hegemony has been performed by the state through various socio-cultural constructions, embedding in the minds of its citizens the notion of a nation as a territorial space that undermines ethnicity in favor of the wholeness of 'Indonesia'. This paper studies the community within the cyberspace, namely Blogger Communities, to explore collective identities that are shared in the minds of its members to re-conceptualize Indonesian nationhood. As a result of decades of hegemonic state oppression, Blogger Communities practice an extended construction of this hegemonic national consciousness in the blogosphere. These communities perform both the role of social agency that goes beyond the virtual through conforming to the shaped territorial space in general and ethnicity in particular - forming a cyber Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

    Comparison of Two Nitrogen Sources for Aspergillus spp. Phytase Production

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    The study on phytase enzyme production of the three Aspergillus spp. : Aspergillus ficuum NRRL 3135 (AF1), NRRL 320 (AF2) and A. niger (AN) had been conducted. Two nitrogen sources (ammonium and sodium nitrates) were used in the medium and two working incubation temperatures (30 and 37OC) were applied. The aimed of this study was to obtain the low-cost nitrogen source for optimum phytase production. All fungi were incubated in media M0 and M1 for 12 days for enzyme production. Analysis for enzyme activities, protein and sugar content and biomass production were performed at day 2,3,4,6,8,and 12 days of incubation periods. Phytase activity was lower in sodium nitrate medium for all Aspergillus spp than in ammonium nitrate medium (2.39, 1.65, 1.65 vs 4.19, 2.22, 2.22 U/ml for AF1, AF2 and AN respectively) at 30OC of incubation temperature. These enzyme activities were reached for 8 days incubation time. The phytase activities of all Aspergillus spp at 37OC incubation temperature were 2.07, 1.24, 1.36 vs 4.80, 2.04, 2.34 U/ml for sodium nitrate vs ammonium nitrate medium and reached at 4 days incubation period for both A. ficuum and 3 days incubation period for A. niger in the M0 medium. It was clearly shown that incubation temperature at 37OC shortened the fermentation period to reach optimal enzyme activity and ammonium nitrate produced higher enzyme activity when compared with sodium nitrate medium


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    Refractoriness to transfusions of platelet concentrates (PC) adversely affects the conduct of complex therapy in hematological patients. Individual selection of platelets is recommended for such patients. In cases of high degree of alloimmunization with the formation of polyspecific antibodies, when individual selection is difficult, procedures plasmapheresis (PPs) is included in the treatment program.Aims: to evaluate the effectiveness of PC transfusions by individual selection in patients refractory to transfusions and the use of PPs as a second line therapy in combination with individual platelet selection.Materials and methods: from September 2015 to December 2017, 91 patients with refractory to PC transfusions from 1263 patients who received PC transfusion were observed in the center’s clinics. The median age was 43 (18–71) years. M/F – 38/53. Patients: 20 – aplastic anemia (AA), 17 – myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), 45 – acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 9 – acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). All patients underwent PC transfusion by individual selection (HLA/HPA) Immucor’s Capture-P solid phase technology. In 28 (30 %) of 91 patients, due to the inability to select, there was a need for PP as a second line therapy. Patients: AA – 4 (20 %); MDS – 8 (47 %); AML – 12 (26 %); ALL– 4 (44 %). The median age was 48 (23–71) years. M/F – 8/20. From 2 to 15 procedures were performed (on average – 6) for each patient. All patients received PC transfusions by individual selection by cross-matching immediately after the PP procedure. The efficacy of PC transfusions was assessed by Absolute Platelet Increment (API) and Corrected Count Increment (CCI), relief of hemorrhagic syndrome.Results: in 26 of 28 refractory to PC transfusions patients, in the absence of compatible donor platelets, carrying out PPs in combination with subsequent individual platelet selection promoted relief of hemorrhagic syndrome, increase in API from 3.3 × 109/L at 29.5 × 109/L and CCI from 1.3 to 10.7. Against the background of PPs, combined with individual selection, the degree of alloimmunization (the percentage of incompatible pairs) decreased on average: AA (n = 4) – from 91.7 to 50.2 %; MDS (n = 8) – from 89.6 to 31.6 %; AML (n = 12) – 86.0 to 40.5 % and ALL (n = 4) – from 91.7 to 37.7 %. In 2 patients with a high degree of alloimmunization and after carrying out PPs, it was not possible to select compatible platelets, PC transfusions were ineffective (API = 5 × 109/L, CCI = 1), and hemorrhagic syndrome was not completely managed, but its severity was reduced.Conclusions. With the development of refractoriness to PC transfusions and the ineffectiveness of individual platelet selection, PPs should be used as the second line of therapy, which, combined with individual selection, increases the likelihood of compatible donor-recipient pairs and increases the clinical efficacy of PC transfusions. When PPs is ineffective in combination with individual selection, it is necessary to exclude the syndrome of increased consumption and other mechanisms of refractoriness