23 research outputs found

    Kräftige Ferkel trotz Verzicht auf Kartoffelprotein

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    Die Umstellung von Muttermilch auf Festnahrung ist heikel. Aber es geht auch ohne Kartoffelprotein

    Ist eine 100% BiofĂĽtterung bei Ferkeln machbar?

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    Die neue EU-Öko-Verordnung sieht vor, dass ab dem 01.01.2027 Ferkel nur noch 100% Bioferkelfutter erhalten dürfen. Allerdings gibt es Bedenken, ob ohne die Ergänzung von konventionellen Proteinkomponenten wie zum Beispiel Kartoffelprotein, eine bedarfsgerechte Fütterung möglich ist. Ein Projekt des FiBL in der Schweiz untersuchte in den Jahren 2017-2020 die Auswirkungen einer 100 Prozent Biofütterung bei Ferkeln und kann hier Hilfestellung geben

    Recommendations for Vitamin B2 supplements in organic slow-growing broilers

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    In this practice abstract, the four different controlled feeding trials using two riboflavin products at different concentrations showed that the newly available riboflavin product EcoVit R is equally suitable as the conventional one (Cuxavit); and that slow-growing broilers need less riboflavin than the currently recommended amounts for conventional broilers (Blum et al., 2015). Feed supplementation for organic slow-growing broilers is provided at 4.0 mg Vit B2/kg feed. The practice abstract is recommended for organic farms raising slow-growing broiler chickens

    Vitamin B2 supplementation for laying and parent hens in organic poultry systems

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    This practice abstract provides recommendations for organic poultry systems to meet the Vitamin B2 needs of the animals. Data from project experiments indicate that hens in or- ganic systems can be supplemented with a maximum level of 4.0 mg/kg feed without impacting the performance and animal health of the hens and their offspring. This level of supplementation is lower than the 5-7mg/kg feed recom- mended by Blum et al. (2015). This practice abstract is recommended for organic poultry farmers across Europe

    Mastleistung von Bruderhähnen bei Fütterung mit unterschiedlichen Proteinquellen

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    In drei Mastversuchen wurden die Wachstumsleistungen männlicher Legehybriden bei Fütterung mit unterschiedlichen Proteinquellen und -gehalten untersucht. Der Vergleich der Genotypen Lohmann Braun (LB) und Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) mit dem Masthybriden Hubbard JA 757 (HUB) zeigte, dass die Bruderhähne erwartungsgemäss geringere Mastleistungen aufwiesen. Sowohl die Lebendgewichte und täglichen Zunahmen als auch die Schlachtgewichte wurden vom Genotyp beeinflusst. Die LB-Hähne wiesen jedoch deutliche Vorteile in den Leistungen gegenüber den LSL-Tieren auf. Der partielle Ersatz von Soja durch Luzernegrünmehl in den Rationen, der mit einer Proteinreduktion einhergeht, führte vor allem bei HUB zu Leistungseinbussen. Im Gegensatz dazu konnten für den Genotyp LB Vorteile in der Umsetzung von Rationen mit reduziertem Proteingehalt festgestellt werden, was für die Mast der Bruderhähne die Möglichkeit bietet, mit der Rationsgestaltung der niedrigen Effizienz der Tiere entgegenzuwirken

    Performance d’engraissement de poulets mâles nourris avec différentes sources de protéines

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    Les performances de croissance de mâles d’hybrides de ponte recevant une alimentation comportant des sources et des teneurs différentes en protéines ont été étudiées dans trois essais d’engraissement. Par rapport aux hybrides d’engraissement Hubbard JA 757 (HUB), les poulets mâles des génotypes Lohmann Braun (LB) et Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) présentent une moins bonne performance d’engraissement. Le poids vif, la prise de poids journalière et le poids à l’abattage sont influencés par le génotype. Les mâles LB présentent cependant de nets avantages en termes de performance par rapport aux mâles LSL. Le remplacement partiel du soja par de la farine de luzerne verte dans les rations, qui s’accompagne d’une réduction de l’apport en protéines, entraîne une perte de rendement, en particulier pour la lignée HUB. À l’inverse, le passage à des rations à plus faible teneur en protéines s’est avéré avantageux pour le génotype LB, ce qui offre la possibilité pour l’engraissement de poulets mâles de compenser, par la composition de la ration, la moindre efficacité alimentaire des mâles

    Effects of 100% organic feeding on performance, carcass composition and fat quality of fattening pigs

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    In organic pig production, one important aim is to achieve 100% organic feeding. This generates the challenge of achieving adequate protein quality in pig feed. Until 31st December 2021, the protein quality in organic pig feed in Europe was improved by using 5% conventional components, mainly potato protein. To investigate the effects of 100% organic feeding on growth performance, meat and fat quality in pigs, a total of 700 fattening pigs were studied in an on-farm feeding trial. The 95% organic diet fed on each farm served as the control diet (CON) and a 100% organic diet with higher proportions of soybean cake and grain legumes was used as the experimental diet (ORG). ORG-fed animals had slightly lower daily weight gains, lower carcass weight, and significantly higher iodine and PUFA values in the backfat. The feeding trial showed that the 100% organic diet led to a slightly deficient dietary amino acid profile and thus to slightly lower performance in a few traits. However, the implementation of consistent 100% organic feeding was considered valuable for organic farming even with the lower performance and change in meat and fat quality of the organic pigs

    The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and organic labeling on Swiss consumers’ acceptance of pork salami

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    Pork salami with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may be unappealing for consumers as it is more prone to the development of off-flavors and a “greasy” texture. In Switzerland, a share of more than 15.5% PUFA in back fat is penalized with a payment deduction of minimally CHF 0.10 per kilogram carcass weight. In this study, we aimed to assess the effect of different PUFA levels and organic labeling on Swiss consumers’ acceptance of pork salami. We conducted a sensory consumer experiment, following a two-factorial treatment structure, crossing the factor “PUFA level” (15.4% PUFA in back fat vs. 18.3% PUFA in back fat) and the factor “information on production system” (blind vs. non-organic vs. organic). Consumer acceptance was captured using a 9-point hedonic scale for overall liking and an open-ended willingness to pay question. Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to comment on their sensory experience for each product in an open text question. An increased PUFA content in back fat of 18.3% vs. 15.4% did not lead to a significant difference in consumer acceptance of pork salami in either of the three information conditions, even though, as identified in the analysis of open comments, the high-PUFA salami tended to be more often perceived as “softer” and/or “more greasy”. In contrast, consumer acceptance of both the high- and low-PUFA salami was significantly higher under the “organic” than under either the “non-organic” or blind tasting conditions. Based on this study, a PUFA content in back fat of up to 18% is not expected to have a negative impact on consumer acceptance of pork salami. Therefore, and based on previous findings, we recommend to adapt the Swiss pork fat quality grading system to account for this higher acceptable PUFA limit of 18%. Future research should further explore trade-offs between sensory quality, sustainability, and healthiness while taking consumers’ heterogeneity into account