105 research outputs found

    Self-reported outcomes on oral health and oral health-related quality of life in long-term childhood cancer survivors—A DCCSS-LATER 2 Study

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    Purpose: The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of self-reported oral problems and the oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) in childhood cancer survivors (CCS). Methods: Patient and treatment characteristics of CCS have been collected in a cross-sectional study, part of the multidisciplinary DCCSS-LATER 2 Study. To assess self-reported oral health problems and dental problems, CCS filled out the ‘Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek’ (TNO) oral health questionnaire. OHRQoL was assessed by the Dutch version of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14). Prevalences were compared with two comparison groups from the literature. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed. Results: A total of 249 CCS participated in our study. The OHIP-14 total score had a mean value of 1.94 (sd 4.39), with a median score of 0 (range 0–29). The oral problems ‘oral blisters/aphthae’ (25.9%) and ‘bad odor/halitosis’ (23.3%) were significantly more often reported in CCS than in comparison groups (12% and 12%, respectively). The OHIP-14 score was significantly correlated with the number of self-reported oral health problems (r =.333, p&lt;0.0005) and dental problems (r =.392, p &lt;0.0005). In multivariable analysis, CCS with a shorter time since diagnosis (10-19 years vs. ≥30 years) had a 1.47-fold higher risk of ≥1 oral health problem. Conclusion: Though the perceived oral health is relatively good, oral complications following childhood cancer treatment are prevalent in CCS. This underlines that attention to impaired oral health and awareness on this topic is mandatory and regular visits to the dentist should be a part of long-term follow-up care.</p

    De medicamenteuze behandeling van maligne tumoren en de gevolgen in de mond

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    Orale complicaties van de medicamenteuze behandeling van kanker gaan gepaard met pijn en ongemak en kunnen leiden tot verminderde intake van vocht en voedsel en in sommige situaties tot levensbedreigende infecties. De mondproblemen verminderen de kwaliteit van leven, veroorzaken hoge kosten en kunnen zelfs het resultaat van de oncologische behandeling nadelig beïnvloeden als de behandeling moet worden onderbroken of de dosering aangepast. Tandheelkundige professionals kunnen een bijdrage leveren aan het voorkomen en behandelen van deze complicaties. In dit artikel worden orale complicaties van chemotherapie en van andere medicamenteuze oncologische behandelingen besproken. Tevens worden aanbevelingen gedaan voor tandheelkundige en mondhygiënische interventies
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