20 research outputs found

    The look of stagnation

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    Using the Framework Space, we consider the post communist evolution of a small group of eastern European economie

    Some Complex Dynamics for a Multisectoral Economy

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    complex dynamics is dynamics of large interacting systems. We introduce some of the formalism to treat their outcomes, and refer to the pioneering contributions of R.M. Goodwi

    CYCLES, GROWTH AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE. Theories and empirical evidence

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    Contributions to a CNR-UNISI summer school on economic theor

    L'estate al mare.Residenti e turisti in alcune destinazioni italiane

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    collezione di saggi su destinazioni marine italiane e loro sostenibilità in relazione allo sviluppo turistic

    Environmental policy options in the multi-regimes framework

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    This paper extends the multi-regime framework to variables involved in the debate on the relation between environmental quality and economic growth. In this light, it reexamines the interpretation of the so-called Environmental Kutznets Curve. The adapted framework can account for one fundamental finding, which does not find a place in the relevant literature: namely, the diversity across countries and regions of the development experience in terms of both growth performance and evolution of environmental quality. On the other hand, the paper reviews the proposition of the associated potential conflict between these two targets, and the presence of a trade-off between them. The issues captured by this simpler notion of tradeoff are essentially of a qualitative nature. We propose hereafter a formal way to think about these issues. The bonus is a framework that seems more appropriate for designing integrated policy plans apt to guide an economy along the difficult traverse between two different growth mixes

    Turismo, sviluppo economico e sostenibilità: teoria e pratica

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    Il libro raccoglie una serie di interventi che, da diversi punti di vista e con taglio sia teorico che applicato, affrontano il porblema della sostenibilità del turismo

    Multiregime dynamics: modeling and statistical tools

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    we introduce the formalism and terminology of multiregime dynamics for both theoretical modeling and data analysis. Coding is proposed as the appropriate tool for the analysis of such special type of dynamics, focusing upon switches between suitably defined dynamical regimes. Individually taken these switches often represent abrupt alterations in the qualitative features of the dynamic process. At times, however, they seem to be stringed together to show emerging (near) regularities and fluctuations. This opens new vistas upon applications to the analysis of the vector time series of socioeconomic models. In empirical applications, coding involves transformation of data into a sequence of symbols that is then analyzed with information-theoretic tools, so as to extract information about generating processe

    La tabla del insumo-producto desde una perspectiva de dinamica structural

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    se discute de las tablas de insumo producto como instrumentos de analisis structura