207 research outputs found

    Constraints on the environment and energetics of the Broad-Line Ic SN2014ad from deep radio and X-ray observations

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    Broad-line type Ic Supernovae (BL-Ic SNe) are characterized by high ejecta velocity (≳104\gtrsim 10^4 km s−1^{-1}) and are sometimes associated with the relativistic jets typical of long duration (≳2\gtrsim 2 s) Gamma-Ray Bursts (L-GRBs). The reason why a small fraction of BL-Ic SNe harbor relativistic jets is not known. Here we present deep X-ray and radio observations of the BL-Ic SN2014ad extending from 1313 to 930930 days post explosion. SN2014ad was not detected at either frequency and has no observational evidence of a GRB counterpart. The proximity of SN2014ad (d∼26d\sim 26 Mpc) enables very deep constraints on the progenitor mass-loss rate M˙\dot{M} and on the total energy of the fast ejecta EE. We consider two synchrotron emission scenarios for a wind-like circumstellar medium (CSM): (i) uncollimated non-relativistic ejecta, and (ii) off-axis relativistic jet. Within the first scenario our observations are consistent with GRB-less BL-Ic SNe characterized by a modest energy budget of their fast ejecta (E≲1045E \lesssim 10^{45} erg), like SNe 2002ap and 2010ay. For jetted explosions, we cannot rule out a GRB with E≲1051E \lesssim 10^{51} erg (beam-corrected) with a narrow opening angle (θj∼5∘\theta_j \sim 5^{\circ}) observed moderately off-axis (θobs≳30∘\theta_{\rm obs} \gtrsim 30^{\circ}) and expanding in a very low CSM density (M˙\dot{M} ≲10−6\lesssim 10^{-6} M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}). Our study shows that off-axis low-energy jets expanding in a low-density medium cannot be ruled out even in the most nearby BL-Ic SNe with extensive deep observations, and might be a common feature of BL-Ic SNe.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Ap

    Rapid radio flaring during an anomalous outburst of SS Cyg

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    The connection between accretion and jet production in accreting white dwarf binary systems, especially dwarf novae, is not well understood. Radio wavelengths provide key insights into the mechanisms responsible for accelerating electrons, including jets and outflows. Here, we present densely sampled radio coverage, obtained with the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager Large Array, of the dwarf nova SS Cyg during its 2016 February anomalous outburst. The outburst displayed a slower rise (3 dmag-1) in the optical than typical ones and lasted for more than three weeks. Rapid radio flaring on time-scales <1 h was seen throughout the outburst. The most intriguing behaviour in the radio was towards the end of the outburst where a fast, luminous ('giant'), flare peaking at ~20 mJy and lasting for 15 min was observed. This is the first time that such a flare has been observed in SS Cyg and insufficient coverage could explain its non-detection in previous outbursts. These data, together with past radio observations, are consistent with synchrotron emission from plasma ejection events as being the origin of the radio flares. However, the production of the giant flare during the declining accretion rate phase remains unexplained within the standard accretion-jet framework and appears to be markedly different to similar patterns of behaviour in X-ray binaries

    The position profiles of order cancellations in an emerging stock market

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    Order submission and cancellation are two constituent actions of stock trading behaviors in order-driven markets. Order submission dynamics has been extensively studied for different markets, while order cancellation dynamics is less understood. There are two positions associated with a cancellation, that is, the price level in the limit-order book (LOB) and the position in the queue at each price level. We study the profiles of these two order cancellation positions through rebuilding the limit-order book using the order flow data of 23 liquid stocks traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the year 2003. We find that the profiles of relative price levels where cancellations occur obey a log-normal distribution. After normalizing the relative price level by removing the factor of order numbers stored at the price level, we find that the profiles exhibit a power-law scaling behavior on the right tails for both buy and sell orders. When focusing on the order cancellation positions in the queue at each price level, we find that the profiles increase rapidly in the front of the queue, and then fluctuate around a constant value till the end of the queue. These profiles are similar for different stocks. In addition, the profiles of cancellation positions can be fitted by an exponent function for both buy and sell orders. These two kinds of cancellation profiles seem universal for different stocks investigated and exhibit minor asymmetry between buy and sell orders. Our empirical findings shed new light on the order cancellation dynamics and pose constraints on the construction of order-driven stock market models.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures and 6 table

    Improved constraints on H0 from a combined analysis of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic emission from GW170817

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    The luminosity distance measurement of GW170817 derived from GW analysis in Abbott et al. 2017 (here, A17:H0) is highly correlated with the measured inclination of the NS-NS system. To improve the precision of the distance measurement, we attempt to constrain the inclination by modeling the broad-band X-ray-to-radio emission from GW170817, which is dominated by the interaction of the jet with the environment. We update our previous analysis and we consider the radio and X-ray data obtained at t<40t<40 days since merger. We find that the afterglow emission from GW170817 is consistent with an off-axis relativistic jet with energy 1048 erg<Ek≤3×1050 erg10^{48}\,\rm{erg}<E_{k}\le 3\times 10^{50} \,\rm{erg} propagating into an environment with density n∼10−2−10−4 cm−3n\sim10^{-2}-10^{-4} \,\rm{cm^{-3}}, with preference for wider jets (opening angle θj=15\theta_j=15 deg). For these jets, our modeling indicates an off-axis angle θobs∼25−50\theta_{\rm obs}\sim25-50 deg. We combine our constraints on θobs\theta_{\rm obs} with the joint distance-inclination constraint from LIGO. Using the same ∼170\sim 170 km/sec peculiar velocity uncertainty assumed in A17:H0 but with an inclination constraint from the afterglow data, we get a value of H0=H_0=74.0±11.57.574.0 \pm \frac{11.5}{7.5} \mbox{km/s/Mpc}, which is higher than the value of H0=H_0=70.0± \pm \frac{12.0}{8.0} \mbox{km/s/Mpc} found in A17:H0. Further, using a more realistic peculiar velocity uncertainty of 250 km/sec derived from previous work, we find H0=H_0=75.5±11.69.675.5 \pm \frac{11.6}{9.6} km/s/Mpc for H0 from this system. We note that this is in modestly better agreement with the local distance ladder than the Planck CMB, though a significant such discrimination will require ∼50\sim 50 such events. Future measurements at t>100t>100 days of the X-ray and radio emission will lead to tighter constraints.Comment: Submitted to ApJL. Comments Welcome. Revised uncertainties in v

    SN 2016coi (ASASSN-16fp): an energetic H-stripped core-collapse supernova from a massive stellar progenitor with large mass loss

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    We present comprehensive observations and analysis of the energetic H-stripped SN 2016coi (a.k.a. ASASSN-16fp), spanning the γ\gamma-ray through optical and radio wavelengths, acquired within the first hours to ∼\sim420 days post explosion. Our campaign confirms the identification of He in the SN ejecta, which we interpret to be caused by a larger mixing of Ni into the outer ejecta layers. From the modeling of the broad bolometric light curve we derive a large ejecta mass to kinetic energy ratio (Mej∼4−7 M⊙M_{\rm{ej}}\sim 4-7\,\rm{M_{\odot}}, Ek∼7−8×1051 ergE_{\rm{k}}\sim 7-8\times 10^{51}\,\rm{erg}). The small [\ion{Ca}{ii}] \lam\lam7291,7324 to [\ion{O}{i}] \lam\lam6300,6364 ratio (∼\sim0.2) observed in our late-time optical spectra is suggestive of a large progenitor core mass at the time of collapse. We find that SN 2016coi is a luminous source of X-rays (LX>1039 erg s−1L_{X}>10^{39}\,\rm{erg\,s^{-1}} in the first ∼100\sim100 days post explosion) and radio emission (L8.5 GHz∼7×1027 erg s−1Hz−1L_{8.5\,GHz}\sim7\times 10^{27}\,\rm{erg\,s^{-1}Hz^{-1}} at peak). These values are in line with those of relativistic SNe (2009bb, 2012ap). However, for SN 2016coi we infer substantial pre-explosion progenitor mass-loss with rate M˙∼(1−2)×10−4 M⊙yr−1\dot M \sim (1-2)\times 10^{-4}\,\rm{M_{\odot}yr^{-1}} and a sub-relativistic shock velocity vsh∼0.15cv_{sh}\sim0.15c, in stark contrast with relativistic SNe and similar to normal SNe. Finally, we find no evidence for a SN-associated shock breakout γ\gamma-ray pulse with energy Eγ>2×1046 ergE_{\gamma}>2\times 10^{46}\,\rm{erg}. While we cannot exclude the presence of a companion in a binary system, taken together, our findings are consistent with a massive single star progenitor that experienced large mass loss in the years leading up to core-collapse, but was unable to achieve complete stripping of its outer layers before explosion.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Main text: 21 pages; Appendix: 15 pages; 12 figure
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