23 research outputs found
Pore pressure measurement during consolidation of a soil sample in a hydraulic oedometer
Hidraulički edometar ubraja se u nepredne uređaje za određivanje deformacijskih
svojstava tla. Osim definiranja i izračuna koeficijenta stišljivosti, modula stišljivosti,
koeficijenta promjene volumena te indeksa kompresije i indeksa rekompresije, obradom
podataka dobivenih iz hidrauličkog edometra moguće je prikazati i interpretirati
promjenu pornog tlaka te prikazati odnose ćelijskog i povratnog tlaka, kao i odnos
ćelijskog i pornog tlaka kroz vrijeme. Razmatrajući promjenu totalnih naprezanja u tlu i
koncept efektivnih naprezanja, uslijed nanošenja opterećenja dolazi do povećanja pornog
tlaka u tlu.
U radu su predstavljene prednosti ispitivanja hidrauličkim edometrom te način i rezultati
mjerenja pornih pritisaka tijekom konsolidacije uzorka tla
Grotesque between Expressionism and Neue Sachlichkeit
U članku polazimo od pretpostavke da je za njemački ekspresionizam paradigmatsko stanje ono između akcije i reakcije. Prema teoriji koju je ponudioamerički teoretičar Donald E. Gordon, načini izražavanja u njemačkom ekspresionizmu su „rektivni” jer posjeduju obilježja zadržavanja prošloga i zastupanja dolazećeg. Tom ćemo se načelu prikloniti i u raspravi o Neue Sachlichkeitu, pravcu koji se nastavlja na ekspresionizam. Prema nekim njemačkim teoretičarima, jedna od inačica ekspresionizma – „Velegradski ekspresionizam” – nastaje djelovanjem ekspresionističkih umjetnika u novim ambijentimavelikih gradova dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća što otvara mogućnosti i novog tumačenje Neue Sachlichkeita. Teza koju ovdje zastupamo je sljedeća:temeljem uvida u navedenu ekspresionističku ambivalenciju, i Neue Sachlichkeit zadržava ambivalentnost spram svog izvora, tj. „akcije” – umjetnostiekspresionizma. U takvom tumačenju poslužili smo se teorijom groteske, koja svojim ambivalencijama između ironičnog, sablasnog, satiričnog, ružnog,nadrealističkog i apsurdnog pomiče granice u sagledavanju dvaju naizgled odvojenih „stilova” umjetnosti. Pored toga što se očito radi o kategoriji kojasvojim strukturalno-estetskim implikacijama dotiče „egzistenciju” ekspresionizma, čini nam se da, susljedno načinu na koji Gordon definira ekspresionizam (naime, konstituiranjem forme kao posljedice sadržaja, pa je ikonografija ujedno registar potencijalnih formalnih „reakcija”), groteska kao „reaktivni” instrument i izražajna konstanta objedinjuje ekspresionizam i Neue Sachlichkeit. Kao što i sam Gordon pokazuje, prostori između „granica” ostavljaju mjesta za različita preciziranja: stoga i groteska, pojam koji treba primjenjivati polazeći od ideje, a ne od neke njezine „esencije” (analogno Gordonovom pristupu ekspresionizmu), ne postoji kao gotov proizvod, već se kontekstualiziranjem precizira. Na taj način, pojam groteske moguće je shvatiti kao estetsku i strukturalnu kategoriju koja posreduje smisao svojim specifičnim položajem na horizontu očekivanja, a neki je autori definiraju upravo s aspekta podsvjesnog, „slike” i „književnog djela”. Dva pripadnika Neue Sachlichkeita, Otto Dix i Georg Grosz, pritom su stigli do „duše rugobe”; prvi transparentnim zidovima, „futurističkim simultanitetom” i karikaturom, a drugi satiričko-ironičnim montiranjem zbivanja unutar slike u dva područja zbilje – groteskom i sredstvima klasičnog slikarstva. Njemački teoretičar Paul Vogt analizira Dixovu „strast za ružnim”, naslućujući u njoj manje destrukcije no kod Grosza, a nama se ovdje nametnula paralela karikature prvog i montiranja različitih područja zbilje do groteske drugog upravo s Gordonovim ikonografskim „reaktivnim principima”: principom karikature i principom kontradiktornog suprotstavljanja dviju ideja. Međutim, Dixov Portret umjetnikovih roditelja – u Gordonovoj varijanti ekspresionističko djelo – u ovom članku je paradigma svjetonazora Neue Sachlichkeita.In the article we start from the assumption that for German expressionism the paradigmatic condition is between action and reaction. According to thetheory offered by the American theoretician Donald E. Gordon, the ways of articulation in German Expressionism are “reactive” because they possessthe characteristics of retaining the past and representing the future. We will adhere to this principle in the discussion of Neue Sachlichkeit, the approachthat follows Expressionism. According to some German theoreticians, one of the versions of expressionism – Großstadt Expressionismus – was createdby the activity of expressionist artists in the new environments of big cities in the twenties of the last century, which opens up possibilities for a newinterpretation of Neue Sachlichkeit too. The thesis that we present here is the following: based on the insight into the mentioned Expressionist ambivalence,Neue Sachlichkeit also retains ambivalence towards its source, i.e. “action” – the art of Expressionism. In such an interpretation, we used the theory of thegrotesque, which, with its ambivalences between the ironic, the ghostly, the satirical, the ugly, the surrealist, and the absurd, moves the boundaries in theperception of two seemingly separate artistic “styles”. In addition to the fact that this is a theory that with its structural-aesthetic implications inevitablytouches the “existence” of expressionism, it seems to us that, in accordance with the way in which Gordon defines expressionism (namely, by constitutingform as a consequence of content, so iconography is also a register of potential formal “reactions”), the grotesque as a “reactive” instrument andexpressive constant unites expressionism and Neue Sachlichkeit. As Gordon himself shows, the spaces between the “borders” leave room for differentrefinements: therefore the grotesque, a term that should be applied starting from an idea and not from its alleged “essence” (analogous to Gordon’s approach to expressionism), does not exist as a finished product, it is already specified by contextualizing. In that sense, the term grotesque can be understood as an aesthetic and structural category that mediates meaning through its specific position on the horizon of expectations, and some authors define it precisely from the aspect of the subconscious, “image” and “literary work”. Two members of the Neue Sachlichkeit, Otto Dix and Georg Grosz, reached the “soul of ugliness”; the first with transparent walls, “futuristic simultaneity” and caricature, and the latter with a satirical-ironic montage of the interpictorial events in two realms of reality – the grotesque and by means of classical painting. The German theoretician Paul Vogt analyzes Dix’s “passion for the ugly” sensing less destruction in it than in Grosz, and here we were tempted to parallel the caricature of the former and the montage of different areas of reality to the point of grotesqueness of the latter with Gordon’s iconographic “reactive principles”: the principle of caricature and the principle of thecontradictory opposition of two ideas. However, Dix’s Portrait of the Artist’s Parents – in Gordon’s version an expressionist work – is in this article a paradigmof the Neue Sachlichkeit worldview
U Republici Hrvatskoj zakonima je propisano da odgojno‐obrazovni radnici u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi imaju pravo i obvezu trajno se stručno osposobljava ti i usavršavati programima koje je odobrilo nadležno Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta. Pod pojmom stručno usavršavanje odgojno‐obrazovnih radnika podrazumijeva se pojedinačno i organizirano usavršavanje u matičnoj znanosti u području pedagogije, didaktike, obrazovne psihologije, metodike, informacijsko‐komunikacijskih tehnologija, savjetodavnog rada, upravljanja, obrazovnih politika i drugih područja relevantnih za učinkovito i visokokvalitetno obavljanje odgojno‐obrazovne djelatnosti u školskim ustanovama.
U radu će biti riječ o zakonima koji reguliraju pripravništvo, licenciranje, stručno usavršavanje, profesionalni razvoj i napredovanje odgojno‐obrazovnih radnika u općem obrazovanju, ali i o odgovarajućim pravilnicima koji definiraju pojedinosti i uvjete zakonskih odredaba. Međutim, sve je više primjetno da ti pravilnici nisu u potpunosti usklađeni sa zakonima jer se nisu godinama mijenjali. Neki od izazova odnose se na nepostojanje sustava akreditacije programa i pružatelja stručnog usavršavanja, nedostatak materijalnih sredstava te zajedničkog kompetencijskog okvira za učiteljsko zanimanje što otežava osmišljavanje stručnog usavršavanja i profesionalni razvoj. Uz Agenciju za odgoj i obrazovanje, kao odgovornu javnu ustanovu za organizaciju i pružanje stručnog usavršavanja odgojno-obrazovnih radnika na svim razinama općeg obrazovanja (nedavno donesen dokument „Strategija stručnog usavršavanja za profesionalni razvoj odgojno-obrazovnih radnika 2014-2020.“), prisutni su i drugi pružatelji stručnog usavršavanja, od programa Erasmus+ u okviru europske perspektive obrazovanja, strukovne udruge te nakladničke kuće.The law stipulates that educational staff in Croatian primary and secondary schools have right and obligation to permanent professional training and development with programmes approved by the competent Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. By the notion the professional development of educational staff implies individual and group development in mother science, field pedagogy, didactics, educational psychology, methodics, information-communication technology, advisory work, management, educational policies and other areas relevant to efficient and highquality educational activities in the educational institutions.
This paper deals with laws governing traineeship, licensing, professional development, progress and promotion of educational staff in general education but also with adequate ordinance defining details and conditions. However, it has become more and more apparent that those ordinances are not fully in harmony with laws because they have not been adapted for years. Some of the challenges relate to lack of programme accreditation system and provider of professional development, lack of material resources and common competitive framework for teaching profession all of which hinder the professional development and progress. Along with the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency as a liable public institution that organises and provides professional development of educational staff on all levels of general education (a recently issued document \u27\u27Strategy of professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff 2014-2020\u27\u27), there are also other providers of professional development, starting from the Erasmus+ programme within the framework of European educational perspective, to occupational associations and publishing houses.In der Republik Kroatien ist durch Gesetze vorgeschrieben, dass Bildungspersonal in Grundund Mittelschulen Recht und Pflicht hat, sich duerhaft beruflich weiter zu entwickeln und fortzubilden durch die Programme, die vom zuständigen Ministerium der Wissenschaft, Ausbildung und Sport genehmigt wurden. Unter dem Begriff berufliche Fortbildung von Bildungspersonal versteht man individuelle und kollektive Weiterbildung innerhalb der betreffenden Wissenschaft im Bereich der Pädagogie, Didaktik, Ausbildungspsychologie, Methodik, der Informationstechnologien, Beratungstätigkeit, Management, Ausbildungspolitik und in anderen Bereichen, die für wirkungsvolle und qualitätvolle Ausübung der Erziehungsund Ausbilgungstätigkeiten in Bildungseinrichtungen bedeutsam sind.
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den Gesetzen, die Vorbereitungsdienst, Lizenzerteilung, Fortbildung, berufliche Entwicklung und professionellen Aufstieg der Bildungskräfte in der allgemeinen Bildung, aber auch die jeweiligen Geschäftsordnungen regeln, die die Einzelheiten und die Bedingungen der Durchführung der Gesetzesbestimmungen definieren. Es kommt immer mehr zum Ausdruck, dass einige Geschäftsordnungen nicht im völligen Einklang mit Gesetzen stehen, weil sie jahrelang keine Änderungen erfahren haben.
Einige der Herausforderungen beziehen sich auf Nichtvorhanden des Akreditierungssystems für Programme und Fortbildungsträger, auf Mangel an Finanzmittel und an einem gemeinsamen Kompetenzrahmen für den Beruf des Lehrers, was auch die Gestaltung des Fortbildungssystems und der professionellen Entwicklung erschwert. Neben der Ausbilgungsagentur als einer für Organisation und Durchführung der beruflichen Fortbildung der Arbeitnehmer auf allen Ebenen der allgemeinen Bildung verantwortlichen Einrichtung (unlängst wurde das Dokument „Strategie der beruflichen Fortbildung für professionelle Entwicklung der Arbeitnehmer im Bereich Bildung und Erziehung 2014-2020“), bestehen auch andere Fortbildungsträger vom Programm Erasmus+ im Rahmen der europäischen Ausbildungsperspektive, bis zu beruflichen Fachverbänden und Verlagshäusern
Dataset AqADAPT: Physicochemical Parameters, Vibrio Abundance, and Species Determination in Water Columns of Two Adriatic Sea Aquaculture Sites
Aquaculture provides more than 50% of all seafood for human consumption. This important industrial sector is already under pressure from climate-change-induced shifts in water column temperature, nutrient loads, precipitation patterns, microbial community composition, and ocean acidification, all affecting fish welfare. Disease-related risks are also shifting with important implications for risk from vibriosis, a disease that can lead to massive economic losses. Adaptation to these pressures pose numerous challenges for aquaculture producers, policy makers, and researchers. The dataset AqADAPT aims to help the development of management and adaptation tools by providing (i) measurements of physicochemical (temperature, salinity, total dissolved solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, transparency, total nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, total particulate matter, particulate organic matter, and particulate inorganic matter) and microbiological (heterotrophic (total) bacteria, fecal indicators, and Vibrio abundance) parameters of seawater and (ii) biochemical determination of culturable bacteria in two locations near floating cage fish farms in the Adriatic Sea. Water sampling was conducted seasonally in two fish farms (Cres and Vrgada) and corresponding reference (control) sites between 2019 and 2021 of four vertical layers for a total of 108 observations: the surface, 6 m, 12 m, and the bottom
Estimating the unused potential of ecological research
Posljednjih godina znanstvena je zajednica usmjerena na istraživanja različitih činitelja koji negativno utječu na faze ciklusa istraživanja, a najčešći su nedostaci u planu istraživačkog procesa, pristranost objavljivanja i izvještajna pristranost. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada istražiti i kvantificirati neiskorišteni potencijal ekoloških istraživanja, koji proizlazi iz nedostataka različitih komponenti „klasičnog“ procesa istraživanja (od izrade plana istraživačkog procesa, provođenja istraživanja do objavljivanja znanstvenoga rada). Neiskorišten potencijal koji se pojavljuje u različitim fazama istraživanja kvantificiran je na temelju objavljenih procjena navedenih nedostataka u području ekologije korištenjem sustavnog pregleda literature. Na temelju pregleda 40 relevantnih radova procijenjen je vrlo visok ukupan neiskorišteni potencijal ekoloških istraživanja, između 75.4% i 88.7%. Dobivene procjene zahtijevaju poduzimanje nužnih radnji, koje obuhvaćaju promjene u znanstvenim poticajima, prikladnije osposobljavanje i prelazak na transparenta i ponovljiva istraživanja, kako bi se smanjio gubitak potencijalnog znanja.In recent years, the research community has become aware of many problems that affect the stages of the research life-cycle. These include suboptimal study design, publication bias, and suboptimal reporting of results. This thesis aims to quantify the unused potential of ecological research that stems from inefficiencies in various components of the “classical” research process (from funded study to published results). The amount of waste that occurs at different stages of the research life-cycle was quantified based on published estimates of the extent of these issues in the broad field of ecology using a systematic literature review. Finally, based on data extracted from 40 relevant papers, the overall unused potential of ecological research was estimated, to be quite high, between 75.4 % and 88.7%. The presented estimates call for an urgent action to reduce the loss of potential knowledge. This can be best done by changes in scientific incentives, better training, and by transitioning to a more transparent and reproducible research
Estimating the unused potential of ecological research
Posljednjih godina znanstvena je zajednica usmjerena na istraživanja različitih činitelja koji negativno utječu na faze ciklusa istraživanja, a najčešći su nedostaci u planu istraživačkog procesa, pristranost objavljivanja i izvještajna pristranost. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada istražiti i kvantificirati neiskorišteni potencijal ekoloških istraživanja, koji proizlazi iz nedostataka različitih komponenti „klasičnog“ procesa istraživanja (od izrade plana istraživačkog procesa, provođenja istraživanja do objavljivanja znanstvenoga rada). Neiskorišten potencijal koji se pojavljuje u različitim fazama istraživanja kvantificiran je na temelju objavljenih procjena navedenih nedostataka u području ekologije korištenjem sustavnog pregleda literature. Na temelju pregleda 40 relevantnih radova procijenjen je vrlo visok ukupan neiskorišteni potencijal ekoloških istraživanja, između 75.4% i 88.7%. Dobivene procjene zahtijevaju poduzimanje nužnih radnji, koje obuhvaćaju promjene u znanstvenim poticajima, prikladnije osposobljavanje i prelazak na transparenta i ponovljiva istraživanja, kako bi se smanjio gubitak potencijalnog znanja.In recent years, the research community has become aware of many problems that affect the stages of the research life-cycle. These include suboptimal study design, publication bias, and suboptimal reporting of results. This thesis aims to quantify the unused potential of ecological research that stems from inefficiencies in various components of the “classical” research process (from funded study to published results). The amount of waste that occurs at different stages of the research life-cycle was quantified based on published estimates of the extent of these issues in the broad field of ecology using a systematic literature review. Finally, based on data extracted from 40 relevant papers, the overall unused potential of ecological research was estimated, to be quite high, between 75.4 % and 88.7%. The presented estimates call for an urgent action to reduce the loss of potential knowledge. This can be best done by changes in scientific incentives, better training, and by transitioning to a more transparent and reproducible research