6 research outputs found

    University Reporter Vol. 3 Issue 2

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    New UA President Interview With Humphrey By: Jim Kelly (2) Opening for Student Regent By: Unknown (2) Students Speak Out: By: Unknown (2) Student Sponsored Forum A Success By: Tom Bayley (3) Scholarships for Students By: Unknown (3) Coordination Council Clears Air By: Ken Pergola (3) A Year Later Chancellor Search Committee Revisited By: Marty Hann (4) ACC Master plan Depends on People By: Tom Bayley (4) Campus Assembly Ponders Future By: Tom Grockett (4) Can They Work Together? By: Unknown (5) Allegations Prove False By: Unknown (6) ’77-78 Budget Approved Anchorage Short Changed By: Unknown (6) Another Solution, Another Problem By: Jim Kelly (6) Campuses Compared By: Unknown (6) Letters (7) Election Oct. 4 Municipal & School Board Candidates Speak Out By: Unknown (8-9) How Would You Spend $2 Billion? By: Ken Pergola (10) Layman’s Guide to the Permanent Fund By: Unknown (10) UAA Arts Fair is a Beauty By: Unknown (11) Playwrights Wanted By: Unknown (11) More Scholarships for Students By: Unknown (12) The Federal Complexity By: Steve Pidgeon (12) Rachal: ‘Let’s Work Together’ By: Bob Rachal (13) Creature Rises Again By: Unknown (13) Healthy Health Services By: Hari Kaur (14) Financial Aid: Help to the Needy By: Peter Mazzie (14) The Print Switchboard (15) Community Calendar (16

    University Reporter Vol. 2 Issue 5

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    Interview With Third Candidate UA President TO Be Chosen Soon By: Unknown (2) UAA Opens Educational Opportunity Center By: Unknown (2) Dr. James E. Brooks By: Unknown (2) Political Analysis Bob Goldberg To Seek Stevens’ Senate Seat By: Bill Parker (3) REA Chief Says Good-Bye By: Rober S. Hage (4) Top Slots Filled in REA By: Unknown (4) Foreign Language Courses Set for Fall By: Unknown (4) Legislator Visits Greenland ‘East’o The Sun & West ‘O The Moon’ By: Thelma Bucholdt (5) AMU Says ‘Go’ By: Ensley Patterson (5) Editorial (6) Coordinating Council Established By: Unknown (6) Unification Doesn’t Deliver ‘No Change’ In Local Government By: Peter Mazzie (6) Political Analysis Hammond’s Budget Cuts Are Anti-Education, Anti-Anchorage By: Chancy Croft (7) A Guide To Services For Teen-Agers In The Municipality Of Anchorage By: Unknown (8) Teen-agers Are Not Second-Class Citizens By: Louis Owens (9) Coping By: Unknown (9) Coach Rachal’s Rap Sourdoughs Recruit Two Top Players By: Bob Rachal (10) Falcon wins Marathon By: Unknown (10) Women’s Studies By: Unknown (10) $600,000 For Physical Education Building By: Unknown (10) The Print Switchboard (11) Community Calendar (12

    University Reporter Vol. 3 Issue 1

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    Message Form the ACC Campus President By: Unknown (2) What’s Happening? By: Unknown (2) Message from the UAA Chancellor (2) Staff Speaks Out: By: Unknown (2) Interview With Dr. Olds New President At AMU By: Jim Kelly (3) Gagnon Elected Chairperson By: Unknown (3) UAA Citizens Advisory Board BY: Unknown (3) Student Activities Goings On Around the Campus By: Tom Bayley (4) Re: Reorganization Student Rep To Meet Student By: Unknown (4) Buildings Still a Question Mark By: Jim Kelly (5) Two New Campus Publications By: Unknown (5) Elections ’78 Will Alaskans Keep Young? By: Bill Parker (6) Election ’77 Local Races to be Decided October 4 By: Peter Mazzie (6) Impressions By: Ruth Clement (7) Recollection of a Dance Workshop By: Marge Malone (7) UAA Arts Fair Set for Sept. 10 By: Andrea Choch (7) Struggle By: Unknown (8) Questions in Search for Answer By: Unknown (8) Student Regent Resigns By: Unknown (9) UA Board of Regents By: Unknown (9) Reorganization: What’s Happening on Campus? By: Unknown (9) Free to Students Saturday Night At The Movies By: Unknown (10) Second Season at Performing Arts Center By: Unknown (10) Auditions By: Unknown (10) Energy Analysis The Dangers of Nuclear Power Production By: Jim Ellis & John Gillette (11) Student Government Seeks People By: Andrea Chosch (12) ‘Playing Ball’ At UAA/ACC By: Ruth Clement (12) Chugachik Island Dig a Success By: Dean Pittenger (13) Sourdoughs Become Sea-Wolves BY: Bob Rachal (14) The Print Switchboard (15) Community Calendar (16

    University Reporter Vol. 2 Issue 4

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    New Catalog for UAA By: Marty Hann (1) Students Speak Out: By: Unknown (1) Student Statistics* *Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Students But Didn’t Known Who To Ask By: Marty Hann (2) Is AMU Going To Open In September? By: Michelle Coleman (3) Contenders for UA Presidency By: Unknown (3) Government Makes Haste Slowly By: Gail Dekreon (4) 5 by 2 Coming By: Unknown (4) Comic (4) Choosing a Lieutenant Governor the Year Of ‘The Running Mate’ By: Bill Parker (5) “Women & Madness” Scheduled for Fall By: Unknown (5) UA Cut $1.2 Million Hammond Explains Budget Cuts By: Unknown (6) Operating Budget Vetoes By: Unknown (6) Capital Budget Vetoes By: Unknown (6) What My Amats Plan Would Be By: Lanie Fleischer (7) The Solitary By: Unknown (7) Reorganization at UAA: What Does It Mean to the Students? By: Jim Kelly (8) Admissions Policy Set By: Unknown (9) Faculty Association Protests President’s Action By: Will Jacobs (9) What Does It Mean? By: Unknown (9) Naturopath Asks What is Health? What is Life? By: Doris Williams (10) Athletic department Update Coach Rachal is Positive About The Possibilities By: Bob Rachal (11) UAA Sourgoughs Basketball Schedule 77-78 (11) Union Disclaims Blame By: Mason West (12) Support Your Local Museum By: Peter Mazzie (12) Health Preservation Kit By: Unknown (12) Jailhouse Blues The “C” St. Jail Annex Story By: Doug Barry (13) Guns Still in the Air By: Unknown (14) The Print Switchboard (15) Community Calendar (16

    University Reporter Vol. 3 Issue 4

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    UA President Humphrey tells ‘Good And Bad News’ By: Tom Bayley (2) Kelly, Mumaw Win By: Unknown (2) Students Speak Out By: Unknown (2) Reorganization Recommendations By: Unknown (3) Massage: Using The Hands As Helers By: Hari Kaur (4) AMU Regains Financial Aid Eligibility By: Peter Mazzie (4) Marriage Contracts: A New Approach To An Old Institution By: Unknown (5) Mad Times By: Jim Kelly (6) Readers/Writers UAA/ACC: Fearful Disease By: Joan Tucker (6) Comic By: Unknown (6) Letters (7) Cultural Resources (8) Comprehensive Cultural Calendar (8-9) Movies, Movies, Movies (10) 14 Months Later Director Of Student Services Search Committee Revisited By: Marty Hann (11) Interview With Mason West By: Jerry Shadwick (11) University Assembly Takes Care Of Business By: Tom Crockett (12) HESS Hearing Poorly Attended By: Mel Carter (13) Workshop On Controversial Issues Set By: Jaime Cox (13) X-Country Skiing Two UAA Students Win Honors By: Laura Hamilton (14) Rachal Challenges Detractors By: Bob Rachal (14) The Print Switchboard (15) Community Calendar (16

    University Reporter Vol. 3 Issue 5

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    The Reorganization Game By: Unknown (2) Readers/Writers On Marriage Contracts By: Robert O. Townsend (2) Resignation By: Jim Wagner (2) Students Speak Out: By: Unknown (2) Public Forum Held In Anchorage By: Tom Bayley (3) Last Year’s Public Forum Results/Statewide Analysis By: Unknown (3) Gay Community Center Opens By: Marty Hann (3) Piccard Explains Student Services By: Marty Hann (4) Coping With Life By: Unknown (4) Making The System Work By: Tom Crockett (5) Review: Frankenstein Flops By: Brooke Herforth (5) For Layla By: Unknown (6) Activism in Anchorage? – Yes! BY: Lynne Williams (6) Recycling Centers By: Unknown (6) Docu-Funnies: The Cartoon Strip That’s Based on Real Life By: Unknown (6) Letters (7) Still Reaching For A Dream By: Jim Kelly (8-9) Spotlight On Weaver By: Unknown (9) Excerpts From ‘Reaching For a Dream’ By: Unknown (8-9) “Typical” Advocate Reader By: Unknown (9) Bank On Campus? By: Unknown (10) Ski Bash Set By: Unknown (10) Vets Club Elects Officers By: Peter Mazzie (10) Recreation Receives $10,000 By: Lew Haines (10) Alyeska Ski Passes Available Soon By: Unknown (10) Tom Besh New Coach For UAA Ski Team By: Laura Hamilton (11) Women And Their Backs By: Hari Kaur (12) News Item: October 24- By: Unknown (12) Resource Center for Women Works By: Jeanne Hoppenfeld (13) Feminist Credit Union Gets Underway By: Linda McBroom (13) Rachal: ‘It all comes out in the wash’ By: Bob Rachal (14) Women’s Basketball Team Shapes Up By: Peter Mazzie (14) Hitchcock Reading Award Deadline Approaching BY: Tom Crockett (14) Dismay By: Unknown (14) Pep Band Forms By: Denny Dean (14) The Print Switchboard (15) Community Calendar (16