136 research outputs found

    Gut-brain axis: how the gut microbiota influences the response to stress

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    The gastro-intestinal tract hosts a complex microbial ecosystem, the gut microbiota, whose collective genome coding capacity exceeds that of the host genome. In the last decade, evidence has emerged that the gut microbiota participates to the gut-brain crosstalk. In particular, comparisons between germ-free and conventional laboratory rodents showed that absence of the gut microbiota exacerbates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity, and alters the anxiety-like behaviour induced by stress. The discovery that the gut microbiota regulates the neuroendocrine and emotional response to stress paves the way for the hypothesis that gut microbiota dysbioses could contribute to the pathophysiology of anxiety-related disorders, in humans and in animals. In this regard, probiotic administration to rodent models with an increased anxiety-like behaviour has an anxiolytic effect.Le tube digestif abrite une communauté microbienne complexe, le microbiote intestinal, dont le potentiel génétique excède celui de l'hôte en richesse et diversité. Ces dernières années ont vu apparaître des données indiquant que le microbiote intestinal participe au dialogue intestin- cerveau. Des comparaisons entre rongeurs axéniques et conventionnels ont notamment montré que l'absence de microbiote intestinal intensifiait la réactivité de l'axe corticotrope, et modifiait le niveau d'anxiété induit par un stress. La découverte que le microbiote intestinal régule les réponses neuroendocrinienne et émotionnelle au stress conduit à l'hypothèse que des déséquilibres du microbiote pourraient contribuer, chez l'Homme comme chez l'animal, à la physiopathologie de troubles du comportement, tels que les troubles anxieux. A cet égard, l'administration de probiotiques chez des modèles de rongeurs ayant un niveau d'anxiété élevé a un effet anxiolytique

    Axe intestin-cerveau (effets de la production d'indole par le microbiote intestinal sur le système nerveux central.)

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    Le tube digestif héberge une communauté microbienne complexe, le microbiote intestinal, dont les capacités métaboliques sont plus riches et diversifiées que celles codées par le génome de l'hôte. L'implication du microbiote intestinal dans divers aspects de la physiologie de l'hôte, comme le métabolisme nutritionnel et l'immunité, est depuis longtemps étudiée. En revanche, l'action potentielle du microbiote sur le développement et le fonctionnement du cerveau constitue une nouvelle piste de recherche, encore peu explorée. Dans ce contexte, nous avons réalisé une première étude générale de l'action du microbiote intestinal sur le cerveau en comparant les fonctions sensori-motrices, le comportement de type anxieux, l'état d'activation de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien et le profil cérébral des monoamines de rats F344 axéniques et conventionnels. Les résultats révèlent que, chez cette lignée particulièrement sensible au stress, l'absence de microbiote intestinal exacerbe le comportement de type anxieux et la réponse hormonale au stress, et atténue le métabolisme dopaminergique cérébral. Afin d'étudier par quel moyen le microbiote peut agir sur le cerveau, une seconde étude a été menée, ciblant un métabolite bactérien spécifique, l indole, dont certains dérivés oxydés par le foie sont connus pour avoir des propriétés neuroactives. L'indole est un métabolite naturel du microbiote intestinal, dont la surproduction pourrait survenir lors d'une dysbiose du microbiote. Deux cas de surproduction ont été modélisés : chronique et aiguë. Dans les deux cas, des modifications importantes du comportement de l'hôte ont été observées. En situation de surproduction chronique, l'indole favorise des comportements de type anxieux et dépressif, tandis qu'une surproduction aiguë a un effet sédatif marqué. D'un point de vue mécanistique, nous confirmons que l indole peut agir sur le système nerveux central par la voie sanguine impliquant les dérivés oxydés et montrons pour la première fois qu'il peut aussi agir en activant les noyaux cérébraux du nerf vague.The gastro-intestinal tract hosts a complex microbial community, the gut microbiota, whose collective genome coding capacity vastly exceeds that of the host genome. The involvement of the gut microbiota in various aspects of the host physiology, such as the nutritional metabolism and the immunity, has long been studied. In contrast, the possible action of the gut microbiota on brain development and functioning is a new line of research, still poorly explored. In this context, we performed a first general study of the effect of gut microbiota on the brain by comparing the sensory-motor functions, the anxiety-like behaviour, the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the brain monoamine profile in germ-free and conventional F344 rats. The results show that, in this particularly stress-sensitive strain, absence of gut microbiota exacerbates the anxiety-like behaviour and neuroendocrine response to stress, and reduces brain dopamine metabolism. To investigate the means by which the microbiota can affect the brain, a second study was conducted, targeting a specific bacterial metabolite, indole, whose oxidative derivatives, produced by the liver, are known to have neuroactive properties. Indole is a natural metabolite of the gut microbiota, whoseoverproduction could occur during a microbiota dysbiosis. Two conditions of overproduction, namely chronic and acute, were modelled. In both cases, significant changes in the behaviour of the host were observed. In chronic overproduction, indole promotes anxiety- and depressive-like behaviours, while acute overproduction has a marked sedative effect. From a mechanistic point of view, we confirm that indole can act on the central nervous system through its oxidized derivatives and show for the first time that it can also act by activating the brain nuclei of the vagus nerve.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modulation of gut microbiota by antibiotics did not affect anhedonia in a high-fat diet-induced model of depression in male mice

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    Long-term consumption of a high-fat diet (HFD) causes obesity and is a risk factor for depression. HFD has a significant impact on the gut microbiota, and dysbiosis of the microbiota is now associated with certain psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression. We aimed to investigate whether modulation by antibiotic treatment of the composition of the gut microbiota in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice has an impact on depressive-like behavior. In this study, we analyzed the effects of a 15 weeks HFD consumption by male mice on their depressive-like behavior assessed in the forced swim and sucrose preference tests. Two weeks before beginning the behavioral tests, a group of DIO mice were given a combination of two non-absorbable antibiotics, neomycin and polymyxin B. HFD induced anhedonia, as revealed by the sucrose preference test, and significant changes in gut microbiota composition at the phyla and family levels. On the other hand, there was no significant effect of HFD on the peripheral and brain inflammatory profiles. In DIO mice treated with the antibiotics, an even more pronounced alteration in the composition of the gut microbiota occurred, without any change in anhedonia behavior. Only four families of bacteria were not affected in their abundance by the antibiotic treatment, the Rikenellaceae, Streptococcaceae, Erysipelotrichaceae and Bifidobacteriaceae. This stability concomitant with that of anhedonia may suggest that these families were involved in this depression-like behavior

    Ability of Lactobacillus fermentum to overcome host α-galactosidase deficiency, as evidenced by reduction of hydrogen excretion in rats consuming soya α-galacto-oligosaccharides

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Soya and its derivatives represent nutritionally high quality food products whose major drawback is their high content of α-galacto-oligosaccharides. These are not digested in the small intestine due to the natural absence of tissular α-galactosidase in mammals. The passage of these carbohydrates to the large intestine makes them available for fermentation by gas-producing bacteria leading to intestinal flatulence. The aim of the work reported here was to assess the ability of α-galactosidase-producing lactobacilli to improve the digestibility of α-galacto-oligosaccharides <it>in situ</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Gnotobiotic rats were orally fed with soy milk and placed in respiratory chambers designed to monitor fermentative gas excretion. The validity of the animal model was first checked using gnotobiotic rats monoassociated with a <it>Clostridium butyricum </it>hydrogen (H<sub>2</sub>)-producing strain. Ingestion of native soy milk by these rats caused significant H<sub>2 </sub>emission while ingestion of α-galacto-oligosaccharide-free soy milk did not, thus validating the experimental system. When native soy milk was fermented using the α-galactosidase-producing <it>Lactobacillus fermentum </it>CRL722 strain, the resulting product failed to induce H<sub>2 </sub>emission in rats thus validating the bacterial model. When <it>L. fermentum </it>CRL722 was coadministered with native soy milk, a significant reduction (50 %, <it>P </it>= 0.019) in H<sub>2 </sub>emission was observed, showing that α-galactosidase from <it>L. fermentum </it>CRL722 remained active <it>in situ</it>, in the gastrointestinal tract of rats monoassociated with <it>C. butyricum</it>. In human-microbiota associated rats, <it>L. fermentum </it>CRL722 also induced a significant reduction of H<sub>2 </sub>emission (70 %, <it>P </it>= 0.004).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results strongly suggest that <it>L. fermentum </it>α-galactosidase is able to partially alleviate α-galactosidase deficiency in rats. This offers interesting perspectives in various applications in which lactic acid bacteria could be used as a vector for delivery of digestive enzymes in man and animals.</p

    A Conserved Mito-Cytosolic Translational Balance Links Two Longevity Pathways.

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    Slowing down translation in either the cytosol or the mitochondria is a conserved longevity mechanism. Here, we found a non-interventional natural correlation of mitochondrial and cytosolic ribosomal proteins (RPs) in mouse population genetics, suggesting a translational balance. Inhibiting mitochondrial translation in C. elegans through mrps-5 RNAi repressed cytosolic translation. Transcriptomics integrated with proteomics revealed that this inhibition specifically reduced translational efficiency of mRNAs required in growth pathways while increasing stress response mRNAs. The repression of cytosolic translation and extension of lifespan from mrps-5 RNAi were dependent on atf-5/ATF4 and independent from metabolic phenotypes. We found the translational balance to be conserved in mammalian cells upon inhibiting mitochondrial translation pharmacologically with doxycycline. Lastly, extending this in vivo, doxycycline repressed cytosolic translation in the livers of germ-free mice. These data demonstrate that inhibiting mitochondrial translation initiates an atf-5/ATF4-dependent cascade leading to coordinated repression of cytosolic translation, which could be targeted to promote longevity

    Impact of the gut microbiota on the neuroendocrine and behavioural responses to stress in rodents

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    The gastro-intestinal tract hosts a complex microbial ecosystem, the gut microbiota, whose collective genome coding capacity exceeds that of the host genome. The gut microbiota is nowadays regarded as a full organ, likely to contribute to the development of pathologies when its dynamic balance is disrupted (dysbiosis). In the last decade, evidence emerged that the gut microbiota influences brain development and function. In particular, comparisons between germ-free and conventional laboratory rodents showed that the absence of the gut microbiota exacerbates the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) system reactivity to stress and alters the anxiety-like behaviour. Furthermore, the dysfunctions observed in germ-free animals can be corrected if the gut microbiota is restored in early life but not in adulthood, suggesting a critical period for microbiota imprinting on the responsiveness to stress. The modes of action are still to be deciphered. They may involve transport of neuroactive bacterial metabolites to the brain through the bloodstream, stimulation of the vagus nerve or of entero-endocrine cells, or modulation of the immune system and, consequently, of the inflammatory status. The discovery that the gut microbiota regulates the neuroendocrine and behavioural responses to stress paves the way for the hypothesis that gut microbiota dysbioses could contribute to the pathophysiology of anxiety-related disorders. In this regard, treatments of anxiety-prone rodent strains with probiotics or antibiotics aimed at modifying their gut microbiota have shown an anxiolytic-like activity. Clinical trials are now needed to know if results obtained in preclinical studies can translate to humans

    Impact of the gut microbiota on the neuroendocrine and behavioural responses to stress in rodents

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    The gastro-intestinal tract hosts a complex microbial ecosystem, the gut microbiota, whose collective genome coding capacity exceeds that of the host genome. The gut microbiota is nowadays regarded as a full organ, likely to contribute to the development of pathologies when its dynamic balance is disrupted (dysbiosis). In the last decade, evidence emerged that the gut microbiota influences brain development and function. In particular, comparisons between germ-free and conventional laboratory rodents showed that the absence of the gut microbiota exacerbates the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) system reactivity to stress and alters the anxiety-like behaviour. Furthermore, the dysfunctions observed in germ-free animals can be corrected if the gut microbiota is restored in early life but not in adulthood, suggesting a critical period for microbiota imprinting on the responsiveness to stress. The modes of action are still to be deciphered. They may involve transport of neuroactive bacterial metabolites to the brain through the bloodstream, stimulation of the vagus nerve or of entero-endocrine cells, or modulation of the immune system and, consequently, of the inflammatory status. The discovery that the gut microbiota regulates the neuroendocrine and behavioural responses to stress paves the way for the hypothesis that gut microbiota dysbioses could contribute to the pathophysiology of anxiety-related disorders. In this regard, treatments of anxiety-prone rodent strains with probiotics or antibiotics aimed at modifying their gut microbiota have shown an anxiolytic-like activity. Clinical trials are now needed to know if results obtained in preclinical studies can translate to humans

    Semi-automated solid-phase extraction method for studying the biodegradation of ochratoxin A by human intestinal microbiota

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    A simple and rapid semi-automated solid-phase (SPE) extraction method has been developed for the analysis of ochratoxin A in aqueous matrices related to biodegradation experiments (namely digestive contents and faecal excreta), with a view of using this method to follow OTA biodegradation by human intestinal microbiota. Influence of extraction parameters that could affect semi-automated SPE efficiency was studied, using C18-silica as the sorbent and water as the simplest matrix, being further applied to the matrices of interest. Conditions finally retained were as follows: 5-mL aqueous samples (pH 3) containing an organic modifier (20% ACN) were applied on 100-mg cartridges. After drying (9 mL of air), the cartridge was rinsed with 5-mL H2O/ACN (80:20, v/v), before eluting the compounds with 3 x 1 mL of MeOH/THF (10:90, v/v). Acceptable recoveries and limits of quantification could be obtained considering the complexity of the investigated matrices and the low volumes sampled: this method was also suitable for the analysis of ochratoxin B in faecal extracts. Applicability of the method is illustrated by preliminary results of ochratoxin A biodegradation studies by human intestinal microbiota under simple in vitro conditions. Interestingly, partial degradation of ochratoxin A was observed, with efficiencies ranging from 14% to 47% after 72 h incubation. In addition, three phase I metabolites could be identified using high resolution mass spectrometry, namely ochratoxin alpha, open ochratoxin A and ochratoxin B. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Characterization of cecal microbiota and response to an orally administered lactobacillus probiotic strain in the broiler chicken

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    A probiotic Lactobacillus strain was given in drinking water to young broiler chickens from 1 to 19 days of age. Cecal contents were collected from 4- and 19-day-old chickens in treated and control groups. Enumeration of bacteria by culture on selective media showed a decrease in Clostridium perfringens carriage in the 4-day-old treated chickens, whereas coliforms and Lactobacillus populations were not significantly affected by the treatment. Fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis with 7 phylogenetic probes targeting the major groups of intestinal bacteria revealed that the Clostridium coccoides group accounted for more than 50% of the total bacteria in the cecum of 4-day-old chickens, whereas the bacterial community of 19-day-old chickens evolved towards a more diverse microbiota with Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (36%) and C. coccoides (22%) groups representing the predominant bacteria. No effect of the Lactobacillus strain supplementation was observed in the composition of the cecal microbiota assessed by fluorescent in situ hybridization with the 7 probes. Nevertheless, profiling of the cecal microbiota using temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis in combination with principal component analysis demonstrated an impact of the probiotic treatment on the overall bacterial community as well as on the Lactobacillus population

    Tenasübü'l-Kur'an İlmi Açısından Kıyamet Suresi'nin incelenmesi

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    Kur'an'ın rehberliğinden en üst düzeyde istifade edilebilmesi, onun daha iyi anlaşılabilmesiyle doğru orantılıdır. Kur'an bu anlamda birçok yönden araştırma ve inceleme konusu olmuştur. Bunlardan birisi de "Ayetler ve Sureler Arasındaki Münasebet" konusudur. Bu husus zamanla tefsirlerde ve Kur'an ilimlerinde yer almaya başlamış, müstakil eseriere konu olmuştur. Kıyamet Suresi, sure içi ve sure dışı bütünlü- ğü ve anlam örgüsüyle bu konunun Kur'an'daki olağanüstü boyutlarını çok net bir şekilde ortaya koyan tipik bir örnek niteliğindedir