80 research outputs found

    Migrants and the diffusion of low marital fertility in Belgium

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    Abstract in Undetermined Although the diffusion of fertility behavior between different social strata in historical communities has received considerable attention in recent studies, the relationship between the diffusion of fertility behavior and the diffusion of people (migration) during the nineteenth century remains largely underexplored. Evidence from population registers compiled in the Historical Database of the Liège Region, covering the period of 1812 to 1900, reveals that migrant couples in Sart, Belgium, from 1850 to 1874 and from 1875 to 1899 had a reduced risk of conception. The incorporation of geographical mobility, as well as the migrant status of both husbands and wives, into this fertility research sheds light not only on the spread of ideas and behaviors but also on the possible reasons why the ideas and behaviors of immigrants might have been similar to, or different from, those of a native-born population

    Scarred for Life. How conditions in early life affect socioeconomic status, reproduction and mortality in Southern Sweden, 1813-1968

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to contribute to the debate on the importance of diet and disease in explaining the mortality decline and the general literature of the long-term effects of early life conditions. Using individual-level data from Southern Sweden for 1813 to 1968, this work measures the impacts of grain prices during the foetal stage and infant mortality rates during the year of birth on mortality over the full life course, as well as on female socioeconomic status attainment and reproductive health. Specific exposure to measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough are also considered. Regarding the impact of prices, higher mortality is observed among exposed landless males in old age, while exposed landless females exhibit lower probabilities of dying in adulthood and old age and experience no significant effects on their socioeconomic status attainment and reproductive health. Regarding the impact of disease, sex-specific effects on mortality are observed in adult ages for those born in years with measles and scarlet fever. However, the effect of exposure to whooping cough on mortality is strong and uniform across individuals of different sexes and socioeconomic status. Females exposed to this disease are also less able to attain high socioeconomic status in adulthood and experience worse reproductive health, providing evidence of transfers across generations. This thesis finds that disease has a more important role than diet in determining the length and quality of life

    Intergenerational Transfers in Infant Mortality in Southern Sweden, 1740-1968

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    Studies conducted in historical populations and developing countries have evidenced the existence of clustering in infant deaths, which could be related to genetic inheritance, early life exposures, and/or to social and cultural factors such as education, socioeconomic status or parental care. A transmission of death clustering has also been found across generations. This paper is one of five studies that analyses intergenerational transmissions in infant mortality by using a common program to create the dataset for analysis and run the statistical models with data stored in the Intermediate Data Structure. The results of this study show that in five rural parishes in Scania, the southernmost province of Sweden, during the years 1740-1968 infant mortality was transmitted across generations. Children whose maternal grandmothers experienced two or more infant deaths had higher risks of dying in infancy. The results remained consistent when restricting the sample only to cases where the grandmother had been observed for her entire reproductive history or when controlling for socioeconomic status. When running sex specific models, significant effects of the number of infant deaths of the grandmother were observed for girls but not for boys

    Program for Studying Intergenerational Transmissions in Infant Mortality Using the Intermediate Data Structure (IDS)

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    Studies conducted in historical populations and developing countries have evidenced the existence of clustering in infant deaths, which could be related to genetic inheritance and/or to social and cultural factors such as education, socioeconomic status or parental care. A transmission of death clustering has also been found across generations. One way of expanding the knowledge on intergenerational transfers in infant mortality is by conducting comparable studies across different populations. The Intermediate Data Structure (IDS) was developed as a strategy aimed at simplifying the collecting, storing and sharing of historical demographic data. The current work presents two programs that were developed in STATA to construct a dataset for analysis and run statistical models to study intergenerational transfers in infant mortality using databases that are stored in the IDS. The programs use information stored in the IDS tables and after elaborating such information produce Excel files with results. They can be used with any longitudinal database constructed from church books, civil registers, or population registers


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    Historical Life Course Studies, a journal in population studies, aims to stimulate and facilitate the implementation of IDS (Intermediate Data Structure, a standard data format for large historical databases), and to publish the results from (comparative) research with the help of large historical databases. The journal publishes not only empirical articles, but also descriptions (of the construction) of new and existing large historical databases, as well as articles dealing with database documentation, the transformation of existing databases into the IDS format, the development of algorithms and extraction software and all other issues related to the methodology of large historical databases

    Os atletas sergipanamericanos a partir da cobertura jornalística da mídia impressa local

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    Este estudo analisa a cobertura jornalística acerca dos atletas sergipanos, a partir da mídia impressa, que participaram dos Jogos Pan‐americanos realizados no Rio de Janeiro. Do ponto de vista metodológico, trata‐se de uma pesquisa Descritiva com abordagem Qualitativa e na “colheita” dos dados selecionamos um jornal de circulação diária, envolvendo todo mês de julho de 2007, capturando as informações sobre os atletas que participaram dos Jogos. Assim, segue a linha de análise do trabalho realizado pelo Observatório da Mídia Esportiva sobre os atletas catarinenses que participaram das Olimpíadas de 2004.Rede Cede

    A Cobertura Jornalística do PAN: recortes da mídia impressa acerca dos atletas sergipanos

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a cobertura jornalística acerca dos atletas sergipanos que participaram dos Jogos Pan-americanos Rio-2007 a partir da mídia impressa. Selecionamos um jornal de circulação envolvendo todo mês de julho, capturando as informações sobre os atletas “sergipanamericanos que participaram dos Jogos. Percebe-se um avanço do estudo da mídia no âmbito da Educação Física e exemplos de estudos e pesquisas que vêm sendo desenvolvidos em algumas universidades (UFSC entre outras). Há uma discussão pertinente em congressos como o CONBRACE e o INTERCOM e revistas, como Motrivivência e RBCE .Rede Cede


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a cobertura jornalística acerca dos atletas sergipanos que participaram do “Pan Rio-2007” a partir da mídia impressa local. De enfoque descritivo, procedemos com a seleção, captura e transcrição das matérias veiculadas. Percebemos que apesar do desejo em conquistar um título nesta competição, é almejada a vaga olímpica. O Evento Internacional parece-nos que representa a deixa para se mencionar o esporte em Sergipe, tendo em vista que todos os atletas residem fora do estado. “Transparece” pelo olhar da mídia que os sujeitos da pesquisa estão em foco constantemente, desaparecendo logo após os jogos