203 research outputs found

    Low field phase diagram of spin-Hall effect in the mesoscopic regime

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    When a mesoscopic two dimensional four-terminal Hall cross-bar with Rashba and/or Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is subjected to a perpendicular uniform magnetic field BB, both integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) and mesoscopic spin-Hall effect (MSHE) may exist when disorder strength WW in the sample is weak. We have calculated the low field "phase diagram" of MSHE in the (B,W)(B,W) plane for disordered samples in the IQHE regime. For weak disorder, MSHE conductance GsHG_{sH} and its fluctuations rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) vanish identically on even numbered IQHE plateaus, they have finite values on those odd numbered plateaus induced by SOI, and they have values GSH=1/2G_{SH}=1/2 and rms(GSH)=0rms(G_{SH})=0 on those odd numbered plateaus induced by Zeeman energy. For moderate disorder, the system crosses over into a regime where both GsHG_{sH} and rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) are finite. A larger disorder drives the system into a chaotic regime where GsH=0G_{sH}=0 while rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) is finite. Finally at large disorder both GsHG_{sH} and rms(GSH)rms(G_{SH}) vanish. We present the physics behind this ``phase diagram".Comment: 4 page, 3 figure

    Electronic Highways in Bilayer Graphene

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    Bilayer graphene with an interlayer potential difference has an energy gap and, when the potential difference varies spatially, topologically protected one-dimensional states localized along the difference's zero-lines. When disorder is absent, electronic travel directions along zero-line trajectories are fixed by valley Hall properties. Using the Landauer-B\"uttiker formula and the non-equilibrium Green's function technique we demonstrate numerically that collisions between electrons traveling in opposite directions, due to either disorder or changes in path direction, are strongly suppressed. We find that extremely long mean free paths of the order of hundreds of microns can be expected in relatively clean samples. This finding suggests the possibility of designing low power nanoscale electronic devices in which transport paths are controlled by gates which alter the inter-layer potential landscape.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Microscopic theory of quantum anomalous Hall effect in graphene

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    We present a microscopic theory to give a physical picture of the formation of quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect in graphene due to a joint effect of Rashba spin-orbit coupling λR\lambda_R and exchange field MM. Based on a continuum model at valley KK or K′K', we show that there exist two distinct physical origins of QAH effect at two different limits. For M/λR≫1M/\lambda_R\gg1, the quantization of Hall conductance in the absence of Landau-level quantization can be regarded as a summation of the topological charges carried by Skyrmions from real spin textures and Merons from \emph{AB} sublattice pseudo-spin textures; while for λR/M≫1\lambda_R/M\gg1, the four-band low-energy model Hamiltonian is reduced to a two-band extended Haldane's model, giving rise to a nonzero Chern number C=1\mathcal{C}=1 at either KK or K′K'. In the presence of staggered \emph{AB} sublattice potential UU, a topological phase transition occurs at U=MU=M from a QAH phase to a quantum valley-Hall phase. We further find that the band gap responses at KK and K′K' are different when λR\lambda_R, MM, and UU are simultaneously considered. We also show that the QAH phase is robust against weak intrinsic spin-orbit coupling λSO\lambda_{SO}, and it transitions a trivial phase when λSO>(M2+λR2+M)/2\lambda_{SO}>(\sqrt{M^2+\lambda^2_R}+M)/2. Moreover, we use a tight-binding model to reproduce the ab-initio method obtained band structures through doping magnetic atoms on 3×33\times3 and 4×44\times4 supercells of graphene, and explain the physical mechanisms of opening a nontrivial bulk gap to realize the QAH effect in different supercells of graphene.Comment: 10pages, ten figure

    Universal spin-Hall conductance fluctuations in two dimensions

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    We report a theoretical investigation on spin-Hall conductance fluctuation of disordered four terminal devices in the presence of Rashba or/and Dresselhaus spin-orbital interactions in two dimensions. As a function of disorder, the spin-Hall conductance GsHG_{sH} shows ballistic, diffusive and insulating transport regimes. For given spin-orbit interactions, a universal spin-Hall conductance fluctuation (USCF) is found in the diffusive regime. The value of the USCF depends on the spin-orbit coupling tsot_{so}, but is independent of other system parameters. It is also independent of whether Rashba or Dresselhaus or both spin-orbital interactions are present. When tsot_{so} is comparable to the hopping energy tt, the USCF is a universal number ∼0.18e/4π\sim 0.18 e/4\pi. The distribution of GsHG_{sH} crosses over from a Gaussian distribution in the metallic regime to a non-Gaussian distribution in the insulating regime as the disorder strength is increased.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 figure

    Stabilizing topological phases in graphene via random adsorption

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    We study the possibility of realizing topological phases in graphene with randomly distributed adsorbates. When graphene is subjected to periodically distributed adatoms, the enhanced spin-orbit couplings can result in various topological phases. However, at certain adatom coverages, the intervalley scattering renders the system a trivial insulator. By employing a finite-size scaling approach and Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker formula, we show that the randomization of adatom distribution greatly weakens the intervalley scattering, but plays a negligible role in spin-orbit couplings. Consequently, such a randomization turns graphene from a trivial insulator into a topological state.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figure
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