7 research outputs found

    Reported child sexual abuse in Bahrain: 2000-2009

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    <b>Background and Objective</b>: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a common problem with severe short and long-term consequences to the abused child, the family and to society. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extent of CSA, and demographic and other characteristics of the abused and their families. <b>Design and Setting</b>: Retrospective and descriptive study based on a review of medical records of CSA cases from 2000-2009 at Sulmaniya Medical Complex, the main secondary and tertiary medical care facility in Bahrain. <b>Patients and Methods</b>: The review included demographic data, child and family characteristics, manifestations and interventions. <b>Results</b>: The 440 children diagnosed with CSA had a mean age of 8 years (range, 9 months to 17 years); 222 were males (50.5&#x0025;) and 218 were females (49.5&#x0025;). There was a steady increase in cases from 31 per year in 2000 to 77 cases in 2009. Children disclosed abuse in 26&#x0025; of cases, while health sector professionals recognized 53&#x0025; of the cases. Genital touching and fondling (62.5&#x0025;) were the most common form of CSA, followed by sodomy in 39&#x0025;. Gonorrhea was documented in 2&#x0025; of the cases and pregnancy in 4&#x0025; of the females. The illiteracy rate among the fathers and mothers was 9&#x0025; and 12&#x0025;, respectively, which is higher than the rate among the adult general population. Children came from all socio-economic classes. There was referral to police in 56&#x0025;, public prosecution in 31&#x0025; of the cases, but only 8&#x0025; reached the court. <b>Conclusion</b>: During ten years there has been a 2.5&#x0025; increase in reported cases of CSA. Improving the skill of professionals in identifying CSA indicators and a mandatory reporting law might be needed to improve the rate of recognition and referral of CSA cases. Further general population-based surveys are needed to determine more accurately the scope of CSA and the risk and protective factors in the family and community

    Intestinal microbiota and blue baby syndrome: Probiotic therapy for term neonates with cyanotic congenital heart disease

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the most common intestinal emergency among premature infants. Risk factors in premature infants include immature intestinal immunity and an intestinal microbiota dominated by hospital-acquired bacteria. Some probiotics have been shown to decrease the incidence of NEC in premature infants. Among term infants, NEC is rare. However, among term infants with cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD), the incidence of NEC is similar to that of premature infants but with even greater mortality rates. Mechanisms by which NEC occurs in term infants with CCHD are unknown. Of central interest is the potential role of changes in the intestinal microbiota and whether these can be modified with probiotic bacteria; accordingly, we review the literature, propose hypotheses and present the rationale for future studies involving preliminary probiotic clinical trials