54 research outputs found
Articulate Storyline 3 multimedia based on gamification to improve critical thinking skills and self-regulated learning
This study measured the effectiveness of Gamification-based Articulate Storyline 3 multimedia on students' critical thinking skills and self-regulated learning. The research method used is a quasi-experimental method. The research subjects were 64 students and eight science teachers who have used the Gamification-based Articulate Storyline 3 multimedia on the nature of acidic, alkaline, and neutral solutions. Data collection techniques in this study were tests that aim to determine students' critical thinking skills and a questionnaire to measure students' learning independence. The data analysis technique was based on calculating the average score of the test items with high-order thinking skills and student learning independence. The study results obtained an average score of 81.50 for critical thinking skills on the material concept of the nature of the acid, base, and neutral solutions with an N-Gain of 72% in the high category. It was also known that the average percentage of student learning independence was 86.76% which falls into the good category. Therefore, Gamification-based Articulate Storyline 3 multimedia can improve students' critical thinking skills and independent learning on the nature of the acid, base, and neutral solutions
Biotechnology Module Based on Sociosaintific Issues to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability Through Online Learning
This research aims to develop a science learning module based on Socio Scientific Issues on biotechnology materials that can improve students' critical thinking skills. This research is an R&D research with a 4-D design. Validation is carried out by science experts and teachers. The module readability test and the students' responses to the module were obtained using a close test and questionnaire. Data analysis was performed descriptively quantitatively. The results of the module validation by expert lecturers obtained 89% and an average CVI value of 0.98 with a very valid category and was suitable for use. The module readability test results were 42.22% with the instructional level category indicating that the modules needed to be learned. The results of the N-Gain test for critical thinking ability is 0.59, the module is in the moderate category and the students' response value to the module by 87.50% showed the response in the very good category to the use of module-based SSI in learning to improve critical thinking skill
Science Literacy Profile of Junior High School Students on Climate Change Material
This research aims to describe the profile of scientific literacy abilities in science subjects with material on climate change for class VIII students at SMPN 3 Cileungsi. The research was conducted using the ex-post-facto method on 76 respondents. Data collection was carried out using an interview guide sheet and a scientific literacy test which consisted of competency aspects in explaining scientific phenomena, evaluating and designing scientific investigations, and interpreting scientific evidence and data. The scientific literacy data was then analyzed using quantitative descriptive tests. Based on the results obtained, the average scientific literacy score was 31.58% in the low category. The highest level of knowledge was in the low category in 47 respondents with a score of 61.8%, while the highest score was in the 29 respondents with a score of 38.2% in the medium category. The low scientific literacy abilities of students are influenced by several factors such as learning resources that lack scientific literacy coverage, evaluation questions that do not refer to scientific literacy indicators, and digital teaching materials that are able to increase scientific literacy. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that students' scientific literacy in climate change material is still relatively low.This research aims to describe the profile of scientific literacy abilities in science subjects with material on climate change for class VIII students at SMPN 3 Cileungsi. The research was conducted using the ex-post-facto method on 76 respondents. Data collection was carried out using an interview guide sheet and a scientific literacy test which consisted of competency aspects in explaining scientific phenomena, evaluating and designing scientific investigations, and interpreting scientific evidence and data. The scientific literacy data was then analyzed using quantitative descriptive tests. Based on the results obtained, the average scientific literacy score was 31.58% in the low category. The highest level of knowledge was in the low category in 47 respondents with a score of 61.8%, while the highest score was in the 29 respondents with a score of 38.2% in the medium category. The low scientific literacy abilities of students are influenced by several factors such as learning resources that lack scientific literacy coverage, evaluation questions that do not refer to scientific literacy indicators, and digital teaching materials that are able to increase scientific literacy. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that students' scientific literacy in climate change material is still relatively low.
Socio Scientific Issues-Based Argumentation Assessment for Middle School Students
This research was conducted to produce an Argumentation Assessment based on Scientific Social Issues. This study uses the R&D method. This research is in the Develop stage, namely conducting expert validation and limited trials. The SSI-based argumentation instrument trial was conducted on 15 and 30 grade IX students of SMP Adik Irma Jakarta. Data collection techniques were carried out by written tests and assessment of argumentation test questions. The assessment of argumentation test questions is given to material experts and 10 teachers. The CVI test was conducted by ten teachers, in an average CVI score of 0.9 with a very appropriate category. The first trial was conducted with ten written tests, resulting in six assessments that were declared valid and reliable with a validity test value > 0.514 and a Cronbach's Alpha reliability test score > 0.514. Furthermore, the second trial was carried out on thirty students with five assessments, resulting in Validity Test scores > 0.361, Reliability Test scores > 0.361, and the developed assessment was able to measure students' argumentation skills at level three according to the Toulmin Analysis Pattern (TAP). The conclusion is that the assessment developed can be used by teachers to measure students' argumentation skills
Ecoliteracy of Junior High School Students through Phenomenon Based Learning on the Interaction of Living Things with the Environment
Ecoliteracy and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) have received attention in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students' understanding of the environment and sustainability awareness needs to be instilled through the Phenomenon Based Learning model. This study aims to improve students' ecoliteracy through Phenomenon Based Learning on the material of the interaction of living things and the environment. The research used quasy experiment method with research design Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The research subjects were junior high school students in grade VII. Data collection techniques used tests, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data analysis was done descriptively, N-gain calculation, and Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the average N-Gain of ecoliteracy for affective, psychomotor, spiritual, and cognitive aspects were 75.02%; 45.84%; 79.73%; and 73.31%, respectively. Mann Whitney test results showed significant differences in student ecoliteracy in experimental and control classes. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of learning using the PhenoBL model can improve student ecoliteracy with high categories for affective, spiritual, and cognitive aspects, while the increase in student ecoliteracy in the psychomotor aspect is classified as moderate
Enhancing Students’ Creative Thinking Skills through Biotechnology Module based Socio-Scientific Issues
This study aims to enhance students’ creative thinking skills through Âthe biotechnology module based on socio-scientific issues. This is pre-experimental research with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The learning is carried out online using the Zoom meeting application, which is familiar to the students. The instrument for collecting data is a valid creative thinking skill test sheet. The students’ responses were analyzed using a questionnaire. The data analysis was done by descriptive quantitative and inferential. The result of the inferential statistical test shows that there is a significant effect of using SSI-based biotechnology modules on students’ creative thinking skills. The SSI-based biotechnology module is effective to improve creative thinking skills, indicated by the N-Gain value is 0.63 in the moderate category. The learning implementation has an average value above 75%, indicating that the learning process is carried out very well. 87.50% of the students gave excellent responses to the use of the SSI-based module in learning. There is an increase in the N-Gain value in creative thinking skills, so we can conclude that the biotechnology module based on the socio-scientific issue is effective to improve creative thinking skillsPenelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa melalui modul bioteknologi berbasis socio-scientific issues (SSI). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra-eksperimen dengan desain one-group pretest-posttest design. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara online menggunakan aplikasi Zoom meeting yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi siswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar tes keterampilan berpikir kreatif yang valid. Tanggapan siswa dianalisis menggunakan angket. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan inferensial. Hasil uji statistik inferensial menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penggunaan modul bioteknologi berbasis SSI terhadap keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa. Modul bioteknologi berbasis SSI efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif, ditunjukkan dengan nilai N-Gain sebesar 0,63 dengan kategori sedang. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran memiliki nilai rata-rata di atas 75% yang menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran dilaksanakan dengan sangat baik. 87,50% siswa memberikan tanggapan sangat baik terhadap penggunaan modul berbasis SSI dalam pembelajaran. Terdapat peningkatan nilai N-Gain pada keterampilan berpikir kreatif, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul bioteknologi berbasis isu sosio-ilmiah efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif
Promoting of Thematic-based Integrated Science Learning on the Junior High School
This study was conducted to explain the effect of thematic based integrated science learning to the student's critical thinking skills and character. One group pretest-posttest design is involving thirty students in one of the junior high school in the Palu city. A sample was taken using purposive sampling. Data of critical thinking skills obtained from pretest and posttest, whereas the characters students are collected with observation and questionnaire. The results showed critical thinking skills of students are better after following thematic-based integrated science learning with N-gain as 0.52. Ten characters of students showed good category with the lowest scores on the aspects of environmental concern. The study revealed that thematic based integrated science learning can increase of critical thinking skills and character of the seventh grade junior high school students with good category Keywords: thematic, integrated science, character, critical thinking
Development of Global Warming E-Module Based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Sustainability Awareness
Science education has a role in realising the global vision to encourage the achievement of 21st century competencies. One of them is by implementing science learning with the Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) context. The Research and Development study aims to produce a global warming E-Module based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) to improve students' critical thinking skills and sustainability awareness. The research and development design used is the ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation) model design. The research subjects for e-module implementation were 38 students of class X SMA Negeri 3 Cibinong. Research data were obtained through e-module validation questionnaire, critical thinking skills essay questions, sustainability awareness questionnaire, and student response questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using shapiro wilk, paired sample t-test. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the SSI-based global warming e-module is valid/suitable for use in terms of feasibility (content, presentation and language), as well as in terms of media with the percentages respectively being 91% and 97%. The CVI results related to the feasibility of the e-module are 0.99 (valid). Learning using the SSI-based global warming e-module can improve students' critical thinking skills in the high category with an average score of N-Gain critical thinking skills of 0.78. Learning using the SSI-based global warming e-module can increase students' sustainability awareness in the medium category with an average N-Gain sustainability awareness score of 0.45. Student responses to the SSI-based global warming e-module were very good with an average score percentage of 91%.Pendidikan sains memiliki peran mewujudkan visi global untuk mendorong pencapaian kompetensi abad 21. Salah satunya dengan menerapkan pembelajaran sains yang berkonteks Socio Scientific Issues (SSI). Penelitian Research and Development bertujuan untuk menghasilkan E-Module pemanasan global berbasis Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan sustainability awareness siswa. Desain penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah desain model ADDIE (Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation). Subjek penelitian untuk implementasi e-module adalah 38 siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Cibinong. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui angket validasi e-module, soal essay keterampilan berpikir kritis, angket sustainability awareness, serta angket respon siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan shapiro wilk, paired sample t-test. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian pada aspek kelayakan dan media masing-masing sebesar 91% dan 97%. Hasil penilaian guru IPA juga menunjukkan nilai CVI sebesar 0,99. Pembelajaran menggunakan E-module Pemanasan Global berbasis SSI dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan sustainability awareness dengan perolehan skor rata-rata N-gain 0,78 (kategori tinggi) dan 0,45 (kategori sedang). Respon siswa terhadap e-module Pemanasan Global berbasis SSI sangat baik dengan rata-rata persentase skor sebesar 91%
The Effectiveness of the PBL-STEM Model in Online Learning to Improve Students' Scientific Attitudes
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the PBL-STEM model in online learning to improve students' scientific attitudes in Work and Energy materials. This research is a pre-experimental study with a One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Online learning used Google Classroom and Jitsi Meet applications. Both applications are used because they are easier to use compared to other distance learning application programs. The results showed that N-gain of the scientific attitudes was 0.47, and the students' response to learning was 81%, which means that it is categorized as good. The aspect that has the highest N-gain is the aspect of Intense Curiosity. This research concludes that online learning using PBL-STEM model is effective to improve students' scientific attitudes. Keywords: PBL-STEM, Work and energy, Scientific attitudes DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-29-04 Publication date:October 31st 202
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