296 research outputs found

    The Interface between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

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    The generation, as well as the detection, of gravitational radiation by means of charged superfluids is considered. One example of such a "charged superfluid" consists of a pair of Planck-mass-scale, ultracold "Millikan oil drops," each with a single electron on its surface, in which the oil of the drop is replaced by superfluid helium. When levitated in a magnetic trap, and subjected to microwave-frequency electromagnetic radiation, a pair of such "Millikan oil drops" separated by a microwave wavelength can become an efficient quantum transducer between quadrupolar electromagnetic and gravitational radiation. This leads to the possibility of a Hertz-like experiment, in which the source of microwave-frequency gravitational radiation consists of one pair of "Millikan oil drops" driven by microwaves, and the receiver of such radiation consists of another pair of "Millikan oil drops" in the far field driven by the gravitational radiation generated by the first pair. The second pair then back-converts the gravitional radiation into detectable microwaves. The enormous enhancement of the conversion efficiency for these quantum transducers over that for electrons arises from the fact that there exists macroscopic quantum phase coherence in these charged superfluid systems.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures; Lamb medal lecture on January 5, 2006 at the Physics of Quantum Electronics Winter Colloquium at Snowbird, Utah; accepted for publication in J. Mod. Optic

    Fresnel zone plate telescopes for X-ray imaging II: numerical simulations with parallel and diverging beams

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    We present the results of simulations of shadows cast by a zone plate telescope which may have one to four pairs of zone plates. From the shadows we reconstruct the images under various circumstances. We discuss physical basis of the resolution of the telescope and demonstrate this by our simulations. We allow the source to be at a finite distance (diverging beam) as well as at an infinite distance (parallel beam) and show that the resolution is worsened when the source is nearby. By reconstructing the zone plates in a way that both the zone plates subtend the same solid angles at the source, we obtain back high resolution even for sources at a finite distance. We present simulated results for the observation of the galactic center and show that the sources of varying intensities may be reconstructed with accuracy. Results of these simulations would be of immense use in interpreting the X-ray images from recently launched CORONAS-PHOTON satellite.Comment: 17 pages, 36 figures, Published in Experimental Astronom

    Reply to: Atom gravimeters and the gravitational redshift

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    We stand by our result [H. Mueller et al., Nature 463, 926-929 (2010)]. The comment [P. Wolf et al., Nature 467, E1 (2010)] revisits an interesting issue that has been known for decades, the relationship between test of the universality of free fall and redshift experiments. However, it arrives at its conclusions by applying the laws of physics that are questioned by redshift experiments; this precludes the existence of measurable signals. Since this issue applies to all classical redshift tests as well as atom interferometry redshift tests, these experiments are equivalent in all aspects in question.Comment: Reply to P. Wolf et al., arXiv:1009.060

    Atomic physics: An almost lightless laser

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    Lasers are often described in terms of a light field circulating in an optical resonator system. Now a laser has been demonstrated in which the field resides primarily in the atomic medium that is used to generate the light

    Is there a no-go theorem for superradiant quantum phase transitions in cavity and circuit QED ?

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    In cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), the interaction between an atomic transition and the cavity field is measured by the vacuum Rabi frequency Ω0\Omega_0. The analogous term "circuit QED" has been introduced for Josephson junctions, because superconducting circuits behave as artificial atoms coupled to the bosonic field of a resonator. In the regime with Ω0\Omega_0 comparable to the two-level transition frequency, "superradiant" quantum phase transitions for the cavity vacuum have been predicted, e.g. within the Dicke model. Here, we prove that if the time-independent light-matter Hamiltonian is considered, a superradiant quantum critical point is forbidden for electric dipole atomic transitions due to the oscillator strength sum rule. In circuit QED, the capacitive coupling is analogous to the electric dipole one: yet, such no-go property can be circumvented by Cooper pair boxes capacitively coupled to a resonator, due to their peculiar Hilbert space topology and a violation of the corresponding sum rule

    Instruments of RT-2 Experiment onboard CORONAS-PHOTON and their test and evaluation III: Coded Aperture Mask and Fresnel Zone Plates in RT-2/CZT Payload

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    Imaging in hard X-rays of any astrophysical source with high angular resolution is a challenging job. Shadow-casting technique is one of the most viable options for imaging in hard X-rays. We have used two different types of shadow-casters, namely, Coded Aperture Mask (CAM) and Fresnel Zone Plate (FZP) pair and two types of pixellated solid-state detectors, namely, CZT and CMOS in RT-2/CZT payload, the hard X-ray imaging instrument onboard the CORONAS-PHOTON satellite. In this paper, we present the results of simulations with different combinations of coders (CAM & FZP) and detectors that are employed in the RT-2/CZT payload. We discuss the possibility of detecting transient Solar flares with good angular resolution for various combinations. Simulated results are compared with laboratory experiments to verify the consistency of the designed configuration.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy (in press

    Coherent Electron-Phonon Coupling in Tailored Quantum Systems

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    The coupling between a two-level system and its environment leads to decoherence. Within the context of coherent manipulation of electronic or quasiparticle states in nanostructures, it is crucial to understand the sources of decoherence. Here, we study the effect of electron-phonon coupling in a graphene and an InAs nanowire double quantum dot. Our measurements reveal oscillations of the double quantum dot current periodic in energy detuning between the two levels. These periodic peaks are more pronounced in the nanowire than in graphene, and disappear when the temperature is increased. We attribute the oscillations to an interference effect between two alternative inelastic decay paths involving acoustic phonons present in these materials. This interpretation predicts the oscillations to wash out when temperature is increased, as observed experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Are Interaction-free Measurements Interaction Free?

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    In 1993 Elitzur and Vaidman introduced the concept of interaction-free measurements which allowed finding objects without ``touching'' them. In the proposed method, since the objects were not touched even by photons, thus, the interaction-free measurements can be called as ``seeing in the dark''. Since then several experiments have been successfully performed and various modifications were suggested. Recently, however, the validity of the term ``interaction-free'' has been questioned. The criticism of the name is briefly reviewed and the meaning of the interaction-free measurements is clarified.Comment: 11 pages, 3 eps figures. Contribution to the ICQO 2000, Raubichi, Belaru

    Observation of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations

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    A two-level quantum system coherently driven by a resonant electromagnetic field oscillates sinusoidally between the two levels at frequency Ω\Omega which is proportional to the field amplitude [1]. This phenomenon, known as the Rabi oscillation, has been at the heart of atomic, molecular and optical physics since the seminal work of its namesake and coauthors [2]. Notably, Rabi oscillations in isolated single atoms or dilute gases form the basis for metrological applications such as atomic clocks and precision measurements of physical constants [3]. Both inhomogeneous distribution of coupling strength to the field and interactions between individual atoms reduce the visibility of the oscillation and may even suppress it completely. A remarkable transformation takes place in the limit where only a single excitation can be present in the sample due to either initial conditions or atomic interactions: there arises a collective, many-body Rabi oscillation at a frequency N0.5ΩN^0.5\Omega involving all N >> 1 atoms in the sample [4]. This is true even for inhomogeneous atom-field coupling distributions, where single-atom Rabi oscillations may be invisible. When one of the two levels is a strongly interacting Rydberg level, many-body Rabi oscillations emerge as a consequence of the Rydberg excitation blockade. Lukin and coauthors outlined an approach to quantum information processing based on this effect [5]. Here we report initial observations of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations between the ground level and a Rydberg level using several hundred cold rubidium atoms. The strongly pronounced oscillations indicate a nearly complete excitation blockade of the entire mesoscopic ensemble by a single excited atom. The results pave the way towards quantum computation and simulation using ensembles of atoms

    Fast cavity-enhanced atom detection with low noise and high fidelity

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    Cavity quantum electrodynamics describes the fundamental interactions between light and matter, and how they can be controlled by shaping the local environment. For example, optical microcavities allow high-efficiency detection and manipulation of single atoms. In this regime fluctuations of atom number are on the order of the mean number, which can lead to signal fluctuations in excess of the noise on the incident probe field. Conversely, we demonstrate that nonlinearities and multi-atom statistics can together serve to suppress the effects of atomic fluctuations when making local density measurements on clouds of cold atoms. We measure atom densities below 1 per cavity mode volume near the photon shot-noise limit. This is in direct contrast to previous experiments where fluctuations in atom number contribute significantly to the noise. Atom detection is shown to be fast and efficient, reaching fidelities in excess of 97% after 10 us and 99.9% after 30 us.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; extensive changes to format and discussion according to referee comments; published in Nature Communications with open acces
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