436 research outputs found
Categorization of animal feed according to microbiological quality - Preferable improvement in the food chain
Given the fact that the law on animal feed in Serbia has long been expected and that the current Regulation on the quality of animal feed, which includes microbiological criteria, requires improvement over the years, it is time to choose the best new solutions. The recommendable change that would bring the categorization of animal feed according to more objective and comprehensive criteria is based on the use of the VDLUFA (Verbands Deutscher Landwirdschaftlicher Untersuchungs und Forschungsanstalten) method. In several European countries, it has become routine, due to the great interest of feed producers and animal breeders in good knowledge of microbiological quality of feed as a guarantee of a wholesome final product. It involves determination of the contents of moulds, yeasts and bacteria while taking into account their potential pathogenicity. Based on the number of microorganisms, divided into seven groups, feed and feedingstuffs are classified into four categories. Classes I to III can be placed on the market, while class IV is not suitable for animal nutrition. More precise, regular determination of microorganisms would also provide a better insight into other common feed-born problems, such as, for instance, the possibility of mycotoxin occurrence
Podsticaji agroindustrijskog sektora balkanskih zemalja
Tema koja se istražuje u ovom radu āPodsticaji agroindustrijskom sektoruā bazira svoje rezultate na statistiÄkim i empirijskim podacima, primeni teorije razvoja u reÅ”avanju problema modernizacije agroindustrije i relevantnih instrumenata podrÅ”ke. PoÅ”to zemlje Zapadnog Balkana dele istu buduÄnost u odnosu na zahteve procesa prikljuÄenja EU, one se istražuju kao grupa i to: glavne karakteirstike agroindustrije, doprinosa privredi, problemi produktivnosti i konkurentosti. Doprinos ovog istraživanja jeste u sugestijama novog institucionalnog i partnerskog pristupa agrarnoj politici, isticanju znaÄaja razumevanja strukture i sistema agroindustrijskog sektora pri definisanju razliÄitih instrumenata podrÅ”ke rastu agroindustrije (Stevens i Jabara,1988.), kao i uslova koje validna strategija sektorske politike treba da uvaži (Kaplan i Norton, 2001.) aspekte: ekonomske održivosti, socijalne, održivosti politika, fiskalnih mera i institucionalne održivosti na dugi rok
Female entrepreneurship in Serbia
Gender equality is a fundamental right, a common value of the EU, and a necessary condition for Serbia in achieving the EUās objectives of growth, employment and social cohesion. Equal participation of women and men in decision-making symbolises the level of political maturity of societies. The work analysis of the situation and trends contributes to the implementation of the Commissionās Roadmap for Gender Equality (2006-2010), which has amongst its priorities promoting equal participation of women in decision-making, aiming to raise awareness of the situation. The majority of the data used in the work comes from the database on women which is managed by Serbian national statistics and UNDP s research data. The work shows that even if the Serbiaās efforts to increase womenās participation in decisionmaking have been consistent and certain progress has been achieved, women are still underrepresented in all spheres of power in Serbian Institutions, and in entrepreneurial activity. This remains a major challenge for democracy. If we believe in the values of democracy based on the representation and participation of citizens, then we cannot leave half of the population outside the structures of power. Gender equality is also an asset for business. Serbian economy must reap the potential of all human talent at our disposal if we are to be competitive in the face of globalization. Alongside active policy measures, one of the actions could be identified as to support activities to raise awareness of equality issues in the decision-making process in Serbia and promote research based on comparable European data, and data on countries in transition process. There is a particular focus on indicators introduced by the Council of the European Union in 1999 and 2003 as a follow-up to the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, which was adopted by 189 states and is considered as a milestone for the enforcement of womenās rights across the world. The work presents facts and figures covering education level of women /background characteristics/, decision-making in politics, economy and public service in Serbia
Ishrana i kvalitet mesa
There are numerous factors which influence the quality of pork meat (genetic basis, rearing conditions, preslaughter procedures, carcass treatment, cooling). It is understandable that nutrition is one of the major factors which influence the quantity and quality of meat. Main objective of proper nutrition is the best utilization of the genetic potential of pigs, and obtaining of meat which will satisfy the consumer or be used as raw material in manufacturing of meat products. Quality of pig meat is most often associated with pH value, colour succulence, tenderness, content of intramuscular fat (marbling), sustainability and, in general, acceptability by consumers. In this paper, the effect of certain modifications in pig nutrition on post mortal changes, selected technological properties of meat (pH value, water binding capacity, and colour), content of intramuscular fat, quality of fat and acceptability of meat is presented.Brojni su Äinioci koji utiÄu na kvalitet mesa svinja (genetska osnova, uslovi gajenja, postupci pre klanja, klanje, obrada trupa, hlaÄenje). Razume se da je ishrana jedan od veoma znaÄajnih Äinilaca koji utiÄe i na koliÄinu i na kvalitet mesa. Osnovni cilj pravilne ishrane je Å”to je moguÄe viÅ”e iskoriÅ”Äavanje genetskog potencijala svinja, i dobijanje mesa koje Äe zadovoljiti potroÅ”aÄa ili naÄi svoju namenu u izradi proizvoda od mesa. Kvalitet svinjskog mesa se najÄeÅ”Äe vezuje za pH vrednost, boju, soÄnost, mekoÄu, sadržaj intramuskularne masti (mramoriranost), održivost i, uopÅ”te, za prihvatljivost od strane potroÅ”aÄa. U ovom radu prikazan je uticaj odreÄenih modifikacija u ishrani svinja na postmortalne promene, odabrane tehnoloÅ”ke osobine mesa (pH vrednost, sposobnost vezivanja vode, boja), sadržaj intramuskularne masti, kvalitet masti i prihvatljivost mesa
Reciklaža kao rastuÄa tržiÅ”na niÅ”a socijalnih preduzeÄa
Ideja Socijalnog preduzetniÅ”tva kombinuje strast za socijanom misijom sa poslovnom disciplinom, inovacijom i pionirima vodeÄe tehnologije, preduzetniÄki pristup socijalnim problemima. Socijalno peduzeÄe je u tom smislu tržiÅ”no voÄeno preduzeÄe osnovano specifiÄno za kreiranje zaposlenosti ranjivih grupa na tržiÅ”tu rada i podsticanje inkluzivnog razvoja i teritorijalne kohezije. Sektor socijalnog preduzetniÅ”tva u svetu danas zapoÅ”ljava oko 40 miliona ljudi, sa preko 200 miliona volontera, u EU razliÄiti oblici socijalnog preduzetniÅ”tva (zadruge, organizacije civilnog druÅ”tva, fondacije, socijalna preduzeÄa) Äine dva miliona privrednih druÅ”tava, odnosno 10% i zapoÅ”ljavaju 11 miliona ljudi (oko 6%), a u Srbiji rade 142 socijalna preduzeÄa. Obzirom na Å”iroke zakonske moguÄnosti razvoja ovih preduzeÄa u Srbiji, u radu se razmatraju tržiÅ”ne niÅ”e koje otvaraju nove moguÄnosti za njih, prvenstveno: zaÅ”tita okoline sa godiÅ”njim rastom od 5% i reciklaža sa godiÅ”njim rastom od 10, 5%. TakoÄe se razraÄuju primeri: socijalnog franÅ”izinga, socijalnih kooperativa i inkubatora socijalnog preduzentiÅ”tva u oblasti reciklaže kao dobra praksa interesantna za savremeni pristup inkluziji, samnjenju budžetskih troÅ”kova za socijalne rashode i privatno javnom partnerstvu u oblasti reciklaže
Nutritive value of fodder mixes for nutrition of cattle in territory of Republic of Serbia
Over a period of five years (2005-2009), the laboratory of the Department for Nutrition and Botanic analyzed 22 samples of mixes from the territory of Serbia, intended for the diet of two categories of cattle (fattening calves I and dairy cows with over 20 liters of milk). The analysis was performed using standard methods, and the obtained results were compared with the quality conditions prescribed under the Regulations on quality and other requirements for animal feed (SRY Official Gazette numbers 20/00 and 38/01). Intensive breeding of cattle implies the use of concentrated mixes for all categories which are adapted to the age and purpose of maintenance of the animals. The mixes are products of the animal food industry, and they are obtained through an established technological procedure using the required raw materials. The inadequate quality of raw materials causes problems involving the quality of the finished products, so that strict adherence to the established recipes does not necessary result in a satisfactory quality of the mixes. All of the above imposes the need for the constant monitoring of the nutritive value of the mixes, and consequently also of their quality. On the grounds of the analysis of the presence of the elementary nutritive matter, no significant differences were established with regard to the prescribed quantity of nutritive matter, so that the use of the examined mixes in the diets of the respective categories of cattle can be expected to yield satisfactory production results.
Effect of different growth promoters on broiler performance and gut morphology
A total of 240 Hybro broilers was divided into 4 groups. These groups were fed a complete corn/soybean based diet with and without addition of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP, FlavomycinĀ® 15 ppm, Intervet), direct feed microbials (DFM, All-LacĀ® 1kg/T, Alltech Inc. USA) and mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) (Bio-MOSĀ® 2kg/T, Alltech Inc. USA). Chickens were introduced into the experiment after hatching. At day 42 of trial, all broilers were conventionaly sacrificed in a slaughter plant and slaughter performances were measured. Samples of intestines with its content from 6 average broilers (randomly selected) from each group (n=24) were taken for examination. At the end of the trial, body weight (BW) and body weight gain (BWG) of broilers fed the diet containing Bio-MOSĀ® (1915.23 and 44.58 g), AGP (1869.40 and 43.50 g) and DFM (1855.50 and 43.17g) were significantly higher than in birds of the control group (1815.67 and 41.96 g). When compared with the control group (91.19 g), ADFI (average daily feed intake) was also significantly reduced when Bio-MOSĀ® (81.84 g), DFM (83.50g) or AGP (86.16 g) were supplemented which lead to a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR), 2.17 vs. 1.83, 1.93 and 1.98 kg, respectively. A significantly lower pH of the intestinal content of intestines (duodenum, ileum, caecum) was observed in groups fed DFM (6.16, 6.46 and 6.72) and Bio-MOSĀ® (6.25, 6.50 and 6.78), compared with the control (6.55, 6.81 and 7.21) and AGP (6.61, 6.87 and 7.14) group. The use of DFM and Bio-MOSĀ® increased length and width of intestinal villa and decreased depth of crypts, while the number of goblet cells did not significantly differ among experimental groups. In conclusion, Bio-MOSĀ® and DFM exhibited nutritional, pharmacological and economic advantages over antibiotic growth promoters
Analysis of the mining activities impact on the content of heavy metals in the groundwater and drinking water depending on climate parameters
The purpose of this analysis is to show whether mining activities have an impact on the grondwater and drinking water quality. Water samples were analyzed in three unfavorable climatic periods during the winter of 2018-2019. The obtained results show that the heavy metal concentrations in water samples do not have values higher than the allowable according to the current statutory regulations. Also, the heavy metal concentration did not change with changes in climate parameters. However, a higher concentration of molybdenum than statutory by the law was found in the period of snow melting. This has shown that in extremely unfavorable climatic conditions, the karst groundwater can contain certain metals that can origin either from the surrounding field or as a result of mining activities, considering that there are two open pits s in the immediate vicinity of the "Surdup" source
Uticaj mehano-hemijske aktivacije flotacijske jalovine na stepen izdvajanja korisnih komponenti
The presented results refer to the investigation of effect the mechanical-chemical activation of flotation tailings on copper, iron and sulfur leaching degree in the sulfuric-chloride solution with the addition of H2O2 as oxidant. A sample of the Bor flotation tailings (BFT) from the old Bor flotation tailing dump consists of pyrite and tailings as the main components, and is activated in a dry process of the vibro mill with (BFT1) and without (BFT2) addition of NaOH as the chemical reagent. Using the dry magnetic separation in thee high-gradient magnetic separator Sala, the samples were separated into magnetic and non-magnetic fraction, BFT MF and BFT NMF, respectively. Leaching of various treated samples showed that the highest level of copper leaching (98.7 wt %), was obtained for BFJ2 MF sample while the leaching degree of Fe and S was higher in non-magnetic fractions, up to 92.46 wt % in BFT1 NMF sample for Fe and 80.62 wt % for S in BFT2 NMF sample.Prikazani rezultati odnose se na ispitivanje uticaja mehano-hemijske aktivacije flotacijske jalovine na stepen izluženja bakra, gvožÄa i sumpora u sumporno-hloridnom rastvoru uz dodatak H2O2 kao oksidansa. Uzorak borske flotacijske jalovine (BFJ) sa lokacije starog borskog flotacijskog jaloviÅ”ta sadrži 23% pirita i 75,23% jalovine kao osnovne komponente, a aktiviran je suvim postupkom u vibro mlinu bez i sa dodatkom NaOH kao hemijskog reagensa, uzorci BFJ1 i BFJ2, respektivno. Suvom magnetnom separacijom u visokogradijentnom magnetnom separatoru 'Sala', uzorci su razdvojeni na magnetiÄnu i nemagnetiÄnu frakciju, BFJ MF i BFJ NMF, respektivno. Luženje razliÄito tretiranih uzoraka pokazalo je da je najviÅ”i stepen izluženja bakra, 98,7 %, postignut kod uzorka BFJ2 MF dok je stepen izluženja Fe i S viÅ”i kod nemagnetiÄnih frakcija, i kreÄe se do 92,46 % kod uzorka BFJ1 NMF za Fe i 80,62 % za S iz uzorka BFJ2 NMF
The importance of cash flows in the economic assessment of the mining projects
The economic assessment and analysis of investment projects is aimed to show what the value will be achieved by the project for enterprise, region and wider community. The overall assessment of the project should be given by the investor, financier and ecology. The positive results of the project are certainly acceptable from the point of view of investors, but they do not have to be acceptable from the point of view of financiers and ecologists. This imposes a need for balancing the demands of all three sides. In the static evaluation of the project, the profit and loss account, profitability, is observed, which is higher than in costs, which is a gain (profit). In the dynamic project evaluation, the following cash flows are monitored: financial, economic and social. The financial cash flow points to the liquidity of the project during its lifetime, if the inflow is constantly greater than the outflow of funds, the project is liquid. The economic flow indicates the project profitability, period of return on investment, net present value and internal rate of return. The social cash flow deals with the national economy, excludes the government's contributions to cash outflows and determines the social net present value as well as the social rate of profitability
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