14 research outputs found


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper presents a method to automatically extract analytical entities like planes, spheres and cylinders from a file containing a cloud of points. The method facilitates the manipulation and reduction of large data sets and the evaluation of it. It can be used as a design tool, a quality control tool, data-processing tool or a data reduction tool. From a database of points, the user can automatically extract a subset of points belonging to an analytical entity of interest, within a predefined but adjustable level of confidence. If necessary, the dimensional parameters of the entity can also be calculated.<br />The method is based on the subtle statistical properties of the least-squares technique that makes it compliant with the strict regulations in the co-ordinate measuring arena. Its robustness guarantees . the applicability to less accurate environments than precision engineering.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie artikel bespreek 'n metode met behulp waarvan analitiese voorwerpe soos vlakke, sfere en silinders outomaties vanuit 'n wolk van datapunte, onttrek kan word. Die metode is geskik vir die hantering, manipulasie, reduksie en evaluasie van groot data-stelle. Dit kan gebruik word as 'n gereedskapstuk vir ontwerp, gehaltebeheer, dataverwerking en data-reduksie. Gegewe 'n databasis van punte, kan die gebruiker die subset van punte wat tot enige analitiese voorwerp van belang behoort, outomaties binne 'n voorafgespesifiseerde, maar verstelbare, vlak van vertroue onttrek. Hierbenewens en indien nodig, kan die dimensionele parameters en afmetings van die betrokke entiteit ook bereken word.<br />Die algoritme maak van die kleinste-kwadrate metode gebruik, sodat elke passings-parameter statisties kwantifiseerbaar en verantwoordbaar is. In hierdie opsig voldoen dit aan die streng regulasies wat die koordinaat-meet arena kenmerk. Die robuustheid van die metode, maak dit ook geskik vir toepassing in minder akkurate omgewings as presisie-ingenieurswese,</p&gt


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    This paper presentsan overview of the challenge to integrate product and process life cycles in maintaining global competitiveness of an enterprise and proposes IEKOS as a possible solution . It provides the reader with a framework of two virtual life cycles which create a problem solving matrix for the industrial engineer. In this matrix, bordered by the virtual enterprise life cycle and the virtual product life cycles, the business functions of analyze, design deploy and operate are predominantly functions executed by the, industrial engineer. The different phases of each life cycle serves as a framework to a virtual industrial engineering toolkit providing access to detailed functions, formats, examples and a series of software and other "tools" available to the industrial engineer.<br />In conclusion a brief overview is provided of the progress of the IEKOS toolkit which is under development at the department of Industrial Engineering at Stellenbosch University


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This article reports the implementation of a userfriendly transshipment computer program, NETl, written in Turbo Pascal for IBM-compatible personal computers. The program is based on an existing computer program based on the out-of-kilter algorithm. The validation of the program as well as time tests and applications are discussed.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die artikel beskryf die implementering van 'n gebruikersvriendelike transskepingspakket, NETl, geskryf in Turbo Pascal vir IBMaanpasbare persoonlike rekenaars. Die pakket is gebaseer op 'n reeds best.aande rekenaarprogram wat op die "out-of-kilter"algoritme gebaseer is. Die validering van die program asook tydtoetse en moontlike toepassings word bespreek.</p&gt


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    <p>ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper describes the role and use of enterprise engineering concepts as a formal approach to the deployment of sustainable networks of small businesses in South Africa. Small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) operating in the informal South African economy struggle to survive for various reasons. A business framework is suggested that supports informal SMMEs through their initial stages of operation, and by doing so, improves sustainable growth and employment opportunities. This implies integration of informal business activities with the formal economy. The business framework is constructed using the Zachman Enterprise Reference Architecture, and is benchmarked by a small-scale fish farming project case study to validate the research hypothesis.</p><p>AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie artikel beskryf die toepassing van bedryfsingenieurswesebeginsels as 'n formele benadering tot die ontwikkeling van volhoubare netwerke van klein ondernemings in Suid-Afrika. Verskeie faktore dra by tot die sukkelende voortbestaan van “SMMEs” in die informele ekonomie van die land. As moontlike oplossing vir hierdie probleem word ‘n besigheidsraamwerk voorgestel wat informele “SMMEs” gedurende hul aanvangsfase ondersteun en daardeur volhoubare groei en werkskeppingsgeleenthede verbeter. Realisering van hierdie besigheidsraamwerk impliseer integrasie-aktiwiteite tussen die informele en formele ekonomieë. Die besigheidsraamwerk is ontwikkel met behulp van Zachman se Besigheidsverwysingsargitektuur. ‘n Visboerderyprojek dien as gevallestudie vir validasie van hierdie navorsingshipotese.</p&gt

    Design(er) support based on conceptual frameworks

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