19 research outputs found
Phenomenology of the Future:The temporality of objects beyond the temporality of inner-time consciousness
Based on a creative use of the phenomenological method, we argue that a close examination of the temporality of objects reveals the future as genuinely open. Without aiming to decide the matter of phenomenological realism, we suggest that this method can be used to investigate the mode of being of objects in their own temporality. By bracketing the anticipatory structure of experience, one can get a sense of objects’ temporality as independent of consciousness. This contribution adds a further voice to the current realism versus idealism debates, but it does so without taking sides. The starting point is neither an analysis of pure consciousness, nor attempts to describe objects in-themselves, but the idea that things can be phenomenologically grasped through the difference between their temporality and our own. By being methodically “open to the future,” one can become aware of the sui generis temporality of objects as different from the temporality shaped by our anticipation
Phenomenology of the Future:The temporality of objects beyond the temporality of inner-time consciousness
Based on a creative use of the phenomenological method, we argue that a close examination of the temporality of objects reveals the future as genuinely open. Without aiming to decide the matter of phenomenological realism, we suggest that this method can be used to investigate the mode of being of objects in their own temporality. By bracketing the anticipatory structure of experience, one can get a sense of objects’ temporality as independent of consciousness. This contribution adds a further voice to the current realism versus idealism debates, but it does so without taking sides. The starting point is neither an analysis of pure consciousness, nor attempts to describe objects in-themselves, but the idea that things can be phenomenologically grasped through the difference between their temporality and our own. By being methodically “open to the future,” one can become aware of the sui generis temporality of objects as different from the temporality shaped by our anticipation
Physis als bewegte Existenz | Eine Ontologie des Konkreten
Ein fundamentales Vorurteil der klassischen Ontologie besteht darin, das z als eigentlich Wirkliches zu setzen und das z als Kennzeichen des Scheinbaren zu deuten. Im vorliegenden Band wird dieses Vorurteil in einer historischen und systematischen Untersuchung näher beleuchtet.Als Alternative zum klassischen Verständnis von Sein und Bewegung wird die z als ein Seinsbegriff vorgeschlagen, der z und z miteinander verbindet. Diese Alternative dient im historischen Teil als Lektüreschlüssel zur Deutung jener Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, mit welchen die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von z und z im antiken Griechenland begann. Diese historische Untersuchung führt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Seinsbegriff der z kein üblicher Seinsbegriff sein kann, denn er benennt nämlich nicht eine Existenzweise des »eigentlichen« Seins, sondern nur die Existenzweise des z Der systematische Teil der Arbeit befasst sich infolge mit den Problemen und Implikationen, die eine Ontologie des Vielfältig-Konkreten mit sich bringt.»Physis as Moving Existence – an Ontology of the Concrete«There is an ancient ontological preconception concerning the relation of being and becoming that still leads many contemporary metaphysicians to only consider z to be truly real, while z is usually considered to be the mark of mere appearance. The present investigation considers the issue of being and becoming in its historical and its systematic dimensions, proposing an alternative explication of the relation of being and becoming, namely z
U današnje vrijeme najviše pažnje pridaje se projektnom menadžmentu i procesu upravljanja
projektima. Projektni menadĹľment predstavlja atraktivno i novo podruÄŤje istraĹľivanja za koje
se očekuje da će u budućnosti biti sve više značajnije. Povezanost između projektnog
menadžmenta i procesa upravljanja projektima je velika. Pomoću upravljanja projektnim
ciklusom planira se, organizira i implementira projekt kako bi se mogli postići određeni
ciljevi. Upravljanje projektnim ciklusom sastoji se od nekoliko važnih koraka koji će biti
detaljnije objašnjeni u nastavku ovog rada. Nakon što se definiraju osnovni pojmovi koji su
vezani za projektni ciklus i sam projekt, u radu će biti prikazan primjer projekta obnove
kulturne baštine; dvorac Prandau – Mailath u Donjem Miholjcu.At present, most attention is paid to project management and project management process.
Project management is an attractive and new area of research that is expected to become more
and more significant in the future. The link between project management and project
management process is great. Project cycle management is planned, organized and
implemented in order to achieve certain goals. Project cycle management consists of several
important steps that will be explained in more detail below. After defining the basic concepts
related to the project cycle and the project itself, an example of a project for restoration of
cultural heritage will be presented in the paper; Castle Prandau - Mailath in Donji Miholjac