2 research outputs found

    The method of environmental assessment of investment projects in the circular economy

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    Projekty inwestycyjne obejmuj膮 r贸偶ne zadania zwi膮zane z podj臋ciem decyzji odno艣nie planowanej inwestycji. Z regu艂y prace te dotycz膮 przede wszystkim analiz ekonomicznych, na podstawie kt贸rych dokonuje si臋 wybor贸w najbardziej efektywnych przedsi臋wzi臋膰 inwestycyjnych. W warunkach gospodarki o obiegu zamkni臋tym ocena ekonomiczna okazuje si臋 by膰 niewystarczaj膮ca, dlatego w pracy przedstawiono nowe podej艣cie do oceny projekt贸w inwestycyjnych obejmuj膮ce ocen臋 艣rodowiskow膮 uwzgl臋dniaj膮c膮 wytyczne gospodarki o obiegu zamkni臋tym. Na przyk艂adzie zagospodarowania odpad贸w w sektorze energetycznym przedstawiono istot臋 nowych metod oceny 艣rodowiskowej projekt贸w inwestycyjnych. Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie nowych zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z podejmowaniem decyzji inwestycyjnych w gospodarce o obiegu zamkni臋tym.Investment projects include various tasks associated with making a decision regarding the planned investment. Typically, these works mainly concern the economic analysis, which allow to choose the most effective investment projects. In the circular economic assessment is insufficient, so the work is presented a new approach to the evaluation of investment projects, including environmental assessment which takes into account the the circular economy guidelines. The example of waste management in the energy sector presents the importance of new methods for the environmental assessment of investment projects. The aim of the article is to present new issues for concerning investment decisions in the circular economy

    Evaluation of the possibility of using granulated carbonated volatile fly ash from fluidized beds (G-CVFA) in underground mining techniques

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    The application of fluidized fly ash in underground mining excavations is limited due to its significant content of free calcium and calcium sulfate. In order to increase the amount of utilized fly ash from fluidized beds, it should be converted to a product with properties that meet the requirements for mining applications. This research presents the results of an attempt to adapt fluidized fly ashes for use in underground mining techniques, by means of carbonation and granulation. Carbonation was performed with the use of technical carbon dioxide and resulted in the reduction of free calcium content to a value below 1%. Granulation on the other hand, resulted in obtaining a product with good physical and mechanical parameters. The performed mineralogical and chemical studies indicate that trace amounts of "binding" phases, such as basanite and/or gypsum are present in the carbonized ash. The addition of water, during the granulation of carbonized fluidized fly ash, resulted in changes in the mineral phases leading to the formation of ettringite and gypsum as well as the recrystallization of the amorphous substance. It was confirmed that the carbonization and granulation of flying fluidized ashes positively affects the possibility of using these ashes in underground mining excavations