31,195 research outputs found

    Coherent states and the quantization of 1+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory

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    This paper discusses the canonical quantization of 1+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a spacetime cylinder, from the point of view of coherent states, or equivalently, the Segal-Bargmann transform. Before gauge symmetry is imposed, the coherent states are simply ordinary coherent states labeled by points in an infinite-dimensional linear phase space. Gauge symmetry is imposed by projecting the original coherent states onto the gauge-invariant subspace, using a suitable regularization procedure. We obtain in this way a new family of "reduced" coherent states labeled by points in the reduced phase space, which in this case is simply the cotangent bundle of the structure group K. The main result explained here, obtained originally in a joint work of the author with B. Driver, is this: The reduced coherent states are precisely those associated to the generalized Segal-Bargmann transform for K, as introduced by the author from a different point of view. This result agrees with that of K. Wren, who uses a different method of implementing the gauge symmetry. The coherent states also provide a rigorous way of making sense out of the quantum Hamiltonian for the unreduced system. Various related issues are discussed, including the complex structure on the reduced phase space and the question of whether quantization commutes with reduction

    Variational analysis for a generalized spiked harmonic oscillator

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    A variational analysis is presented for the generalized spiked harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian operator H, where H = -(d/dx)^2 + Bx^2+ A/x^2 + lambda/x^alpha, and alpha and lambda are real positive parameters. The formalism makes use of a basis provided by exact solutions of Schroedinger's equation for the Gol'dman and Krivchenkov Hamiltonian (alpha = 2), and the corresponding matrix elements that were previously found. For all the discrete eigenvalues the method provides bounds which improve as the dimension of the basis set is increased. Extension to the N-dimensional case in arbitrary angular-momentum subspaces is also presented. By minimizing over the free parameter A, we are able to reduce substantially the number of basis functions needed for a given accuracy.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Global three-dimensional flow of a neutron superfluid in a spherical shell in a neutron star

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    We integrate for the first time the hydrodynamic Hall-Vinen-Bekarevich-Khalatnikov equations of motion of a 1S0^{1}S_{0}-paired neutron superfluid in a rotating spherical shell, using a pseudospectral collocation algorithm coupled with a time-split fractional scheme. Numerical instabilities are smoothed by spectral filtering. Three numerical experiments are conducted, with the following results. (i) When the inner and outer spheres are put into steady differential rotation, the viscous torque exerted on the spheres oscillates quasiperiodically and persistently (after an initial transient). The fractional oscillation amplitude (102\sim 10^{-2}) increases with the angular shear and decreases with the gap width. (ii) When the outer sphere is accelerated impulsively after an interval of steady differential rotation, the torque increases suddenly, relaxes exponentially, then oscillates persistently as in (i). The relaxation time-scale is determined principally by the angular velocity jump, whereas the oscillation amplitude is determined principally by the gap width. (iii) When the mutual friction force changes suddenly from Hall-Vinen to Gorter-Mellink form, as happens when a rectilinear array of quantized Feynman-Onsager vortices is destabilized by a counterflow to form a reconnecting vortex tangle, the relaxation time-scale is reduced by a factor of 3\sim 3 compared to (ii), and the system reaches a stationary state where the torque oscillates with fractional amplitude 103\sim 10^{-3} about a constant mean value. Preliminary scalings are computed for observable quantities like angular velocity and acceleration as functions of Reynolds number, angular shear, and gap width. The results are applied to the timing irregularities (e.g., glitches and timing noise) observed in radio pulsars.Comment: 6 figures, 23 pages. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    General energy bounds for systems of bosons with soft cores

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    We study a bound system of N identical bosons interacting by model pair potentials of the form V(r) = A sgn(p)r^p + B/r^2, A > 0, B >= 0. By using a variational trial function and the `equivalent 2-body method', we find explicit upper and lower bound formulas for the N-particle ground-state energy in arbitrary spatial dimensions d > 2 for the two cases p = 2 and p = -1. It is demonstrated that the upper bound can be systematically improved with the aid of a special large-N limit in collective field theory

    Equivalence of operator-splitting schemes for the integration of the Langevin equation

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    We investigate the equivalence of different operator-splitting schemes for the integration of the Langevin equation. We consider a specific problem, so called the directed percolation process, which can be extended to a wider class of problems. We first give a compact mathematical description of the operator-splitting method and introduce two typical splitting schemes that will be useful in numerical studies. We show that the two schemes are essentially equivalent through the map that turns out to be an automorphism. An associated equivalent class of operator-splitting integrations is also defined by generalizing the specified equivalence.Comment: 4 page

    Scattering of first and second sound waves by quantum vorticity in superfluid Helium

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    We study the scattering of first and second sound waves by quantum vorticity in superfluid Helium using two-fluid hydrodynamics. The vorticity of the superfluid component and the sound interact because of the nonlinear character of these equations. Explicit expressions for the scattered pressure and temperature are worked out in a first Born approximation, and care is exercised in delimiting the range of validity of the assumptions needed for this approximation to hold. An incident second sound wave will partly convert into first sound, and an incident first sound wave will partly convert into second sound. General considerations show that most incident first sound converts into second sound, but not the other way around. These considerations are validated using a vortex dipole as an explicitely worked out example.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, to appear in Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Limiting Behaviour of the Mean Residual Life

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    In survival or reliability studies, the mean residual life or life expectancy is an important characteristic of the model. Here, we study the limiting behaviour of the mean residual life, and derive an asymptotic expansion which can be used to obtain a good approximation for large values of the time variable. The asymptotic expansion is valid for a quite general class of failure rate distributions--perhaps the largest class that can be expected given that the terms depend only on the failure rate and its derivatives.Comment: 19 page

    Experiments on a videotape atom chip: fragmentation and transport studies

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    This paper reports on experiments with ultra-cold rubidium atoms confined in microscopic magnetic traps created using a piece of periodically-magnetized videotape mounted on an atom chip. The roughness of the confining potential is studied with atomic clouds at temperatures of a few microKelvin and at distances between 30 and 80 microns from the videotape-chip surface. The inhomogeneities in the magnetic field created by the magnetized videotape close to the central region of the chip are characterized in this way. In addition, we demonstrate a novel transport mechanism whereby we convey cold atoms confined in arrays of videotape magnetic micro-traps over distances as large as ~ 1 cm parallel to the chip surface. This conveying mechanism enables us to survey the surface of the chip and observe potential-roughness effects across different regions.Comment: 29 pages, 22 figures

    Self-Similar Bootstrap of Divergent Series

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    A method is developed for calculating effective sums of divergent series. This approach is a variant of the self-similar approximation theory. The novelty here is in using an algebraic transformation with a power providing the maximal stability of the self-similar renormalization procedure. The latter is to be repeated as many times as it is necessary in order to convert into closed self-similar expressions all sums from the series considered. This multiple and complete renormalization is called self-similar bootstrap. The method is illustrated by several examples from statistical physics.Comment: 1 file, 22 pages, RevTe

    Comment on ``Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration''

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    The reported anomalous acceleration may be explained as the recoil of radiated waste RTG heat scattered by the back of the high gain antenna.Comment: 4pp, Revtex, recoil force now calculated numerically from Pioneer engineering data, conclusions unchange