9 research outputs found

    Nadežnost\u27 antropometričeskih izmerenij

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    On the sample of 737 males, 19-27 years old, the reliability of 23 anthropometric variables was estimated. Every variable was measured three times, and skinfold thickness and breast girth six times. The measurement was performed by five experimenters. The reliability and as Spearman-Brown\u27s reliability. Also the reliability of only the first measurement was estimated. When three or six measurements were used, the reliability coefficients were relatively high, but they were not sufficiently great for leg and arm length, fist width, upper arm girth, elbow width and height. When only one, i. e. the first measurement was used, the reliability coefficients were very poor, especially for skinfold thickness, elbow width, lower arm girth and foot width. Therefore, it is recommended for scientific research ro use six expermenters, every anthropometric variable being measured six times, reducing in this was the systematic error of measurement. To determine the real value of measured dimension two procedures are recommended: to transform the results into the first vector of antiimage covariance matrix. The second method was used in this work

    Canonical relations of skeletal dimensions and measures of subcutaneous fat tissue

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    The canonical analysis of relations between skeletal dimensions and measures of subcutaneous fat tissue on a sample of 737 men, 19 to 27 years old, resulted in four pairs of canonical dimensions with significant canonical correlations. The first canonical factor of skeletal dimensions was dominately determined by knee diameter and considerably less by elbow diameter, bicrystal range and leg length. The first canonical dimensions isolated in subcutaneous fat measures was determined by the skin folds of the upper part of body. The relation of the second pair of the canonical dimensions could be ascribed to the differential influence of relative reference of longitudinal and transversal dimensions on the accumulation of fat tissue measures. The dimension, associated to the third one, isolated from the skeletal measures, was defined by the transversal dimensions usually having the largest correlations with the factor of transversal dimensionality of skeleton. The connection of the fourth pair of cannonical dimensions could be atributed to the well known relations between the bicrystal range and the tendency toward fat tissue accumulation on the lower extremities

    Struktura antropometričeskih dimenzij

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    Na uzorku koji je obuhvatio 737 spitanika muÅ”kog spola od 19 do 27 godina primijenjen je sistem od 23 antropometrijske varijable, koje su da bi se maksimizirao stupanj pouzdanosti mjerenja, na svakom ispitaniku izmjerene tri puta, a svi kožni nabori i srednji opseg grudnog koÅ”a Å”est puta, uz učeŔće pet mjerilaca. Na temelju tako dobivenih podataka analizirana je faktorska struktura antropometrijskih dimenzija, te je utvrđena egzistencija latentnih dimenzija odgovornih za volumen i masu tijela, longitudinalnu dimenzinalnost skeleta i potkožno masno tkivo, dok je egzistencija latentne dimenzije odgovorne za transverzalnu dimenzionalnost skeleta veoma sumnjiva. Na nedovoljno realnu poziciju ovog faktora, između ostalog, ukazuje i to Å”to cirkularne dimenzije tijela imaju veće korelacije sa ovim faktorom od mjere transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta koje ga određuju, Å”to je njegova korelacija sa faktorom volumena i mase tijela visoka, te Å”to je njegova korelacija sa faktorom longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta relativno niska. Nedovoljna pouzdanost položaja ove latentne dimenzije može biti i posljedica primijenjenog postupka određivanja koordinatnih osovina u prostoru reskaliranom na antiimage metriku, te su nužna daljnja istraživanja faktorsk strukture antropometrijskih dimenzija primjenom drugih faktorskih metoda.On the sample of 737 males, 19-27 years old, anthropometric variables were measured. IN order to maximize the degree of measurement reliability, every measure was taken three times by 5 experimenters for every subject, and subcutaneous skinfolds adn breast girth were measured six times. On the basis of these results factor structure of anthropometric dimensions was analysed, and existency of transversal skeleton dimensionality was not proved. That the position of this factor is insufficiently determined is shown by the following facts: circular dimensions are correlated to a higher degree with this factor than transversal dimensions which determine the factor; it correlation with the factor of volume and body mass is high, and its correlation with the factor of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality is relatively low. Insufficient reliability of this latent dimension position can be also caused by the method used for determining coordinate axes in the space re-scaled on the antiimage metrics. Consequently, further investigations of the factor structure of anthropometric dimensions using other factorising methods are necessary

    Imaž analiz strktury antropometričeskih dimenzij

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    Ono Å”to se sa najvećim stupnjem pouzdanosti može zaključiti na temelju rezultata dobijenih ovim istraživanjem jest da je image analiza veoma pogodan postupak za određivanje latentne strukture antropometrijskih varijabli i da ima ne male prednosti nad ostalim faktorskim tehnikama koje su se do sada primjenjivale u tu svrhu. Latentne dimenzije, identificirane u većem broju doadaÅ”njih istraživanja, u image prostoru definirane su znatno pregnantnije; diferencijacija salientnih i nesalientnih saturacija mnogo je bolja, i zbog toga je stupanj jednostavnosti struktura, dobijenih bilo orthoblique, bilo oblimin transformacijom bazičnih vektora osjetljivo veći no u solucijama izvedenim na temelju komponentnog ili klasičnog faktora modela. Nažalost, osnovni problem koji je motivirao ovo istraživanje nije rijeÅ”en na zadovoljavajući način. Iako su latentne dimenzije odgovorne za voleta i količinu masnog tkiva pouzdano utvrđene, i njihove relacije sa onim dijelom sistema antropometrijskih mjera koji leži u zajedničkom morfoloÅ”kom podprostoru određene na način koji smanjuje količinu nesigurnosti o njihovoj stvarnoj suÅ”tini, vjerodostojan sud o prirodi latentne dimenzije odgovorne za transverzalne dimenzije skeleta nije mogao biti donesen, jer nije bilo valjanih argumenata ni za to da li su za omeđivanje latentnog morfoloÅ”kog podprostora usitinu potrebne četiri dimenzije. Zbog toga je položaj vektora mjera transverzalnih dimenzija skeleta, pa i nekih mjera distalnih dijelova ekstremiteta, u latentnom morfoloÅ”kom podprostoru određen nepouzdano i slabo, očito je da su za rjeÅ”enje tog problema potrebne dalje analize, utemeljene na znatno većim uzorcima iz populacije antropometrijskih varijabli, i provedene ne samo faktorskim, već i drugim analitičkim tehnikama.The system of 23 anthropometric dimensions (weight; chest girth, upper and lower arm, and upper and lower leg girth; elbow, wrist and knee diametrisi shoulder and bicrystal width; height; leg, arm, fist and foot length; and upper arm, armpit, back, abdomen and lower leg skinfolds) was transformed into image variables, on the basis of information obtained from the sample of 737 males, 19-27 years old. Thee dimensions only were sufficient to limit the factor space, on the basis of any criterion for determining the number of image vectors analysis as well. Transformation of basic vectors was done by orthoblique of basic vector was done by orthoblique and oblimin methods; the results of both were very congruent. Latent dimensions in oblimin position were interpreted as body voluminosity, longitudinal dimensionality of skeleton and subcutaneous fat tissue. Factor of transversal skeleton dimensionality, found in several earlier analyses, couldn\u27t be determined, partly because of small variances of measures assigned to estimate this hypothetical dimension, partly because the greater part of the variability of some transversal measures remained outside the threedimensional latent space after their transformation to imagine variables was completed

    Factor structure of anthropometric variables after the partialization of sociological characteristics

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    Latentna struktura morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika analizirana je nakon parcijalizacije socioloÅ”kih karakteristika koje opisuju položaj subjekta u socijalizacijskom, institucionalnom i sankcijskom subsistemu. Rezultati te analize uspoređeni su sa rezultatima analize latentne strukture morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika dobijene na originalnim mjerama morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika. U obje analize mjere morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika bile su reskalirane na antiimage metriku, a latente dimenzije definirane orthoblique faktorima. Latentna struktura morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika ostala je praktički potpuno nepromijenjena nakon parcijalizacije socioloÅ”kih karakteristika. U obe analize dobijena su tri faktora koji su se mogli interpretirati kao cirkularna dimenzionalnost tijela, longitudinalna dimenzionalnost skeleta i masno tkivo. Korelacije između ovih dimenzija dobijenih u provedenim analizama bile su veoma visoke, a kongruencija koordinatnih sustava dobijenih u tim analizama praktički potpune. Prema tome, iako su morfoloÅ”ke karakteristike u nenultim korelacijama sa socioloÅ”kim karakteristikama, egzogeni čionici definirani socijalnim i ekonomskim položajem nemaju gotovo nikakvog utjecaja na sklop i strukturu latentnih morfoloÅ”kih karakteristika.The latent structure of morphological characteristics was analyzed after the partialization of sociological characteristics which describe the position of subjects in socialization, institutional and sanction subsystem. The results of that analysis have been compared with the results of the analysis of the latent structure of morphological characteristics acquire on the original measures of morphological characteristics. In both analyses the measures of morphological characteristics were re-scaled to anti-image metrics, while latent dimensions were defined by orthoblique factors. The latent structure of morphological characteristics has remained practically completely unchanged after the partialization of sociological characteristics. Three factors, which could be interpreted as circular dimensionality of the body, longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton and fatty tissue, were acquired in both analyses. Correlations between these dimensions acquired in the carried out analyses were very high, and the congruencies of coordinate systems acquired in these analyses practically complete. Hence, although the morphological characteristics in non-zero correlations with sociological characteristics, exogenic factors defined by social and economic status have almost no influence on the pattern and structure of latent morphological characteristics

    Comparative analysis of the morphological taxons determined on the basis of skeletal measurements and the morphological taxons determined on the basis of soft tissues measurements

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    The analysis were performed on the sample of 200 healthy males, 10 to 27 years old. The first analysis was made in the space of skeletal dimensions and the second in the space of the voluminosity, and fat tissue dimensions. Both analyses were performed according to algorithm and program MORPHOTAX, and the interpretation of the taxonomic variables was made mainly on the basis of correlation matrixes between taxons derived from skeletal measurements and taxons derived from soft tissue measurements were determined as crosscorrelations of taxonomic variables. In the skeletal characteristic space three taxonomic dimensions were obtained. The first skeletal taxon differentiates between people with well developed skeletons, mainly in longitudinal direction from people with poorly developed skeletons; the second skeletal axon differentiates people with large elbow and wrist diameters and narrow knees and hands, from people in whom these transversal measurements are large. In the soft tissue space measurement two taxonomic dimensions were obtained. The first taxonomic dimensions is defined by all measurements of body circumference with very high correlations, but also by all measurements of fat tissue with medium correlations. The second taxonomic dimension is defined by all different measurements are very low and negatively correlated with this dimension. The relationship between taxons derived on the basis of skeletal measurements and those derived on the basis of soft tissue measurements are not the same. The first skeletal taxon is significantly and negatively correlated with the second taxon from the same measurements. The correlations just described. The third skeletal taxon is significantly of the second skeletal taxon are very similar to those and negatively correlated only with the first soft tissue