21 research outputs found


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    Evaluasi Morfometrik dan Umur Kawin Pertama Kambing Peranakan Ettawa Betina di Kota Samarinda

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    Kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE) termasuk keragaman hayati Indonesia penghasil daging dan susu. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kesesuaian bobot badan (BB) dari hubungan morfometrik Tinggi Bahu (TB), Panjang Badan (PB) dan Lingkar Dada (LD) kambing PE di Kota Samarinda menurut SNI, dan rata-rata umur kawin pertama. Penentuan responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, berdasarkan kriteria peternak memiliki populasi kambing PE, umur antara 8-12 bulan. Sampel sasaran 44 ekor kambing betina, parameter yang diukur meliputi bobot badan, tinggi pundak, panjang badan, lingkar dada, dan umur kawin pertama. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana, untuk mengetahui koefisien korelasi dan koefisien determinasi. Perfoma reproduksi kambing perah PE berada pada umur kawin pertama 10,23±0,60 bulan (333 hari), bobot badan dan morfometrik 8-12 bulan, memiliki keeratan tinggi di bandingkan morfometrik antara bobot badan dan panjang badan berdasarkan koefisien korelasi R= 0,618, serta koefisien determinasi R2= 0,382. Analisis menunjukkan persentase kambing PE betina 81,82% sesuai SNI 7352.1: 2015, sebesar 81,82%.Kata kunci: Kambing peranakan ettawa betina; morfometrik; reproduks

    Factors Associated with The Incidence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lebak District, Banten Province, Indonesia

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    Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The prevalence of pulmonary TB is increasing every year. The previous studies found that knowledge, physical condition of the house, gender and education level are the well-known of factors associated with the TB cases. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of Pulmonary TB at Puskesmas Maja, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia.Methods: Case control study design was used in this study. Total 20 cases and controls were recruited. Cases are individuals aged over 15 years with pulmonary tuberculosis who were confirmed by sputum examination with acid-fast staining (BTA+) showing the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Controls were individuals with negative sputum examination results. A purposive sampling technique was used to find the defined-case and control groups. A study questionnaire was used to collect the determinant factors and house condition parameter was measured directly. The chi-square test was used to determine the association of each variable related to TB incidence.Results: The demographic data showed that the majority of TB patients in Puskesmas Maja were male who had an elementary to high school education level and had a low level of knowledge and unhealthy physical conditions of the house. The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between gender, education level, knowledge, and physical condition of the house with the incidence of pulmonary TB at Puskesmas Maja, Lebak Regency.Conclusion: This study concludes that all four variables have a significant relationship with the occurrence of Pulmonary TB at Puskesmas Maja, Lebak Regency. The results of this study can be a source of reference for further research and also become the basis for overcoming pulmonary TB in Banten Province in particular and in Indonesi


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    Energi yang dihasilkan oleh wind turbine sangat bervariasi dan sangat bergantung pada kondisi kecepatan angin yang tidak tetap. Untuk mengoptimasinya, digunakan Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT). Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan algoritma Hill Climbing sebagai kontroler untuk pembangkitan energi angin. Sistem dibangun menggunakan Arduino ATAmega328 untuk mengekstraksi daya maksimum wind turbine. Konverter ini menggunakan zeta converter dan digunakan untuk charging baterai 12 Volt. Model kincir yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) dengan Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG). Metode Hill Climbing menggunakan pendekatan perubahan daya terhadap tegangan yang mendekati nol dengan mengubah variabel PWM pada penyulutan mosfet yang digunakan pada DC Zeta Converter. Zeta Converter merupakan salah satu jenis dari konverter buck-boost, akan tetapi memiliki kelebihan yaitu karena memiliki polaritas output yang tidak terbalik. Sehingga diharapkan pada penelitian ini, Zeta Converter yang dilengkapi dengan metode hill climbing dapat menstabilkan tegangan keluaran dari wind turbine. Sistem pemantauan yang dapat dilakukan dari jarak jauh, sistem jarak jauh akan menggunakan aplikasi internet of things (IoT). Internet of Things (IoT) adalah skenario dari suatu objek yang dapat melakukan suatu pengiriman data/informasi melalui jaringan tanpa campur tangan manusia. ESP8266 merupakan modul wifi yang berfungsi sebagai perangkat agar dapat terhubung langsung dengan wifi dan membuat koneksi TCP/IP. Modul ini membutuhkan daya sekitar 5v dengan memiliki tiga mode wifi yaitu Station, Access Point dan Both (Keduanya). Modul ini juga dilengkapi dengan prosesor, memori dan GPIO dimana jumlah pin bergantung dengan jenis ESP8266 yang digunakan.Kata kunci : Generator Magnet Permanent, Hill Climbing, Internet Of Things, Zeta Converter.

    Design Human Object Detection Yolov4-Tiny Algorithm on ARM Cortex-A72 and A53

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    Currently, many object detection systems still use devices with large sizes, such as using PCs, as supporting devices, for object detection. This makes these devices challenging to use as a security system in public facilities based on human object detection. In contrast, many Mini PCs currently use ARM processors with high specifications. In this research, to detect human objects will use the Mini PC Nanopi M4V2 device that has a speed in processing with the support of CPU Dual-Core Cortex-A72 (up to 2.0 GHz) + Cortex A53 (Up to 2.0 GHz) and 4 Gb DDR4 Ram. In addition, for the human object detection system, the author uses the You Only Look Once (YOLO) method with the YoloV4-Tiny type, With these specifications and methods, the detection rate and FPS score are seen which are the feasibility values for use in detecting human objects. The simulation for human object recognition was carried out using recorded video, simulation obtained a detection rate of 0,9845 or 98% with FPS score of 3.81-5.55.  These results are the best when compared with the YOLOV4 and YOLOV5 models. With these results, it can be applied in various human detection applications and of course robustness testing is needed


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    Energi matahari dapat dimanfaatkan dengan cara merangkai suatu alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengubah energi matahari menjadi energi listrik. Alat yang dapat digunakan adalah Panel Surya. Teknologi dengan menggunakan Panel Surya  telah lama dikenal oleh manusia. Permasalahan yang ada sekarang ini adalah Panel Surya yang terpasang kebanyakan masih bersifat statis. Hal ini menyebabkan penerimaan energi matahari tidak optimal. Oleh karena itu, perlu dibuat sistem yang membuat Panel Surya selalu mengikuti arah matahari. Perangkat solar tracker bertujuan untuk bisa mengikuti arah gerak matahari dengan menampilkan status baterai pada LCD, dengan kontroller berupa arduino uno dan perangkat tambahan sebagai input berupa 2 sensor LDR dan 1 buah output berupa motor servo sebagai penggerak panel surya.&nbsp

    Design Human Object Detection Yolov4-Tiny Algorithm on ARM Cortex-A72 and A53

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    Currently, many object detection systems still use devices with large sizes, such as using PCs, as supporting devices, for object detection. This makes these devices challenging to use as a security system in public facilities based on human object detection. In contrast, many Mini PCs currently use ARM processors with high specifications. In this research, to detect human objects will use the Mini PC Nanopi M4V2 device that has a speed in processing with the support of CPU Dual-Core Cortex-A72 (up to 2.0 GHz) + Cortex A53 (Up to 2.0 GHz) and 4 Gb DDR4 Ram. In addition, for the human object detection system, the author uses the You Only Look Once (YOLO) method with the YoloV4-Tiny type, With these specifications and methods, the detection rate and FPS score are seen which are the feasibility values ​​for use in detecting human objects. The simulation for human object recognition was carried out using recorded video, simulation obtained a detection rate of 0.9845 or 98% with FPS score of 3.81-5.55. These results are the best when compared with the YOLOV4 and YOLOV5 models. With these results, it can be applied in various human detection applications and of course robustness testing is needed

    Design and Implementation of IoT-Based Monitoring Battery and Solar Panel Temperature in Hydroponic System

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    Hydroponics is currently widely used for the effectiveness of farming in narrow areas and increasing the supply of food, especially vegetables. This hydroponic technology grew until it collaborated with the internet of things technology, allowing users to monitor hydroponic conditions such as temperature and humidity in the surrounding environment. This technology requires electronic systems to obtain cost-effective power coverage and have independent charging systems, such as power systems using solar panels, where the power received by solar panels from the sun is stored in batteries. It must ensure that the condition of the battery and solar panels are in good condition. The research contribution is to create a solar panel temperature monitoring system and battery power using Grafana and Android Application. Apart from several studies, solar panels are greatly affected by temperature, which can cause damage to the panels. If the temperature is too high, the battery and panel temperature monitoring system can help monitor the condition of the device at Grafana and Android application with sensor data such as voltage, current, temperature and humidity that have been tested for accuracy. Accuracy test by comparing AM2302 sensor with Thermohygrometer and INA219 sensor with multimeter and clampmeter, both of which have been calibrated. The sensor data gets good accuracy results up to 98% and the Quality-of-Service value on the internet of things network is categorized as both conform to ITU G.1010 QOS data based on network readings on the wireshark application. QOS results are 0% Packet loss with very good category, 14ms delay with very good category and Throughput 71.85 bytes/s.  With the results of sensor accuracy and QOS, the system can be relied upon with a high level of sensor accuracy so that environmental conditions are monitored accurately and good QOS values so data transmission to the server runs smoothly