10 research outputs found
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention di Mayaloka Villas Seminyak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention di Mayaloka Villas Seminyak. Lingkungan kerja dan kepuasan kerja sangat penting untuk diperhatikan agar dapat meningkatkan loyalitas kerja karyawan dan mengurangi tingkat turnover intention pada karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap karyawan Mayaloka Villas Seminyak dengan sampel sebanyak 34 orang. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan kerja dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Pihak manajemen harus memperhatikan dan meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan terhadap nilai kompensasi yang diberikan serta memperhatikan lingkungan kerja karyawan dalam hubungan komunikasi antar karyawan. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat menciptakan dan meningkatkan loyalitas kerja pada karyawan serta mengurangi tingkat turnover intention
Pengaruh Orientasi Dan Fraksi Volume Serat Daun Nanas (Ananas Comosus) Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Polyester Tak Jenuh (Up)
Composite manufacturing is done by hand lay-up method with a fiber volume fraction 10%, 20%,30%, and 40% with unidirectional and random short fiber orientation of pineapple leaves. Specimentesting is performed with a standard tensile strength test ASTM D3039. As a results is known that thetensile strength of composites increased with increasing fiber volume fraction for unidirectional fiberorientation, but rather to the random orientation of short fibers. Meanwhile, the composite tensile strainincreases with increasing fiber volume fraction for both the orientation of the fibers of pineapple leaves
Kekuatan Hukum Pembuktian Waarrmerken (Akta di Bawah Tangan yang Didaftarkan) di Notaris
Notary as a public official the only one authorized to make authentic act of the deeds , agreements and determination required by a general rule or by the concerned desired to be declared in an authentic document , ensure certainty the date, saveing , all along the deed was not also be assigned or excluded to the officer or others . As a public official duties and notary work not only makes authentic act but also to register and certify (waarrmerken) letters under a hand. This research is empirical nature of this research is descriptive. Data studied were the primary data (primary data) and secondary data (Secondary data). Sembung research sites in the village. Data collection techniques are literature research and interview techniques . Non probality Sampling Sampling techniques . Data analysis method is a method of qualitative analysis . Waarmerken deed made under the deed of hand function are made under the hand guarantees about the date and the signatures of the parties concerned on the evidence. Deed under the hand that has obtained waarmerken of Notaries has the force of law under these conditions, the deed under the hand that received waarmerken of notary can assist judges in terms of evidence, due to the recognition of the signature , then the contents of the deed was regarded as the agreement of the parties , because the deed under the hand the truth lies in the signature of the parties to the recognition of the signature by the parties and to those who acknowledge his signature on the letter means he also recognizes the contents of the letter that is above his signature that the certificate is a proof of perfect
Pencegahan Infeksi Sekunder pada Kasus Patah Tulang Terbuka
Patah tulang terbuka merupakan cedera kompleks berupa kerusakan jaringan lunak disertai kontak antara tulang dengan lingkungan luar tubuh. Infeksi sekunder dan osteomielitis merupakan penyulit patah tulang terbuka yang berpotensi meningkatkan angka kesakitan secara signifikan. Upaya pencegahan infeksi pada patah tulang terbuka meliputi pemberian antibiotik profilaksis dan antitetanus, debridemen, irigasi luka, penutupan luka serta fiksasi. Antibiotik profilaksis harus diberikan dalam 3 jam pertama atau seawal mungkin pasca trauma. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan risiko infeksi antara tindakan debridemen segera dengan debridemen tertunda. Irigasi luka metode aliran tekanan rendah lebih direkomendasikan. Pilihan metode penutupan luka dan tindakan fiksasi fragmen tulang yang patah berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tulang dan jaringan lunak serta karakteristik pasien.Open fractures are complex injuries characterized by soft tissue damage associated with exposed bone fragment. Secondary infection and osteomyelitis are some complications and often associated with significant morbidity. Preventing infection in open fracture includes administration of antibiotic and antitetanus prophylaxis, debridement, wound irrigation, wound closure, and fixation. Antibiotic prophylaxis should be administrated in first 3 hours after injury or as early as possible. No significant difference in infection risk between urgent debridement and delayed debridement. Low pressure method of irrigation is recommended. Decision on wound closure and bone fragment fixation methods depend on the bones and soft tissue conditions, and characteristic of patient
Kinerja Manajemen Persediaan Barang Dagangan PT. Artha Dinamis Sentosa Bali
Inventory is an expensive and important asset for the company, so that inventory does not burden the company's finances and affects the smoothness of its production activities, so it is important to carry out inventory control. This study aims to know how the system of inventory control merchandise that should be done by PT. Artha Dinamis Sentosa Bali, and find out whether the inventory control system is efficient or not.
The data used is the quantitative and qualitative data obtained by conducting interviews to the parties related to inventory and observation on the object under study. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique explain systematically with stages are: ABC Analysis, EOQ Determination, Determination of savety stock, Determination of Re-Order Point, determination of maximum inventory, calculate Inventory Turnover and calculate total cost.
The results show the merchandise inventory system that should be done is to classify the ABC analysis method, then determine the EOQ, determine the Savety Stock and determine the Reorder Point on each inventory item. The company's inventory control system is not efficient yet because the total cost by controlling with EOQ is Rp 100,175,045, lower by total inventory cost using inventory control method by company amounting to Rp 160,186,971.
Keywords: ABC Analysis, Economic Order Quantity, Savety Stock, Reorder Point, Inventory Turnover
Tanggung Jawab Notaris Menggunakan Layanan Ditjen Ahu Online dalam Hal Pendaftaran Akta dan Pengesahan Badan Hukum
In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Number M-05 HT.01.01 of 2002 concerning the Enforcement of the Legal Entity Administration System at the Directorate General of General Legal Administration of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, determines that all legal entity settlements include the ratification of the deed of establishment PT, application for approval and submission of deed reports, amendments to articles of association, fiduciary registration, will registration, are carried out with the online Legal Entity Administration System. So the notary has the authority to register all these legal acts online. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of the Notary in registering deeds and legalization of legal entities through the Directorate General of AHU Online services and to find out the responsibilities of the Notary if there are problems in registering deeds and legal entity approval through the services of the Directorate General of AHU Online. This study uses a normative juridical research method using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the research, namely, the role of the notary in registering deeds and ratifying legal entities is entering deed data, checking all deed data to avoid data entry errors and the notary has the responsibility if there is an error from the notary's office, the notary will make corrections at a cost of Notary, however in this regard there is still cooperation from the applicant regarding the required data
Socialization of Role of LPM in Sustainable Village Development in Satra Village Klungkung Regency
This study aims to analyze the role of Community Empowerment Institutions (LPM) in supporting development that is not optimal. This study uses normative legal method with the aim of outlining the problem for further discussion based on legal theory. Then, the data were analyzed descriptively. The results of this study show that the Satra Village Community, Klungkung District, Klungkung Regency, generally do not understand the duties, functions and authority of the LPM including its existence as a work partner of the village head. Community understanding, village officials and LPM management are still not optimally related to work programs and positions as partners of village heads in implementing and planning development in the short, medium and long term. Thus, the existence of the LPM is currently limited to completing the organizational structure in the village administration and does not know the purpose why it was formed, what are its duties and authorities as village apparatus partner, thus, this condition can be ensured there is a gap between LPM and other organisation in the village administration, which until now has not been regulated even there are no regulations that explicitly regulate the benefits as LPM administrators. This caused many LPM officials who did not appear to be enthusiastic about managing LPM.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPM) dalam mendukung pembangunan yang tidak optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode hukum normatif dengan tujuan menguraikan masalah untuk diskusi lebih lanjut berdasarkan teori hukum. Kemudian, data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Masyarakat Desa Satra, Kecamatan Klungkung, Kabupaten Klungkung, umumnya tidak memahami tugas, fungsi dan wewenang LPM termasuk keberadaannya sebagai mitra kerja kepala desa. Pemahaman masyarakat, perangkat desa dan manajemen LPM masih belum secara optimal terkait dengan program kerja dan posisi sebagai mitra kepala desa dalam melaksanakan dan merencanakan pengembangan dalam jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang. Sehingga, keberadaan LPM saat ini hanya sebatas melengkapi struktur organisasi dalam pemerintahan desa saja dan tidak mengetahui tujuan mengapa dibentuk, apa tugas dan wewenangnya sebagai mitra aparatur desa. Jadi, kondisi ini dapat dipastikan terdapat kesenjangan antara LPM dan lembaga-lembaga lain dalam pemerintahan desa, yang hingga saat ini belum diatur bahkan tidak ada peraturan yang secara eksplisit mengatur manfaat sebagai administrator LPM. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak pejabat LPM yang tampaknya tidak antusias dalam mengelola LPM.
Sebuah Pengamatan terhadap Dinamika Populasi Sapi Bali di Bali
Suatu pengamatan terhadap sapi Bali di Bali telah dilakukan pada bulan Juni 1980 sampai dengan bulan Mei 1981.Tujuan utama dari pengamatan ini adalh untuk memperoleh data dasar mengenai produksi dan kehilangan (kematian dsb.) pada populasi.Hasil yang diperoleh menggambarkan umur, struktur, angka kematian, angka kelahiran, angka keguguran dan angka pemindahan pada sapi betina. Data ini dapat dipakai untuk menaksir kerugian yang disebabkan oleh kematian dan menyelidiki penurunan populasi