2,722 research outputs found
Localization in the Rindler Wedge
One of the striking features of QED is that charged particles create a
coherent cloud of photons. The resultant coherent state vectors of photons
generate a non-trivial representation of the localized algebra of observables
that do not support a representation of the Lorentz group: Lorentz symmetry is
spontaneously broken. We show in particular that Lorentz boost generators
diverge in this representation, a result shown also in [1] (See also [2]).
Localization of observables, for example in the Rindler wedge, uses Poincar\'e
invariance in an essential way [3]. Hence in the presence of charged fields,
the photon observables cannot be localized in the Rindler wedge.
These observations may have a bearing on the black hole information loss
paradox, as the physics in the exterior of the black hole has points of
resemblance to that in the Rindler wedge.Comment: 11 page
Relatório de viagem às unidades técnicas do POLONORDESTE do Maranhão, Piauà e Ceará.
Notou-se que o trabalho de pesquisa orientado pelo IRAT está bem concebido e se ajusta muito bem às necessidades do POLONORDESTE.bitstream/item/136289/1/32450-1.pdfInclui anexos
Smoothly-varying hopping rates in driven flow with exclusion
We consider the one-dimensional totally asymmetric simple exclusion process
(TASEP) with position-dependent hopping rates. The problem is solved,in a mean
field/adiabatic approximation, for a general (smooth) form of spatial rate
variation. Numerical simulations of systems with hopping rates varying linearly
against position (constant rate gradient), for both periodic and open boundary
conditions, provide detailed confirmation of theoretical predictions,
concerning steady-state average density profiles and currents, as well as
open-system phase boundaries, to excellent numerical accuracy.Comment: RevTeX 4.1, 14 pages, 9 figures (published version
Connectivity-dependent properties of diluted sytems in a transfer-matrix description
We introduce a new approach to connectivity-dependent properties of diluted
systems, which is based on the transfer-matrix formulation of the percolation
problem. It simultaneously incorporates the connective properties reflected in
non-zero matrix elements and allows one to use standard random-matrix
multiplication techniques. Thus it is possible to investigate physical
processes on the percolation structure with the high efficiency and precision
characteristic of transfer-matrix methods, while avoiding disconnections. The
method is illustrated for two-dimensional site percolation by calculating (i)
the critical correlation length along the strip, and the finite-size
longitudinal DC conductivity: (ii) at the percolation threshold, and (iii) very
near the pure-system limit.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, RevTeX, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications (to be
Current-activity versus local-current fluctuations in driven flow with exclusion
We consider fluctuations of steady-state current activity, and of its dynamic
counterpart, the local current, for the one-dimensional totally asymmetric
simple exclusion process. The cumulants of the integrated activity behave
similarly to those of the local current, except that they do not capture the
anomalous scaling behavior in the maximal-current phase and at its boundaries.
This indicates that the systemwide sampling at equal times, characteristic of
the instantaneous activity, overshadows the subtler effects which come about
from non-equal time correlations, and are responsible for anomalous scaling. We
show that apparently conflicting results concerning asymmetry (skewness) of the
corresponding distributions can in fact be reconciled, and that (apart from a
few well-understood exceptional cases) for both activity and local current one
has positive skew deep within the low-current phase, and negative skew
everywhere else.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures (published version
On locations and properties of the multicritical point of Gaussian and +/-J Ising spin glasses
We use transfer-matrix and finite-size scaling methods to investigate the
location and properties of the multicritical point of two-dimensional Ising
spin glasses on square, triangular and honeycomb lattices, with both binary and
Gaussian disorder distributions. For square and triangular lattices with binary
disorder, the estimated position of the multicritical point is in numerical
agreement with recent conjectures regarding its exact location. For the
remaining four cases, our results indicate disagreement with the respective
versions of the conjecture, though by very small amounts, never exceeding 0.2%.
Our results for: (i) the correlation-length exponent governing the
ferro-paramagnetic transition; (ii) the critical domain-wall energy amplitude
; (iii) the conformal anomaly ; (iv) the finite-size susceptibility
exponent ; and (v) the set of multifractal exponents
associated to the moments of the probability distribution of spin-spin
correlation functions at the multicritical point, are consistent with
universality as regards lattice structure and disorder distribution, and in
good agreement with existing estimates.Comment: RevTeX 4, 9 pages, 2 .eps figure
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