16 research outputs found

    Stem cells in dentistry - review of literature

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    Stem cells have been successfully isolated from a variety of human and animal tissues, including dental pulp. This achievement marks progress in regenerative dentistry. This article reviews the latest improvements made in regenerative dental medicine with the involvement of stem cells. Although, various types of multipotent somatic cells can be applied in dentistry, two types of cells have been investigated in this review. Dental pulp cells are classified as: DPSCs, SCAPs and SHEDs.The third group includes two types of cell associated with the periodontium: PDL and DFPC. This review aims to systematize basic knowledge about cellular engineering in dentistry

    Experimental laparoscopic pyloromyotomy in pigs

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare laparoscopic pyloromyotomy methods involving the laparoscopic scalpel and the harmonic scalpel in pigs. The experiment was conducted on 4 subgroups of 12 animals subjected to laparoscopic-assisted pyloromyotomy with a surgical scalpel and the harmonic scalpel, as well as laparoscopic pyloromyotomy with Berci's laparoscopic scalpel and the harmonic scalpel. No postsurgical complications were observed. Four weeks after the surgery, the animals were sacrificed and autopsy was performed. In one animal peritoneal adhesions between the intestines and the mini-laparotomy incision were found. Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy and laparoscopic-assisted pyloromyotomy performed in pigs enabled the selection of laparoscopic entry sites, instruments for pyloromyotomy and evaluation of the applied surgical procedures in animals. The results of this study indicate that the methods applied can be safely used in clinical practice in dogs and cats due to minimal post-operative complications and fast healing of laparoscopic incisions in comparison with classical surgical wounds, and that the harmonic scalpel is a safe surgical instrument

    Magnetic resonance protocols in equine lameness examination, used sequences, and interpretation

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    Magnetic resonance is a great diagnostic tool in equine lameness examination. Its value is most significantly visible in evaluating distal extremities. Problems with podotrochlear apparatus, laminitis or distal interphalangeal joint osteoarthritis are the most common disorders diagnosed in equine patients. Without using magnetic resonance it was impossible to clearly assess which structures are involved in each of these diseases. One of the most important things in MRI is the choice of sequence. Most commonly used are T1 GE, T2 FSE, STIR and T2* GE, in sagittal, transverse and dorsal planes. To make a reliable diagnosis it is important to compare findings in all these sequences

    Comparison of High Resolution Gradient Echo,XBONE T1, XBONE T2, Spin Echo T1 and 3D SST1 magnetic resonance imaging sequences for imagining the canine elbow

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    Twenty canine elbows were examined by low-field MRI. The objective of this study was to compare five magnetic resonance sequences: High Resolution Gradient Echo in the sagittal plane, XBONE T2 in the sagittal plane, Spin Echo T1 in the sagittal plane, Spin Echo T1 in the dorsal plane and 3D SST1 and XBONE T1 in the transverse plane, and to determine which sequences have the highest diagnostic value in imagining the canine elbow. High Resolution Gradient Echo, XBONE T2 and Spin Echo T1 sequences in the sagittal plane proved to be very useful in evaluations of osseous structures such as the medial coronoid process, the anconeal process of the ulna and joint surfaces. The above sequences facilitate evaluations of radial extensor muscle of the wrist, biceps brachii muscle, triceps brachii muscle and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. 3D SST1 and XBONE T1 sequences in the transverse plane produce high-quality images of the medial humeral condyle and surfaces of the elbow joint. Those sequences are also useful for evaluating the surrounding muscles: extensor digitorum communis muscle, extensor carpi radialis muscle, deltoid muscle, biceps brachii muscle, pronator teres muscle and flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. The Spin Echo T1 sequence in the dorsal plane facilitates assessments of joint surfaces, medial humeral condyle, superficial digital flexor muscle, deep digital flexor muscle, triceps brachii muscle and extensor digitorum lateralis muscle. The Spin Echo T1 sequence in the sagittal plane has a short scan time, but it produces images of lower quality than High Resolution Gradient Echo and XBONE T2 sequences in the sagittal plane

    Magnetic resonance imaging assisted with fine needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of fibrosarcomas of the skull in dogs

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    Five canine patients were directed to low-field magnetic resonance imaging due to different neurological defects. In each case there were heterogeneous extraaxial masses covering left or right dorsal parietal and occipital lobes that were isointense to the brain on T1-weighted Spin Echo images, isointense to hypointense to the brain on T2-weighted Fast Spin Echo sequences and hypointense to the brain on Flair sequence. After MRI study fine needle aspiration biopsy of the tumors was performed. On the basis of the cytological examination fibrosarcomas with of moderate malignancy were diagnosed

    The use of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing equine deep digitalflexor tendinopathies - own experience

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    Deep digital flexor tendinopathy is a common problem in horses of different athletic disciplines. Nowadays, the use of magnetic resonance imaging is considered to be a noninvasive and superior choice for recognizing bone and soft tissue pathologies especially related to difficult to access structures within the hoof capsule

    Response of the coagulation system after application of hemostatic dressings in an animal model

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    The objective of this study was to determine the response of hemostatic dressings. Coagulation and fibrinolytic systems, red blood cell parameters, platelet and leukocyte counts were evaluated after the application of hemostatic dressings: QuikClot, Chitoauze and Celox gauze. The experiment was performed on ten pig

    Effect of 24 hour application of three hemostatic dressing to porcine thigh muscles

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    The effectiveness of three types of hemostatic dressings, QuikClot Gauze, ChitoGauze PRO and Celox Gauze, was evaluated in nine pigs. The results indicated a strong influence of all examined dressings on porcine femoral muscle tissue evaluated 24 hours after direct contact. A histopathological analysis revealed pathological changes in muscle tissue specimens collected from all the animals

    Ultrasonography and low-field magnetic resonance imaging of the common calcanean tendon in a rabbit model for tendinopathy research: a descriptive study of normal anatomy

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    In spite of recent advances in treatment protocols, tendinopathies continue to challenge orthopaedists and surgeons. Due to the complexity of both tendon injuries and the healing processes, animal models are essential for addressing fundamental questions in tendinopathy research. Diagnostic imaging could contribute to the evaluation of animal models, thus providing information, which could be translated to human tendinopathies. The objective of our study was to evaluate in situ appearance of the rabbit common calcanean tendon with ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging. Additionally, we sought to assess and compare the feasibility and usefulness of these techniques in a rabbit model while focusing on the imaging of the particular structures involved in calcaneal tendon disorders. Eight California rabbits were used for post-mortem sonographic and low-field magnetic resonance examination. Morphometry was performed on longitudinal sonograms and sagittal MRI scans. The craniocaudal diameter of the tendon was measured at four points of interest. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance provided good visualisation of the tendon origin, the paratenon and the pre-Achilles fat pad. Magnetic resonance images presented in more detail the structure of the calcaneal insertion. Both modalities failed to visualise the individual components of the common calcanean tendon and the bursa of the calcaneal tendon. Statistical analysis of measurements obtained showed that the craniocaudal diameter of the common calcanean tendon in a rabbit increases significantly with a growing length from the calcaneal tuber. Both magnetic resonance and ultrasonography are feasible, and should be considered complementary, not alternative imaging techniques in a rabbit common calcanean tendon model