15 research outputs found

    Automatic construction of n-ary tree based taxonomies

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    kunal,suju,ghosh @ ece.utexas.edu Hierarchies are an intuitive and effective organization paradigm for data. Of late there has been considerable research on automatically learning hierarchical organizations of data. In this paper, we explore the problem of learning n-ary tree based hierarchies of categories with no user-defined parameters. We propose a framework that characterizes a “good ” taxonomy and also provide an algorithm to find it. This algorithm works completely automatically (with no user input) and is significantly less greedy than existing algorithms in literature. We evaluate our approach on multiple real life datasets from diverse domains, such as text mining, hyper-spectral analysis, written character recognition etc. Our experimental results show that not only are n-ary trees based taxonomies more “natural”, but also the output space decompositions induced by these taxonomies for many datasets yield better classification accuracies as opposed to classification on binary tree based taxonomies.

    Automatically Learning Document Taxonomies for Hierarchical Classification

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    While several hierarchical classification methods have been applied to web content, such techniques invariably rely on a pre-defined taxonomy of documents. We propose a new technique that extracts a suitable hierarchical structure automatically from a corpus of labeled documents. We show that our technique groups similar classes closer together in the tree and discovers relationships among documents that are not encoded in the class labels. The learned taxonomy is then used along with binary SVMs for multi-class classification. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by testing it on the 20-Newsgroup dataset

    A large-scale active learning system for topical categorization on the web

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    Many web applications such as ad matching systems, vertical search engines, and page categorization systems require the identification of a particular type or class of pages on the Web. The sheer number and diversity of the pages on the Web, however, makes the problem of obtaining a good sample of the class of interest hard. In this paper, we describe a successfully deployed end-to-end system that starts from a biased training sample and makes use of several stateof-the-art machine learning algorithms working in tandem, including a powerful active learning component, in order to achieve a good classification system. The system is evaluated on traffic from a real-world ad-matching platform and is shown to achieve high categorization effectiveness with a significant reduction in editorial effort and labeling time