13 research outputs found
Stable organization of the early lexical-semantic network in 18- and 24-month-old preterm and full-term infants: an eye-tracker study
IntroductionAn organized mental lexicon determines new information acquisition by orienting attention during language processing. Adult-like lexical-semantic knowledge organization has already been demonstrated in 24-month-olds. However, the outcomes of earlier studies have been contradictory in terms of the organizational capacities of 18-month-olds, thus our aim was to examine lexical-semantic organization in this younger age group. In prematurely born infants, audiovisual integration deficits have been found alongside disruptions in language perception. By including late preterm infants with corrected ages in our study, we aimed to test whether maturational differences influence lexical-semantic organization when vocabulary is growing rapidly.MethodsWe tested 47 late preterm and full-term 18- and 24-month-old infants by means of an infant-adapted target-absent task using a slightly modified version of the original visual world paradigm for eye tracker.ResultsWe found a longer fixation duration for the lexical and semantic distractors compared to the neutral pictures. Neither language proficiency nor age affected the looking time results. We found a dissociation by age between taxonomic and associative semantic relations. Maturational differences were detectable in the initial processing of taxonomic relations, as processing in the preterm group was slightly delayed and qualitatively different in the first half of the looking time. The size and composition of the expressive vocabulary differed only by age.DiscussionIn general, our study demonstrated a stable lexical-semantic organization between 18 and 24 months of age, regardless of maturational differences
A célok és céltárgyak szerepe az eseményemlékezet és a fogalomalkotás fejlődésében = The role of goals and goal-objects in the development of event memory and concept formation
Vizsgálataink nyomán azt támasztottuk alá, hogy az önĂ©letrajzi emlĂ©kezĂ©s kialakulását megelĹ‘zĹ‘en kisgyermekek utánzásban megragadhatĂł felidĂ©zĂ©sĂ©re a noetikus emlĂ©kforma jellemzĹ‘. FeltĂ©telezhetĹ‘en az egyedi emlĂ©kek elĹ‘hĂvása terĂ©n a korai idĹ‘szakban az jelenti a korlátot, hogy kisgyermekek nem kĂ©pesek ezen „noetikus” formához (az elsĹ‘dleges reprezentáciĂłs formához) hozzákapcsolni a megtapasztalás kontextuális, megkĂĽlönböztetĹ‘ elemeit. Az „esemĂ©nyfogalmak” Ă©s esemĂ©nyemlĂ©kek kialakĂtásában az oksági Ă©s a teleolĂłgiai (cĂ©loksági) interpretáciĂłs sĂ©mák játszanak fĹ‘szerepet. ElsĹ‘ kĂsĂ©rletĂĽnk eredmĂ©nye, hogy egyszerű ismerĹ‘s Ă©s Ăşj esemĂ©nyek utánzásos felidĂ©zĂ©se alkalmával kisgyermekek az esemĂ©nyek lĂ©nyegi elemeit sikeresen felidĂ©zik, mĂg az esemĂ©nybe illesztett megkĂĽlönböztetĹ‘ jegyeket nem. Második kĂsĂ©rletĂĽnk arra keresi a választ, hogy a noetikus emlĂ©kformát milyen reprezentáciĂłs szervezĹ‘ elv támogatja. Vizsgálataink alátámasztják, hogy a cĂ©lok olvasása alapvetĹ‘ szerepet kap az esemĂ©nyemlĂ©kek organizáciĂłjában. Harmadik kĂsĂ©rletĂĽnk során a teleolĂłgiai hozzáállás Ă©s a kauzalitás emlĂ©kszervezĹ‘ szerepĂ©t, Ă©s e kĂ©t intrepretáciĂłs sĂ©ma hierarchikus viszonyát kĂvántuk tesztelni. KĂ©tĂ©rtelmű esemĂ©nyek utánzása nyomán azt tapasztaltuk, hogy az oksági szervezĹ‘dĂ©ssel szemben a teleolĂłgiai Ă©rtelmezĂ©s elĹ‘nyt Ă©lvez. Negyedik kĂsĂ©rletĂĽnk alátámasztotta hogy az elĹ‘zetes szándĂ©k erĹ‘sĂti a kauzális szervezĹ‘ elv használatát esemĂ©nyemlĂ©kek kialakĂtásánál. | Our studies have demonstrated that the nature of early memories (of young preverbal and just talking toddlers) collected in the form of imitation is mainly noetic. It is supposed that the main difficulty for infants in representing specific, distinct memories can be identified by the problem of integrating contextual features of experience with general, noetic forms of events. The general schemas of events can be captured after just one single exposure of them by infants, though their performance cannot be described as retrieval of episodic memories. The formulation of event-representation is lead by causal and teleological interpretative schemas. The most important result of the first line of our investigations is that infants re-enact the relevant features of both familiar and novel events, while they omit the embedded distinctive features of them. The aim of the second line of investigations was to find out the main organizational factor that results in noetic forms of representations. Our studies demonstrate the continued centrality of the teleological stance in encoding action sequences in terms of goals. The objective of the third line of studies was to highlight the relation of causal and teleological organisation of events. The imitative performance of ambiguous events revealed the advantage of teleological event organisation over causal interpretation. Our fourth experiment focuses on the role of convergent prior intentions in the coding of events
NeurokognitĂv integráciĂłs folyamatok, nyelvfejlĹ‘dĂ©s Ă©s nyelvi zavarok = Neurocognitive integration processes, language development and language disorders
A pályázatban olyan integráciĂłs folyamatokat vizsgáltuk, amelyeknek szerepe a nyelvi feldolgozásban kevĂ©sbĂ© ismert. ElektrofiziolĂłgiai mĂłdszerekkel megállapĂtottuk, hogy a szĂłhangsĂşly feldolgozását az akusztikai tulajdonságok, Ă©s a hangsĂşlymintázat reprezentáciĂłja egyĂĽtt határozza meg. A felnĹ‘tt adatokat alátámasztják fejlĹ‘dĂ©si Ă©s lexikalitás-vizsgálataink. A hangsĂşly akusztikai modellezĂ©sĂ©vel kimutattuk, hogy a magyar gyerekek Ă©rzĂ©kenyebbek az ingerkezdet felfutási idejĂ©re, az angolok pedig az ingeren belĂĽli moduláciĂłra. A nyelvi tapasztalatnak ezt az elemi feldolgozásra valĂł visszahatását eddig nem mutatták ki. A szĂłjelentĂ©s Ă©s mennyisĂ©gtulajdonságok kölcsönhatását számszavakkal vizsgáltuk. A lexikális szemantika szempontjábĂłl igazán Ăşjdonságnak számĂtĂł eredmĂ©ny a szĂłkategĂłriához kötött keresĂ©si folyamatok jelentĹ‘s eltĂ©rĂ©sĂ©nek kimutatása. A lexikai feldolgozás Ă©s a szĂłformák kölcsönhatását vizsgálva az olvasásban működĹ‘ valĂłszĂnűsĂ©gi tanulás Ăşj elemeit tártuk fel. BizonyĂtottuk a jelentĂ©s-feldolgozás Ă©s a nyelvtani szerkezetĂ©pĂtĂ©s fĂĽggetlensĂ©gĂ©t a szemĂ©ly-szám egyeztetĂ©s során alany Ă©s az állĂtmány idĹ‘i távolságát változtatva. A diszlexiásoknál a feldolgozási folyamatok egymásra Ă©pĂĽlĂ©se nem tĂ©r el, kĂĽlönbsĂ©g csupán a feldolgozási idĹ‘ben találhatĂł. A pályázat összegzĂ©sekĂ©nt a nyelvi feldolgozásĂ©rt felelĹ‘s agykĂ©rgi hálĂłzat Ăşj fejlĹ‘dĂ©si modelljĂ©t dolgoztuk ki. A kutatás sikerei Ăşj nemzetközi egyĂĽttműködĂ©seket hoztak. | The aim of this project was to investigate integration processes having a less know nrole in verbal processing. With help of electrophysiological methods we showed that word-stress processing relies on both acoustic properties and stress-pattern. This interpretation of the adult data was strengthened by our developmental studies and lexicality-focused investigations. The acoustic modeling of word stress revealed a particular sensitivity to onset rise-time in Hungarian children and to within stimulus modulation in the English. This effect of language experience on processing basic acoustic feature has not been reported yet. Number-words were used as stimulus material for investigating the association between word meaning and numerosity features. Our new results representing curiosity in lexical semantics suggest a significant variation in word category-related search processes. Studies on the interaction of lexical and word form processing let us to describe new elements of probability learning active during reading. Moreover, it could also be shown that semantic processing and grammatical structure composition were independent in number-person agreement. In dyslexics the interaction of processes is not different; differences are mainly present in the processing time. As a result of the project a new developmental model of the cortical network involved in language processes was developed. The project?s success led to new international collaborations
Konzorcium, társ p.: A rekurziĂł interdiszciplináris vizsgálata a nyelvben AlcĂm: pszicholĂłgiai alapok = Consortional assoc.: The study of recursion in language: psychological foundations
Kutatásaink eredmĂ©nyeibĹ‘l nagy bizonyossággal következtethetĂĽnk arra, hogy: •Van prozĂłdiai rekurziĂł, s ennek alapja az absztrakt prozĂłdiai reprezentáciĂł kĂ©t formája, a prozĂłdiai határ Ă©s a prozĂłdiai prominencia. A magyar beágyazott tagmondatokat a lejtĹ‘ dallammenet jellemzi. Ezt jelzik a produkciĂłs Ă©s percepciĂłs vizsgálatok eredmĂ©nyei is. A sĂ©rtett intonáciĂłjĂş tagmondat megfelelĹ‘ szerkezeti Ă©s jelentĂ©s-informáciĂł esetĂ©n a feldolgozás során ĂşjraĂ©pĂĽl. •Az esemĂ©nyhez kötött agyi potenciálok jellegzetes komponensei, a CPS Ă©s a RAN a prozĂłdiai határok feldolgozását jĂłl követhetĹ‘vĂ© teszik. A CPS Ă©s a RAN vizsgálatával kapott eredmĂ©nyeink szerint az emberi agy az Ă©rtelmes Ă©s Ă©rtelmetlen mondatok prozĂłdiai határait automatikusan dolgozza fel. Ez csak akkor kĂ©pzelhetĹ‘ el, ha van absztrakt prozĂłdiai reprezentáciĂł. Ez az absztrakt reprezentáciĂł mindaddig aktĂvan segĂti a feldolgozást, amĂg a prozĂłdia nem sĂ©rĂĽl. •EgĂ©szsĂ©ges felnĹ‘tteknĂ©l a szintaktikai Ă©s prozĂłdiai határok eltĂ©rĂ©se a szerkezet ĂşjraĂ©pĂtĂ©sĂ©t indĂtja el, ezt jelzi a P600 komponens megjelenĂ©se. Az afáziás nyelvi zavar a prozĂłdiai határok automatikus feldolgozását nem Ă©rinti, a prozĂłdia sĂ©rtĂ©se szintaktikai korlátozottság esetĂ©n más kompenzáciĂłs mechanizmust indĂt el. Ép beszĂ©dĂ©rtĂ©s esetĂ©n a szemantikára támaszkodik a feldolgozás. •A rekurziĂł specifikus jelensĂ©ge, az inherens csoportosĂtás, csak korlátozottan ragadhatĂł meg a verbális Ă©s nem verbális produkciĂł akusztikus jellemzĹ‘inek elemzĂ©sĂ©vel. | Based on our findings, the following can be assumed with certainty: •Prosodic recursion exists, and its foundation is two forms of abstract prosodic representation, namely the prosodic border and the prosodic prominence. The embedded Hungarian phrases are characterized by a falling intonation contour. This is confirmed by production and perception experiments. Embedded phrases with violated intonation undergo restructuring during processing, if provided with proper structure and semantic information. •Two specific event-related brain potential components, CPS and RAN, allow to follow the processing of prosodic borders. Based on our findings studying the CPS and RAN components, the human brain processes the prosodic borders of both meaningful and meaningless sentences. This can only happen if there is an abstract prosodic representation. This representation actively helps the processing, as long as prosody is intact. • In healthy adults, the incongruence of syntactic and prosodic borders initiates a restructuring, indicated by the appearance of a P600 component. The aphasic language disorder does not influence the processing of prosodic borders. The violation of prosody in case of syntactic limitations starts a compensatory mechanism. In case of intact speech-comprehension processing relies on semantics. •Inherent grouping, a specific phenomenon of recursion, can only be limitedly understood when analysing the acoustic features of verbal and nonverbal production
Effect of maturation on suprasegmental speech processing in full- and preterm infants: A mismatch negativity study
Infants born prematurely are at higher risk for later linguistic deficits present in delayed or atypical processing of phonetic and prosodic information. In order to be able to specify the nature of this atypical development, it is important to investigatethe role of early experience in language perception. According to the concept of Gonzalez -Gomez and Nazzi (2012)there is a special intrauterine sensitivity to the prosodic features of languages that should have a special role in language acquisition. Therefore, we may also assume that pre- and full-term infants having months difference in intrauterine experience show different maturation patterns of processing
prosodic and phonetic information present at word level. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of these differences on word stress patternvs. phoneme information
Two age groups of infants (6 and 10 month-olds) were included in our study. 21 of 46 of the total of infants investigated were prematurely born with low birth weight. W
e used the mismatch negativity (MMN) event related brain
potential (ERP)component, a widely used electrophysiological correlate of acoustic change detection,
for testing the assumed developmental changes of phoneme and
word stress discrimination. In a passive oddball paradigm we
used a word as standard, a pseudo-word as phoneme deviant, and an illegally uttered word as stress deviant.Our results showed no differences in MMN responses in the phoneme deviant condition between the groups,meaning a relatively intact maturation of phoneme processing of preterm infants a
s compared to their contemporaries. However, the mismatch responses measured in the stress condition revealed significant between - group differences. These results strengthen the view that the total length of intrauterine experience influences the time of emergence of prosodic processing