29 research outputs found

    Proses Pendidikan Insan Kamil Di Pondok Sufi Ilmu Syaththariah Pondok Pesantren Sumber Daya At-taqwa Tanjunganom Nganjuk Jawa Timur

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    This study tries to explore the education process of the perject man (insan kamil) in the sufi center/ zawiyyah of Ilmu Syaththariah. This study finds several points: firstly, in the Ilmu Syaththariah perspective, Wasithah is the elite respondent (the only reference) in having a religious. He is al-muthohharun (yang disucikan Tuhan) who is given ability to understand the Qur'an. The main fumtion of Wasithah is as the people of invocation (ahladz dzikri), uniting the human essence with the God essence in order that man can absolutety worship the God essence (not His name) when he conducts the religious activities. In praying, man must remember God in order that he is not sentenced to be negligent because one who is negligent to remember God is judged to come into the hell. Secondly, knowing the divine essence through being the people of invocation (ahli zikir) becomes the first step in the process of walking the way of being the perfect man. Then, it is followed by performing spiritual guide's advice wholeheartedly with heart, spirit, and intelledual intuition that always remember the essence of divine mystery. Thirdly, the education process of the perfect man emphasizes the consciousness of the discriples that being the perfect man is due to God's guidance. Therefore, the disciples are resuscitated in order to always hope obtaining His forgiveness, His merry, His help, His virtue, and always hope the Wasithah's grace and blessing. Man also hopes the easiness in performing all spiritual guides' advices until he reaches the spiritual degree (martabat) of the perfed man. Fourthly, the concept of the pe,fect man in the Ilmu Syaththariah perspective can be implemented in the education institutions. Based on the surory, it shows that the students who become the Syaththariah community look more faithful in the observance ef religious obligations than those who do not involve in this the Syaththariah community in the same education institutions

    Kiai Hasan Ulama Mursyid Tarekat Shaththariah As a Pioneer of Modern Pesantren

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    Pesantren is a native Islamic education institution of Indonesia; while the school is a modern educational institution. The tested pesantren excelled in the development of religiosity, simple lifestyle, and independence of the santri; while schools excel in the intellectual and vocational development of the students. Learning in pesantren uses an individual system, while school uses a classical system. Kiai Hasan Ulama is the Mursyid of the Tarekat Shaththariah, better known as Wasithah, precisely Wasithah 43 (1873-1916). In 1886, he founded Pesantren Takeran (Magetan East Java) as the first modern pesantren in Indonesia that combines the excellence of pesantren and school systems. The educational model is preserved by Wasithah to the present, namely Pesantren Sabilul Muttaqien (PSM) Takeran (Wasithah 44-45), PSM Tanjunganom Nganjuk (Wasithah 46), Pondok Modern Resources At-Taqwa (Pomosda) Tanjunganom Nganjuk (Wasithah 47), and Pondok Pesantren Matlabus Salik (Pondok Al-Matlab) Jogomerto Nganjuk (Wasithah 48/now). The study aims to describe the modern pesantren model established by Kiai Hasan Ulama. The study method used a qualitative approach with documentary study techniques ((on main ideas of Mursyid), expost facto (educational institution of Wasithah 47), and depth interview with the Wasithah now. The study found that Pesantren Pomosda (2008-2012) and Pesantren Al-Matlab (2016 -...) is the present Pesantren Takeran that runs the school system excellence in pesantren ways

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Tekstil Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2012 - 2016

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    Kinerja keuangan merupakan salah satu faktor internal yang mempegaruhi harga saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja keuangan terhadap harga saham yang terdaftar di BEI dengan kurun waktu selama 5 tahun ( 2012-2016 ). Sampel yang digunakan adalah perusahaan tekstil yang listing dan aktif di pasar modal. Total populasi sebanyak 15 perusahaan tekstil dan setelah dilakukan proses pemilihan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling diperoleh 8 perusahaan tekstil. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari www.idx.co.id berupa laporan keuangan yang dipublikasikan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda baik secara parsial ( uji t ) maupun simultan ( uji F ). Hasil penelitian untuk DAR nenunjukan nilai t hitung -1.209 < dari tabel sebesar 1,68957 yang berarti tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan, ROA menunjukan nilai t hitung 0,063 < dari tabel sebesar 1,68957 yang berarti tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan, DER menunjukan nilai t hitung -0,416 dari tabel sebesar 1,68957 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh signifikan. Dari hasil uji F diperoleh hasil bahwa DAR, ROA, DER, dan EPS secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap naiknya harga saham

    Model Perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Islam Yang Damai, Moderat, dan Toleran

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    The study aims to describe the model of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) lectures that are peaceful, moderate, and tolerant in Indonesia University of Education (UPI). The research method used is descriptive-qualitative. The study found that the peaceful, moderate, and tolerant model of Islamic Education is to use open-ended lecture models that include the openness of lecturers, materials and methods. The openness of the lecturer is shown by the attitude and the thinking of the lecturer who sees the difference of understand, madzhab and religion as necessity and not exclusive, material disclosure is shown by substantive and inclusive material selection, while method openness is demonstrated by the use of an argumentative dialogical learning method consisting of ushul study cross-mazhab method, methodology of madhahab typhology  and method of study of religions.   Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan model perkuliahan PAI yang damai, moderat, dan toleransi di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif-kualitatif. Penelitian menemukan bahwa Model Pendidikan Agama Islam yang damai, moderat, dan toleran yaitu menggunakan model perkuliahan yang terbuka yang meliputi keterbukaan dosen, materi dan metode. Keterbukaan dosen ditunjukkan dengan sikap dan pemikiran dosen yang melihat perbedaan paham, mazhab dan agama sebagai keniscayaan dan tidak bersifat eksklusif; keterbukaan materi ditunjukkan dengan pemilihan materi secara substantive dan inklusif,sedangkan keterbukaan metode ditunjukkan dengan penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang dialogis argumentatif yang terdiri dari metode studi ushul lintas mazhab, metode tipologi mazhab dan metode studi agama-agama

    A Thematic Digital Quran Learning Model in Islamic Religious Education

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    In the digital era, learning activity requires several competencies including several applications to use digital media like digital Quran. This research is aimed at analyzing the strategies to increase religious substance in Islamic religious education courses for students Majoring in PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam/Islamic Religious Education), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, through the Digital Quran. This study applied a survey approach involving 104 students in their third semester. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results showed that the thematic learning of the digital Quran, which was carried out simultaneously, could increase students’ religious substance with Fcount 22.477 > Ftable 3.09, significance value 0.05, and probability 0.00

    The Correlation Analysis of Islamic Education (PAI) Learning Outcomes with Religious Tolerance at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

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    This study is motivated by the rampant cases and the spread of intolerant and radical understanding. The cases of intolerance and radicalization even occur to students who should possess a tolerant religious understanding and not get caught up in the indoctrination of religious violence. This study aims to analyze the correlation between PAI learning outcomes and religious tolerance. It applies a causal design and quantitative approach with survey method. The population of UPI Bumi Siliwangi is 24.340 students. The data is collected by utilizing probality sampling technique (cluster sampling). There are 344 respondents and questionnaires are served as the research instrument. Then, the data is analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis with the assistance of SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the learning outcomes of UPI students mostly get A is at the level of 45,9%. Religious tolerance of UPI students is generally at the most tolerant level of 61,63%. Tolerance to other religions is highest at the tolerant level of 60,17. Tolerance to the same religion but with different understanding, in this case is minority mazhab, is mostly tend to be intolerant level of 47,67%. Tolerance to the state and government, is mostly at the tolerant level of 38,66%. This study finds that there is no significant correlation between PAI learning outcomes and religious tolerance among the UPI students

    Perubahan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Terhadap Makna Keimanan/ Kekafiran Ahli Kitab dengan Metode Tematik Digital Quran

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    Mahasiswa Muslim memandang Ahli Kitab (pengikut agama non-Islam) sebagai kafir. Akibatnya, mereka menolak non-Muslim untuk menduduki jabatan publik karena mereka kafir. Padahal Al-Qur'an menegaskan bahwa di antara Ahli Kitab ada yang beriman, amanah, dan pelaku kebajikan. Solusi terbaik dengan mengembangkan model pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) berbasis Al-Quran. Penelitian bertujuan menghasilkan model pembelajaran tematik digital Quran untuk memahami istilah Ahli Kitab dalam Al-Quran. Metode penelitian kuasi R&amp;D. Uji-coba model di UNISBA dan UPI. Tema-tema yang dibahas: makna beriman, kafir, dan Ahli Kitab dalam Al-Quran. Hasil penelitian, pola pikir keagamaan mahasiswa berubah. Sebelum kuliah, mereka mengaitkan keimanan dan kekafiran dengan identitas agama. Adapun setelah kuliah, mereka mengasosiasikannya dengan karakter baik dan buruk. Menurut mereka, di antara Ahli Kitab ada yang beriman, tetapi lebih banyak yang kafir. Implikasinya, model pembelajaran tematik digital Qur'an cukup efektif mengubah pola pikir keagamaan mahasiswa.&nbsp;&nbsp; Muslim students view Ahli Kitab (followers of a non-Islamic religion) as kafir. As a result, they refuse non-Muslims to hold public positions because they are infidels. Whereas the Qur'an confirms that among the Ahli Kitab, some believe, are trustworthy, and are pious. The best solution is to develop a Quran-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning model. The research aims to produce a digital Quran thematic learning model to understand the term Ahli Kitab in Al-Quran. Quasi R&amp;D research method. Model testing at UNISBA and UPI. The themes discussed: the meaning of believing, the meaning of unbelievers, and the meaning of the People of the Book in the Al-Quran. The results of the study describes syntax model digital quran thematic and students' religious mindsets changed. At first, they associated faith and disbelief with religious identity. As for after college, they associate it with good and evil characters. According to the students, there are people of the Book who believe, but more are unbelievers. The implication is that the digital Quran thematic model is quite effective in changing the religious mindset of students

    Creating Religious Tolerance through Quran-Based Learning Model for Religious Education

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    Religious tolerance is one of the competencies listed in Indonesia higher education curriculum. There is a need to design learning model that can increase students’ religious tolerance in higher education. This study aims to produce a learning model for religious education which is based on the Quran to nurture students’ religious tolerance. To answer the problem of this study, a quasi-R&D model was chosen. This research is multi-years. In the first year (2019) a learning model was tested. The research findings showed that the lecture model was carried out in six stages: describing the Qur'anic view of the faith of adherents of non-Islamic religions; reminding students of the dangers of takfir; describing students’ common mistakes in assessing other religions; describing the main teachings of other religions correctly; searching for common denominator between Islam and other religions; and developing inclusive attitudes and religious tolerance. After being tested, this learning model has proven to be effective in increasing students' understanding of the basic teachings of other religions, in understanding of the basic teachings of Islam, in developing more robust understanding in their Islamic aqeedah, and being more inclusive and tolerant to adherents of other religions


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    Abstract. Khilafiah (the difference's of teachings) NU-Muhammadiyah has been known by the Muslim community of Indonesia. However, some students still question these differences. They question why in Islam many madhhabs, why Muslims do not agree in a single madhhab. The study aims to produce a learning model of madhhab typology NU-Muhammadiyah to improve students' understanding and acceptance of the variety of madhhabs of Islam. The research method used quasi experiment with one-sample t-test. The study found, the learning model of madhhab typology NU-Muhammadiyah proved to improve students' understanding and acceptance of different madhhabs. By exploring the different religious views between these two madhhabs the students are shown to have sufficient understanding of some of the religious issues of the two madhhabs' perspectives. They can also accept the teachings and the presence of NU and Muhammadiyah. However, the acceptance of these two jam`iyah did not indicate that the students had an inclusive and tolerant attitude to the variety of madhhabs of Islam

    The Impact of the Digital Al-Qur'an Thematic Learning Model on the Learning Achievement of Santri at Islamic Boarding Schools in Bandung Regency

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the thematic digital al-Qur'an learning model on students' academic achievement in Bandung Regency boarding schools. The method used was a qualitative research method with a field research type. The research location was in one of the boarding schools in Bandung Regency, and the participants in this study were students. This study concluded that using the digital al-Qur'an in religious subjects can positively impact critical thinking skills, understanding, and memory. Using the versions of the Quran can also help students improve their memory. This is because features such as bookmarks, notes, and text highlighting provided by the digital Quran application can make it easier to revise and refer back to materials that have been previously learned. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings, specifically in the context of students