23 research outputs found

    The Controlled Oxidation of Leonardite

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    The controlled oxidation or dissolved leonarclite was carried out in a heated autoclave under elevated oxygen pressure. Oxiaation was carried out in oraer to increase the aciaity oi: leonaraite and obtain higher humic acid yields. The solvent was an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide in the range of concentrations from l\u3eo to Si-.-.. The reaction temperature was varied from 25°C to I25°C; the pressure was kept at 500 psig and reaction time was constant at one hour. The product was analyzed both for carooxyiie acid and for hydroxyl groups. The Increase in carboxyl and hydroxyl groups was slight under the optimum reaction conditions studied. The optimum conditons were: for temperature, between 50°C ana 75°C, and for concentration, between 2% and 6%. However at the 4% caustic concentration level, there was no increase in carboxyl and hydroxyl groups between 50°C and 75°C. Higher temperatures and higher concentrations of caustic resulted in lower yields of humic acids either because decarboxylation occurred or because the acids became water soluble

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    Approximation Refinement for Interpolation−Based Model Checking

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    Approximation Refinement for Interpolation−Based Model Checking

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    Model checking using Craig interpolants provides an effective method for computing an over-approximation of the set of reachable states using a SAT solver. This method requires proofs of unsatisfiability from the SAT solver to progress. If an over-approximation leads to a satisfiable formula, the computation restarts using more constraints and the previously computed approximation is not reused. Though the new formula eliminates spurious counterexamples of a certain length, there is no guarantee that the subsequent approximation is better than the one previously computed. We take an abstract, approximation-oriented view of interpolation based model checking. We study counterexample-free approximations, which are neither over- nor under-approximations of the set of reachable states but still contain enough information to conclude if counterexamples exist. Using such approximations, we devise a model checking algorithm for approximation refinement and discuss a preliminary implementation of this technique on some hardware benchmarks

    Restructuring Resolution Refutations for Interpolation

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    Interpolants are the cornerstone of several approximate verification techniques. Current interpolation techniques restrict the search heuristics of the underlying decision procedure to compute interpolants, incurring a negative impact on performance, and apply primarily to the lazy proof explication framework. We bridge the gap between fast decision procedures that aggressively use propositional reasoning and slower interpolating decision procedures by extending the scope of the latter to non-lazy approaches and relaxing the restrictions on search heuristics. Both are achieved by combining a simple set of transformations on resolution refutations. Our experiments show that this method leads to speedups when computing interpolants and to reductions in proof size

    Restructuring Resolution Refutations for Interpolation

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    Interpolants are the cornerstone of several approximate verification techniques. Current interpolation techniques restrict the search heuristics of the underlying decision procedure to compute interpolants, incurring a negative impact on performance, and apply primarily to the lazy proof explication framework. We bridge the gap between fast decision procedures that aggressively use propositional reasoning and slower interpolating decision procedures by extending the scope of the latter to non-lazy approaches and relaxing the restrictions on search heuristics. Both are achieved by combining a simple set of transformations on resolution refutations. Our experiments show that this method leads to speedups when computing interpolants and to reductions in proof size

    Interpolant strength

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    Interpolant Strength

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    Interpolant-based model checking is a SAT-based, approximate method for computing inductive invariants of transition systems. The performance of the model checker is contingent on the approximation computed, which in turn depends on the logical strength of the interpolants. A good approximation is coarse enough to enable rapid convergence but strong enough to be contained within the weakest inductive invariant. We present a system for constructing propositional interpolants of different strength from a resolution refutation. This system subsumes existing methods and allows interpolation systems to be ordered by the logical strength of the obtained interpolants. Interpolants of different strength can also be obtained by transforming a resolution proof. We analyse an existing proof transformation, generalise it, and characterise the interpolants obtained

    Approximation Refinement for Interpolation−Based Model Checking

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    Model checking using Craig interpolants provides an effective method for computing an over-approximation of the set of reachable states using a SAT solver. This method requires proofs of unsatisfiability from the SAT solver to progress. If an over-approximation leads to a satisfiable formula, the computation restarts using more constraints and the previously computed approximation is not reused. Though the new formula eliminates spurious counterexamples of a certain length, there is no guarantee that the subsequent approximation is better than the one previously computed. We take an abstract, approximation-oriented view of interpolation based model checking. We study counterexample-free approximations, which are neither over- nor under-approximations of the set of reachable states but still contain enough information to conclude if counterexamples exist. Using such approximations, we devise a model checking algorithm for approximation refinement and discuss a preliminary implementation of this technique on some hardware benchmarks