75 research outputs found
Ocena stabilnosti novih ranostasnih hibrida suncokreta
Sunflower is one of the most important oil crops in Serbia and in the world. The breeding process involved the selection of the medium-early maturity hybrids which had the tendency to maximize yield potential and stability in different regions of sunflower production in Serbia. The objective of this study was to test the possibility of using early-maturing hybrids instead of the mediummaturing ones, given the balance between yield and stability parameters. Three new early-maturing sunflower hybrids NS1, NS2 and NS3, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, were used in the study. There was no significant variation between early-maturing hybrids and standard hybrids for seed and oil yield. Results showed that early-maturing, high yielding hybrids were suitable for the cropping system in all tested locations. The early-maturing hybrids NS2 and NS3 are recommended for further inclusion in the breeding program due to their stability and high seed and oil yield. The entire sunflower breeding program contributed to the development of the local early-maturing hybrids and hybrids with better yield potential.Suncokret je najvažnija uljana kultura u Srbiji. Glavni ciljevi oplemenjivanja suncokreta su stvaranje srednje ranih hibrida sa visokim genetskim potencijalom za prinos semena i ulja, a stabilnim u regionima proizvodnje suncokreta u Srbiji. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita mogućnost korišćenja ranostasnih hibrida umesto hibrida srednje dužine vegetacije, koji su u pogledu prinosa semena i ulja i parametara stabilnosti na nivou standardnih hibrida suncokreta. U radu su ispitana tri nova ranostasna hibrida suncokreta NS1, NS2 i NS3, stvorena u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da nije bilo značajne razlike između ranih hibrida i standardnih hibrida suncokreta za prinos semena i ulja. Rani hibridi suncokreta pokazali su različit nivo stabilnosti gajenja u ispitivanim lokalitetima. Rani hibridi NS2 i NS3 su pokazali visok stepen stabilnosti na svim ispitivanim lokalitetima i visoke prinose semena i ulja. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju značajan doprinos u oplemenjivanju suncokreta i razvoju domaćih hibrida sa kraćom dužinom vegetacije, a boljim potencijalom prinosa semena i ulja
Selection of sunflower hybrids based on stability across environments
Imajući u vidu da je proizvodnja suncokreta u Srbiji ekstenzivna od velike je vaţnosti odabrati hibride koji će ostvariti stabilan i visok prinos semena i ulja u različitim uslovima spoljašnje sredine. Cilj rada bio je identifikacija najstabilnijih hibrida suncokreta za prinos semena i ulja korišćenjem AMMI modela. Ispitivano je devet novostvorenih hibrida koji pripadaju kategorijama rani, srednje rani i srednje kasni. Hibridi su gajeni na različitim lokacijama u severnom delu Srbije tokom dve vegetacione sezone (2013-2014). Odabrane lokacije jesu geografski bliske, ali različite su u pogledu agroekoloških uslova (zemljišta, padavina i temperature), čime su stvoreni specifični mikro-klimatski uslovi za gajenje suncokreta. Grupna analiza varijanse prinosa semena i ulja pokazala je da su glavni efekti, hibridi i spoljašnja sredina, kao i njihova interakcija bili statistički visoko značajni. Biplot analiza je utvrdila da je sredina E3 najstabilnija za proizvodnju suncokreta. Na osnovu rezultata AMMI modela, najmanju interakciju sa spoljašnjom sredinom, odnosno najstabilniji hibridi za prinos semena i ulja bili su NS8 i NS2. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se oba hibrida mogu preporučiti za proizvodnju u različitim sredinama u Srbiji, i to hibrid NS2 kao ranostasan, stabilan za prinos ulja, a hibrid NS8, srednje kasni hibrid, visokog potencijala rodnosti i pogodan za sve sisteme proizvodnje.Bearing in mind that the sunflower production in Serbia is extensive, it is very important to select a hybrid that will achieve stable and high seed and oil yields in different enviromental conditions. The objective of the study was to identify the most stable sunflower hybrids for seed and oil yield using AMMI model analysis. Nine newly developed early, medium early and medium late hybrids were tested. Hybrids were grown in different locations across Northern Serbia during two growing seasons (2013-2014). Selected locations are geographically close, but environmentally different in terms of soil, rainfalls and temperature, thus creating a specific microclimate conditions for sunflower growing. Pooled analysis of variance for seed and oil yield showed that the main effects of hybrids, environments and their interaction were highly significant. Biplot analysis determined that E3 environment was the most stable for sunflower production. According to results of AMMI model, the most stable hybrids for the seed and oil yield, i.e. the lowest interaction with the enviroment, were NS8 and NS2. The obtained results indicate that both hybrids can be recommended for production in different environments in Serbia, NS2 hybrid as early-growing, stable for oil yield, and NS8 hybrid, medium-late hybrid, high productivity potential and suitable for all production systems
Otpornost novosadskih hibrida suncokreta prema prouzrokovaču mrko-sive pegavosti stabla u uslovima prirodne zaraze
Sunflower diseases have a major impact on sunflower yield and quality of seed. When conditions during vegetation are favorable, the intensity of damage can be very high. Therefore, surveys of economically important diseases are necessary. A survey of incidences and severity of phomopsis stem canker was performed on 9 locations during 2007 and 2008. A total of 8 hybrids per location was examined. Lodging of plants as a symptom of stem canker disease was not detected. The mean disease incidence was less than 5%, depending on hybrid, location and year. Generally, higher deasease incidence was recorded in the first year of survey than in the second. The hybrids Velja, NS-H-111 and Baća demonstrated an elevated level of resistance. Despite significant differences in disease severity that was found among the hybrids tested, all of them were highly resistant to phomopsis stem canker.Suncokret predstavlja našu najvažniju biljnu vrstu za dobijanje kvalitetnih biljnih ulja. Napada ga više od 40 raznih prouzrokovača bolesti od kojih samo određeni broj predstavlja problem u proizvodnji. Praćenje njihove pojave je značajno sa aspekta suzbijanja jer doprinosi stabilnosti proizvodnje. Pojava mrko-sive pegavosti stabla praćena je 2007. i 2008. godine u mreži demonstracionih ogleda. U prvoj godini posmatranja zabeležena je veća pojava bolesti na svim lokalitetima u odnosu na drugu godinu. Među hibridima u obe godine posmatranja najveća otpornost prema Phomopsis heliathi zabeležena je kod hibrida NS-H-111, Velja i Baća. Uprkos značajnim razlikama u intenzitetu pojave mrko-sive pegavosti stabla između hibrida, nije zabeležena jača pojava bolesti iz čega proizilazi da posmatrani hibridi poseduju visok stepen otpornosti prema Ph. helianthi u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine
Otpornost novosadskih hibrida suncokreta prema prouzrokovaču mrko-sive pegavosti stabla u uslovima prirodne zaraze
Sunflower diseases have a major impact on sunflower yield and quality of seed. When
conditions during vegetation are favorable, the intensity of damage can be very high.
Therefore, surveys of economically important diseases are necessary. A survey of incidences
and severity of phomopsis stem canker was performed on 9 locations during 2007 and
2008. A total of 8 hybrids per location was examined. Lodging of plants as a symptom
of stem canker disease was not detected. The mean disease incidence was less than 5%,
depending on hybrid, location and year. Generally, higher deasease incidence was recorded
in the first year of survey than in the second. The hybrids Velja, NS-H-111 and Baæa demonstrated
an elevated level of resistance. Despite significant differences in disease severity
that was found among the hybrids tested, all of them were highly resistant to phomopsis
stem canker.Suncokret predstavlja našu najvažniju biljnu vrstu za dobijanje kvalitetnih biljnih ulja.
Napada ga više od 40 raznih prouzrokovača bolesti od kojih samo određeni broj predstavlja
problem u proizvodnji. Praćenje njihove pojave je značajno sa aspekta suzbijanja jer doprinosi
stabilnosti proizvodnje. Pojava mrko-sive pegavosti stabla praćena je 2007. i 2008.
godine u mreži demonstracionih ogleda. U prvoj godini posmatranja zabeležena je veća
pojava bolesti na svim lokalitetima u odnosu na drugu godinu. Među hibridima u obe godine
posmatranja najveća otpornost prema Phomopsis heliathi zabeležena je kod hibrida
NS-H-111, Velja i Baća. Uprkos značajnim razlikama u intenzitetu pojave mrko-sive pegavosti
stabla između hibrida, nije zabeležena jača pojava bolesti iz čega proizilazi da posmatrani
hibridi poseduju visok stepen otpornosti prema Ph. helianthi u agroekološkim uslovima
Orfej - novi NS hibrid suncokreta
New sunflower hybrid Orfej was developed by breeding process in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad. Hybrid has high yield potential, excellent seed quality, adaptive to grown in different agro-ecological conditions and highly resistant and tolerant to main diseases and vermin in the region. Hybrid is resistant to all races of downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii) and highly tolerant to root and stem forms of white rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum). This work shows the results of seed yield from the trials of the Department for plant variety registration and protection and the results of Small plot trials of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops.Novi hibrid suncokreta Orfej stvoren procesom oplemenjivanja u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Hibridi ima visok potencijal rodnosti, seme odličnog kvaliteta, prilagođen je gajenju u različitim klimatskim uslovima i ima visok stepen otpornosti i tolerantnosti na najznačajnije bolesti i štetočine u regionu. Hibrid je otporan prema svim rasama plamenjače (Plasmopara halstedii) i poseduje visok stepen tolerantnosti prema korenskoj i stabljičnoj formi bele truleži (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum). U radu su prikazani rezultati prinosa semena komisijskih ogleda Odeljenja za priznavanje sorti Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije, kao i rezultati ostvareni u mikro-ogledima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Selection of sunflower hybrids based on stability across environments
Bearing in mind that the sunflower production in Serbia is extensive, it is very important to select a hybrid that will achieve stable and high seed and oil yields in different enviromental conditions. The objective of the study was to identify the most stable sunflower hybrids for seed and oil yield using AMMI model analysis. Nine newly developed early, medium early and medium late hybrids were tested. Hybrids were grown in different locations across Northern Serbia during two growing seasons (2013-2014). Selected locations are geographically close, but environmentally different in terms of soil, rainfalls and temperature, thus creating a specific microclimate conditions for sunflower growing. Pooled analysis of variance for seed and oil yield showed that the main effects of hybrids, environments and their interaction were highly significant. The agro-ecological environment E3 is most favourable for achieving high seed and oil yields, but E9 was the most stable. According to results of AMMI model, the most stable hybrids for the seed and oil yield, i.e. the lowest interaction with the enviroment, were NS2, NS8 and NS9. The obtained results indicate that hybrids can be recommended for production in different environments in Serbia; NS2 hybrid as early-growing, stable for oil yield; NS8 and NS9, medium-late hybrids, high productivity potential and suitable for all production systems
Analiza parametara kvaliteta semena ns hibrida suncokreta posle dorade na gravitacionom stolu
This paper analyzed the processed seed of five sunflower hybrid seed developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad before and after processing in gravity separator. The cultivars were Pegaz, Duško, NS Fantazija, Sumo 1 PR and NS Oskar. The analysis was conducted on seed lots processed in 2015 and involved the following parameters: seed purity percentage, 1.000-seed weight, germination energy, germination, seed moisture, number of sclerotinia per 1.000. The results showed that all the parameters of seed quality of sunflower hybrids were better after processing seeds in the gravity separator.U ovom radu analizirano je seme pet hibrida suncokreta pre i posle dorade na gravitacionom stolu. Hibridi su nastali u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu i to su: Pegaz, Duško, NS Fantazija, Sumo 1 PR i NS Oskar. Analiza je sprovedena po partijama dorađenog semena u 2015-oj. godini i obuhvatila je sledeće parametre: čistoću semena, masu 1000 semena, energiju klijanja, klijavost, vlažnost semena i broj sklerocija. Rezultati su pokazali da su svi parametri semenskih kvaliteta suncokreta kod svih hibrida bolji posle dorade semena na gravitacionom stolu
Određivanje uticaja komponenti prinosa na prinos semena konzumnog suncokreta
The most important criteria for the introduction of confectionary hybrids into production is high seed yield. A very strong positive correlation was determined between seed yield and seed protein content. A very strong positive correlation was determined between seed oil content, kernel oil content, seed protein content, with kernel. The degree of interdependence between different traits is a sign of direction which is supposed to facilitate better planning of sunflower breeding program.Najznačajniji kriterijum za uvođenje novih konzumnih hibrida u proizvodnju je visok prinos semena. Utvrđena je veoma jaka pozitivna međuzavisnost između prinosa semena i sadržaja proteina u semenu. Sadržaj proteina u semenu pokazuje veoma jaku korelaciju sa udelom jezgra i sadržajem ulja u semenu. Veoma jaka pozitivna korelacija konstatovana je između udela jezgra i sadržaja ulja u semenu, sadržaja ulja u jezgru i sadržaja proteina u semenu. Stepen međuzavisnosti između različitih komponenti prinosa semena putokaz je koji treba da omogući bolje planiranje programa za oplemenjivanje suncokreta
Komparativno ispitivanje rada dva zaprašivača pri zaprašivanju hibridnog semena suncokreta
Seed treatment with fungicides is very good way for plant protection. That is esspecialy important in early way of plant growing. Treating of seed with fungicide provide reduce using of pesticides comparing with treatment with sprayer in the field. Fungicide seed treatment should meet several conditions: must have no effect on the biological characteristics of the seed, has to be effective in a variety of growing conditios and must be safe to handle. Sunflower seeds in the seed processing treated with fungicides. Of fungicides for the treatment of hybrid seed is mostly used metalaxil. Seed treatment is last phase of seed processing and seed treater is equipment for seed treating. In this paper work are shown results of reaserch which was done in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. Aim of this reaserch was to check percentage of pesticide active materials losses during sunflower seed treatment with two seed teaters (B-10 and CC-50). Reaserch was done on four sunflower hybrid seeds NS Fantazija, NS Oskar, Orfej and NS Novak. The best results had seed of hybrid NS Fantazija, because hybrid NS Fantazija have smothness seed pericarp. Analyses of active materials losses shown as that seed treater B-10 had biger losses. This biger losses was expected because seed treater CC-50 it technical improve and better treater then B-10.Tretiranje semena fungicidima predstavlja povoljan način zaštite ratarskih kultura od bolesti u ranim fazama razvoja biljaka. Nanošenjem na seme upotrebljava se znatno manja količina pesticida u odnosu na folijarne. Fungicid za tretiranje semena treba da zadovolji nekoliko uslova: ne sme da ima uticaj na biološke karakteristike semena, mora biti efikasan u različitim uslovima gajenja i mora da bude bezbedan za rukovanje. Seme suncokreta se u procesu dorade tretira fungicidima. Od fungicida za tretiranje hibridnog semena suncokreta najviše se koristi metalaksil. Hemijsko tretiranje semena, odnosno njegova zaštita, je završna faza dorade i vrši se na specijalnim mašinama za zaprašivanje semena, zaprašivačima. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati uporednog ispitivanja dva zaprašivača, B-10 i CC-50. Ova dva zaprašivača se koriste u centru za doradu hibridnog semena suncokreta Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Ispitivanje se izvršilo na četiri hibrida suncokreta najnovije generacije NS Fantazija, NS Oskar, Orfej i NS Novak. Najbolji rezultat je ostvaren tretiranjem semena hibrida NS Fantazija, pošto taj hibrid ima gladak nenaboran perikarp. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da zaprašivač B-10 ostvaruje veće gubitke. Lošiji rezultati ovog zaprašivača su posledica starije tehnologije i tehničkih karakteristika u odnosu na drugi ispitivani, centrifugalni zaprašivač CC-50
Agronomske i proizvodne karakteristike novih hibrida suncokreta - NS Oskar i NS Fantazija
The results of seed and oil yield obtained from the trials and production plots, single out sunflower hybrids NS Oskar and NS Fantazija as very promising and potentially leading in Serbia. They were created by breeding process at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad. Hybrids are medium early ie. late maturity sunflower hybrids, have high yielding potential and high oil content. They are adjusted to different agro ecological conditions because they have wide adaptability to the different conditions of production. They also possess a high degree of tolerance and resistance to major parasites in the region, such as downy mildew, Phomopsis, white rot, broomrape etc. Hybrid seed is of excellent quality and germination. This paper presents the results of seed yield in trials from Department for variety testing of Ministry of Agriculture and environmental protection of the Republic of Serbia, as well as the results achieved in small-plot trials of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and results from farm producers.Rezultati prinosa semena i ulja dobijenih iz ogleda i sa proizvodnih parcela izdvojili su hibride suncokreta NS Oskar i NS Fantazija kao vrlo perspektivne i potencijalno vodeće u Srbiji. Hibridi su stvoreni procesom selekcije u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Hibridi priradaju grupi srednje kasnih tj. srednje ranih hibrida suncokreta, pokazuju visok potencijal rodnosti i imaju visok sadržaj ulja u semenu. Prilagođeni su gajenju u različitim agroekološkim uslovima jer imaju široku adaptabilnost na različite uslove proizvodnje. Imaju i visok stepen otpornosti i tolerantnosti prema najznačajnijim parazitima suncokreta u regionu, kao što su Phomopsis, bela trulež, rđa, vodovod i dr. Seme hibrida je odličnog kvaliteta i klijavosti. U radu su prikazani rezultati prinosa semena komisijskih ogleda Odeljenja za priznavanje sorti Ministarstva poljoprivrede i zaštite životne sredine Republike Srbije, kao i rezultati ostvareni u mikro ogledima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo i poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Srbiji
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