56 research outputs found
Innovation in commercialization of pelagic fish: the example of "Srdela Snack" Franchise
The consumption of fish in Croatia is relatively low for a Mediterranean country. One of the main reasons for this is the inadequate supply of fish. The supply of fish is usually limited to expensive species of whitefish, while the supply of pelagic fish is very scarce. Pelagic fish can rarely be found in restaurants, and in the fish- markets it reaches very high prices. The basic goal of the project "Srdela Snack" (srdela - Croatian word for sardine) was to set up and test a new model of commercialization of pelagic fish through franchise "fast - food" outlets. In the paper we will describe the concept of this new model which includes the whole distribution channel, from fishermen, through processors, restaurants to consumers. In this model fishermen supply fresh pelagic fish to approved restaurant s (members of the franchise) which prepare the fish according to traditional recipes. In this way a completely new product is introduced in the Croatian market. The main idea was to offer a high- quality, simple and convenient meals made of pelagic fish from the Croatian Adriatic. This model of commercialization of pelagic fish was tested through a pilot project. In the pilot project the standards of food quality were determined, the traditional recipes for preparing the food were selected, and the menu, consisting entirely of pelagic fish dishes was made. Finally, the logo of the franchise restaurant was designed. The test restaurant was opened in the summer 2004. The visitors of the restaurant participated in a survey which was used to determine the degree of their satisfaction with the new product and the new model of pelagic fish commercialization. The results of the survey showed that there is a strong demand for pelagic fish in the Croatian market. Most of the interviewed consumers liked the new product; they consider it very healthy, affordable, tasty, and typical for Mediterranean and Croatia. Fishermen and restaurant - owners also showed a great interest for this new model of commercialization because it could provide them with a bigger income. Since the results of the pilot project showed that this kind of innovation in the distribution channel is very successful, this model of franchise restaurants offering pelagic fish "fast - food" can be implemented on the national level.Innovation, Commercialization, Pelagic fish, Franchise, Agribusiness,
Behaviour of Fruit and Vegetable Buyers on the City Markets in Croatia
Better knowledge of the consumer is the presumption for preparing the efficacious selling concept. Our research is limited on the preferences, requests, habits and attitudes of the consumers which are buying fruit and vegetable on the city markets in Croatia. The main goal of this research is identification and description of the different market segments based on the relevant buying characteristics of the consumers, that is their psychological, geographic and socio-demographic characteristics. The result of this research will be used as basis for the target marketing. We used mail survey method with structured questionnaire in this research. The survey was made in June 2000 on the random sample of 1000 buyers on the city markets in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split and Osijek. From 1000 questionnaires 568 were returned, 475 of them were included in research and the rest was discarded because of incomplete answers. Univariate analysis of questionnaire’s indicators shows that 93% of consumers buy fruit and vegetable on the city markets. Almost 60% of the consumers visit just one city market, while 63% of the consumers visit the city markets more times in a week. The average total satisfaction of the consumers with the city markets was 3.8, with the satisfaction scale from 5 (completely satisfied) till 1 (completely unsatisfied). The consumers are mostly satisfied with the fruit and vegetable choice (the average evaluation 3.92), and unsatisfied with the price/quality ratio on the city markets (the average evaluation 3.12). In the further research by help of the factor and cluster analysis we determined the fruit and vegetable market segments. We found 4 consumer groups which differ between themselves according to the psychological characteristics of the consumers. In order to describe these segments we detected differences between these segments according to the geographic, socio-demographic and buying characteristics of the consumers. The results of this research give the information’s base to the domestic fruit and vegetables producers to define a marketing strategy that is to plan marketing activities in city markets or in any other selling channel.Croatia, city markets, fruit and vegetable, consumer segmentation, target marketing, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,
Trust the Health Safety of Fruit - The Importance of Guarantees
Today there are many agricultural products in the market with different designations and certificates which are as a proof of product quality and adherence to health standards. However, consumers sometimes find it difficult to differentiate these certificates and they have variable degrees of trust for them. In this article we tried to determine the consumers' general degree of trust in food safety and in the health safety of the fruit offered in Croatia. A comparison is made between the trust degrees for domestic and imported fruit. Consumers also expressed their opinion about the need for various certificates that guarantee the health safety of food products. In this respect, we also tried to determine the various degrees of trust for different certificates. Finally, we tried to determine the degree of trust for different sale channels (city markets, supermarkets, specialized shops and direct marketing).health, safety, trust, fruit, guarantee, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,
Features of the Crime Genre in Sieg Larsson's and Goran Tribuson's Novels in a Comparative Context
U diplomskom se radu analiziraju karakteristike kriminalističkih romana Muškarci koji mrze žene, Djevojka koja se igrala vatrom, Kule u zraku Stiega Larssona te Propali kongres, Susjed u nevolji i Gorka čokolada Gorana Tribusona. Prvi se dio rada bavi pojmom trivijalna književnost. U tom se dijelu proučava problematika pojma trivijalne književnosti, njezina pojava te pojava i utjecaj popularne kulture na književnost. U radu se dalje detaljno proučavaju karakterne jedinice koje su neophodne za nastanak kriminalističkog romana. Karakterne jedinice su: nasilje (enigma), istražitelj, ubojica i kazna. Nakon proučavanja karakternih jedinica, nadalje se u radu govori o osnovnoj shemi kriminalističkog romana. Shemu kriminalističkog romana čine: jedna kompozicijska linija, ambigvitetno i paradoksalno kretanje radnje, inverzija i gradacija te kompozicijski blokovi. Posljednji dio rada čini komparativa analiza predložaka koja se sastoji od dva dijela. Prvi dio čini komparativa analiza karakternih jedinica predložaka, dok se drugi dio bavi njihovom kompozicijskom shemom. Na temelju komparativne analize predložaka doći će se do zaključka da navedeni romani poštuju osnovnu shemu kriminalističkoga romana, ali je isto tako i proširuju
The eschatological and the political in Ivan Gundulić's "Osman"
U radu će se proučavati dva aspekta Osmana Ivana Gundulića: eshatološki i politički. Eshatološki aspekt odnosi se na utjecaj onostranih sila, a politički na događaje koji su doveli do Osmanove smrti (pobuna janjičara, plan Mustafine majke, Dautova ambicija). Pokušat ćemo objasniti da sudbina likova proizlazi iz njihovih postupaka, odnosno da epom ne ravna eshatologija već politika
The eschatological and the political in Ivan Gundulić's "Osman"
U radu će se proučavati dva aspekta Osmana Ivana Gundulića: eshatološki i politički. Eshatološki aspekt odnosi se na utjecaj onostranih sila, a politički na događaje koji su doveli do Osmanove smrti (pobuna janjičara, plan Mustafine majke, Dautova ambicija). Pokušat ćemo objasniti da sudbina likova proizlazi iz njihovih postupaka, odnosno da epom ne ravna eshatologija već politika
Features of the Crime Genre in Sieg Larsson's and Goran Tribuson's Novels in a Comparative Context
U diplomskom se radu analiziraju karakteristike kriminalističkih romana Muškarci koji mrze žene, Djevojka koja se igrala vatrom, Kule u zraku Stiega Larssona te Propali kongres, Susjed u nevolji i Gorka čokolada Gorana Tribusona. Prvi se dio rada bavi pojmom trivijalna književnost. U tom se dijelu proučava problematika pojma trivijalne književnosti, njezina pojava te pojava i utjecaj popularne kulture na književnost. U radu se dalje detaljno proučavaju karakterne jedinice koje su neophodne za nastanak kriminalističkog romana. Karakterne jedinice su: nasilje (enigma), istražitelj, ubojica i kazna. Nakon proučavanja karakternih jedinica, nadalje se u radu govori o osnovnoj shemi kriminalističkog romana. Shemu kriminalističkog romana čine: jedna kompozicijska linija, ambigvitetno i paradoksalno kretanje radnje, inverzija i gradacija te kompozicijski blokovi. Posljednji dio rada čini komparativa analiza predložaka koja se sastoji od dva dijela. Prvi dio čini komparativa analiza karakternih jedinica predložaka, dok se drugi dio bavi njihovom kompozicijskom shemom. Na temelju komparativne analize predložaka doći će se do zaključka da navedeni romani poštuju osnovnu shemu kriminalističkoga romana, ali je isto tako i proširuju
Mineral elements in dry-cured ham
Mineralne tvari su neophodne za normalno funkcioniranje organizma, ali mogu imati nepoželjne učinke ako se konzumiraju u neodgovarajućim količinama stoga je njihovo određivanje u namirnicama od iznimne važnosti. Meso je nutritivno vrijedna namirnica i izvrstan je izvor minerala kao što su željezo, bakar, cink i magnezij. Jedan od visokovrijednih trajnih suhomesnatih proizvoda je pršut. Određivan je udio pepela metodom suhog spaljivanja te količine magnezija i kalcija u 14 različitih uzoraka dalmatinskog pršuta metodom atomske apsorpcijske spektrofotometrije. Istraživanje je pokazalo da uzorci pršuta sadrže u prosjeku 7,9% pepela te 18,9 miligrama kalcija, odnosno 34,6 miligrama magnezija na 100 grama pršuta. Određene količine kalcija i magnezija pokazuju da pršut nije dobar izvor ni kalcija ni magnezija.Minerals are necessary for a normal body function, but can also have adverse effects if it consumed in inadequate amounts. That's why assesment of minerals in food stufs is extremely important. Meat is nutritionally valuable food and a great source of minerals, such as iron, chopper, zinc and magnesium. Traditional dry-cured ham is one of the high quality meat products.
In this work ash content was determined by ashing mehtod, while magnesium and calcium content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 14 samples of Dalmatian dry-cured ham. The research showed that the samples of dry-cured ham contain an average of 7.9% ash, 18.9 milligrams of calcium and 34.6 milligrams of magnesium per 100 grams of dry-cured ham. Determined amounts of calcium and magnesium indicate that dry-cured ham is not a good source of calcium and magnesium
Application of NIR spectroscopy in gluten detection as a contaminant in food
Kada je riječ o kontaminaciji hrane, kontaminacija glutenom posebno dolazi do izražaja. Kontaminirana može biti i hrana koja prirodno ne sadrži gluten, pa čak i hrana s oznakom „bez glutena“. Zbog zaštite zdravlja osoba koje ne smiju konzumirati gluten, od iznimne je važnosti određivanje i pravilno označavanje bezglutenske hrane. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati primjenu NIR spektroskopije u detekciji glutena u riži, rižinom i kukuruznom brašnu te kukuruznoj krupici. U tu svrhu korištene su dvije vrste pšeničnih brašna i dodavane u hranu u postotku od 5% do 30%. Pripremljene su tri vrste uzoraka, a svi uzorci mjereni su u rasponu valnih duljina od 904 nm do 1699 nm. NIR spektroskopija je kombinirana s analizom glavnih komponenta (PCA) koja je korištena za otkrivanje sličnosti i razlika između uzoraka. U svrhu razvijanja modela predikcije postotka brašna u uzorcima, korištena je linearna regresija te je dobiveno 9 primjenjivih modela s koeficijentom determinacije iznad 0,9. Nadalje, praćena je vodljivost i ukupne otopljene tvari (TDS) kako bi se istražile razlike u uzorcima. Svi uzorci, osim kombinacije kukuruznog i oštrog brašna, pokazali su linearni rast vodljivosti i TDS-a povećanjem postotka brašna. Da bi se utvrdio sadržaj glutena u pšeničnim brašnima i uzorcima, sadržaj vlažnog glutena određen je metodom ručnog ispiranja, a sadržaj suhog glutena sušenjem vlažnog glutena. Svjetlosna mikroskopija korištena je za određivanje veličine i oblika čestica u korištenim sirovinama.When it comes to food contamination, gluten contamination is particularly pronounced. Contaminated can also be foods that naturally do not contain gluten, and even food labeled"glutenfree". For the health of people who should not consume gluten, it is important to determine and correctly label gluten-free foods. The aim of this work was to determine the applicability of the NIR spectroscopy for detection of gluten in rice, rice flour, corn flour and corn grits. For that purpose, two types of wheat flours were used and added to food in a percentage from 5% to 30%. Three types of samples were made, and all samples were recorded from 904 nm to 1699 nm. NIR spectroscopy was combined with principal component analysis (PCA) which is used to detect similarities and differences between samples. In order to develop model that predicts percentage of the flour in the samples, linear regression was used, which resulted with 9 applicable models, with the coefficient of determination above 0,9. Furthermore, conductivity and total dissolved solids (TDS) were monitored to determine changes in samples. All samples, except combination of corn flour and hard wheat flour, showed linear growth of conductivity and TDS with the increase of flour percentage. To determine gluten content in wheat flours and samples, wet gluten content was determined by manual method and dry gluten content by drying wet gluten. Light microscopy was used to determine size and shape of particles in used materials
Zadovoljstvo potrošača tržnicama na malo u Hrvatskoj
The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer satisfaction with city markets in Croatia. Empirical research was conducted on a multiple stratified sample of 475 buyers at city markets in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek. The consumer satisfaction was explained by means of Conformation/ Disconformation-Paradigm (C/D Paradigm). The regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis about positive relationship between overall and partial satisfactions. The ANOVA analysis was used to test other hypotheses. Regression analysis indicates positive relationship between consumers overall satisfaction and their partial satisfactions (R2=0.504). Quality (β=0.297), choice (β=0.231) and freshness of products (β=0.175) were the most important drivers of overall consumer satisfaction, with crowding at city markets (β=0.112) and information obtained at markets (β=0.078) significant but less important. Statistical analyses indicate that there are no significant relationship between consumers sociodemographic characteristics and their satisfaction with city markets. The results of the research show straightness and weaknesses of the city markets in Croatia. Information obtained from this research could be used to keep and increase strategic advantages of this selling.Predmet ovog rada je zadovoljstvo potrošača kupovinom na tržnicama na malo u Hrvatskoj. Empirijsko istraživanje je provedeno na strukturiranom uzorku od 475 kupaca na tržnicama na malo u Zagreb, Splitu, Rijeci i Osijeku. Zadovoljstvo potrošača objašnjeno je pomoću Conformation/Disconformation- Paradigm (C/D paradigme). Za testiranje hipoteze o pozitivnoj vezi između ukupnog i parcijalnih zadovoljstava potrošača korištena je regresijska analiza. Ostale hipoteze testirane su jednovarijantnom analizom varijance (ANOVA). Utvrđena je pozitivna veza između ukupnog i parcijalnih zadovoljstava potrošača (R2 = 0,504). Na ukupno zadovoljstvo potrošača najviše utječu kvaliteta (β= 0,297), izbor (β= 0,231) i svježina proizvoda (β= 0,175). Manji, ali statistički signifikantan utjecaj na ukupno zadovoljstvo ima i (ne)zadovoljstvo gužvama na tržnicama (β= 0,112) kao i zadovoljstvo informacijama dobivenim na tržnicama (β= 0,078). Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između ukupnog zadovoljstva i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika. Istraživanje ukazuje na prednosti i nedostatke tržnica na malo u odnosu na konkurentska prodajna mjesta. Prodavači na tržnicama na malo i management tržnica mogu koristiti dobivene informacije da bi zadržali i povećali strateške prednosti ovog prodajnog puta
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