33 research outputs found

    Risk analysis method integrating both technical and organisational factors

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    Safety Management Systems (SMS) are now required in a lot of establishments handling hazardous substances in Europe in application of the council directive 96/82/EC of 9th December 1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, known as SEVESO 2 Directive. The Human Factors play obviously an important part in the effectiveness of those safety management systems. Indeed the system depends on the involvement of the people in charge of applying it. Considering the Human Factors from this angle leads the risk analyst to look at the organisation also through its social aspect. The question raised becomes therefore how the relationships, the power plays between workers, the cultural influences can interact with the intended prevention goals of the SMS. The idea would be to allow the risk analyst to foresee the creation mechanisms of the organisational shortcomings at the origin of the major accident. In this paper the author describes the development of a risk analysis approach that creates a focus on the link between the major accident hazards and the activities of the SMS, taking into account the real activities operated for the prevention process. This is a new approach where the individual is not the focus point, like traditionally in the formal Human Error or Human Factor approaches. The individual is considered in the context of the organisation, in its relation with others, in its relation with the processes of the organisation

    Safety Management Systems in application of the SEVESO II directive -Lessons learnt from the implementation in SMEs

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    International audienceThe Council Directive 96/82/EC of 9 December 1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, known as Seveso II directive, requires that the operators of hazardous establishments must demonstrate that they have assessed their major risks and are managing them throughout a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and a Safety Management System (SMS)

    A new QRA model for rail transportation of hazardous goods

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to show the INERIS research project funded by the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Growth and by the French Ministry of Equipment, Transportation and Buildings. This project is related to the assessment of the risk induced by the transportation of hazardous goods by road, by rail and by the combined means of transportation. The main target of this project is to develop a "multi-modal" quantitative risk assessment model (QRAM)

    Development of the ATOS concept, analysis of technical and organisational safety

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    National audienceATOS is an experimental project based on 3 simple guiding principles aimed at integrating several disciplines for a risk analysis. The three guiding principles are: a vision of the organisation with a balance between an formal (centralised, or what is written) and an informal (decentralised, or unwritten rules) part; "you do not manage what you cannot measure"; a focus on the quality of the barriers for the risk control. The disciplines involved in this project are, respectively to these principles, the organisational sociology, quality management and engineering. In this paper, the approach is explained and the result of a first application is presented. ATOS is designed to be a transferable tool for managers who have in charge the management of major hazard prevention

    Eléments d'un programme pour la prévention et la préparation en matière d'accidents chimiques industriels

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    Les accidents industriels - comme les déversements, les explosions, les feux ou les nuages de vapeurs - impliquent des produits chimiques, peuvent blesser ou tuer des personnes et causer des dégâts considérables aux propriétés, à l'environnement et à l'économie locale. La prévention des accidents chimiques et la gestion proactive des risques chimiques sont des aspects importants d'un développement durable et de la promotion d'une industrialisation responsable. Le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) a développé le " Cadre Flexible pour la prévention et la préparation en matière d'accidents chimiques " comme outil d'aide pour la maitrise des risques industriels dans les pays en développement (http://www.unep.org/ resourceefficiency/Portals/24147/scp/BIU%20documents/UNEP_Flexible_Framework_Guidance_French.pdf). Le PNUE aide ces pays sur la mise en oeuvre d'une politique de prévention des risques industriels. Pour cela le PNUE s'appuie sur une expertise internationale (European Major Accident Hazard Bureau, US EPA, INERIS etc.). Ceci afin de rendre les travaux adaptés à la situation du pays (tissu industriel, nature de la réglementation existante, etc.). Pour aider les pays, un projet est initié pour : identifier les points forts et les voies d'améliorations du système en place, analyser et prioriser les besoins et donner les éléments techniques sur lesquels les pays peuvent décider de leur politique / programme de prévention. Cette démarche a déjà été mise en oeuvre au Cambodge, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tanzanie et en Afrique de l'Ouest. Au Mali et au Sénégal le projet pilote " Programme de Prévention aux Accidents Chimiques " a duré deux ans (2010-2012), était financé par les fonds de démarrage rapide du SAICM et par le Ministère de l'Environnement français. Les travaux ont été coordonnés par le PNUE, en partenariat avec la Direction Nationale de l'Assainissement et Contrôle des Pollutions et Nuisances (Mali) et la Direction de l'Environnement et Établissements Classés (Sénégal), avec le support technique de l'INERIS (http://www.ineris.fr). Les résultats de ce projet sont la réalisation d'une feuille de route, une amélioration des compétences des acteurs de la prévention des risques dans chaque pays, et le renforcement des collaborations entre les services compétents dans chaque et entre les deux pays

    Risk analysis method integrating both technical and organisation factors

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    Safety Management Systems (SMS) are now required in a lot of establishments handling hazardous substances in Europe in application of the council directive 96/82/EC of 9th December 1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, known as SEVESO 2 Directive. The Human Factors play obviously an important part in the effectiveness of those safety management systems. Indeed the system depends on the involvement of the people in charge of applying it. Considering the Human Factors from this angle leads the risk analyst to look at the organisation also through its social aspect. The question raised becomes therefore how the relationships, the power plays between workers, the cultural influences can interact with the intended prevention goals of the SMS. The idea would be to allow the risk analyst to foresee the creation mechanisms of the organisational shortcomings at the origin of the major accident. In this paper the author describes the development of a risk analysis approach that creates a focus on the link between the major accident hazards and the activities of the SMS, taking into account the real activities operated for the prevention process. This is a new approach where the individual is not the focus point, like traditionally in the formal Human Error or Human Factor approaches. The individual is considered in the context of the organisation, in its relation with others, in its relation with the processes of the organisation

    Développement urbain durable et risques liés à l’eau : les pratiques du Nord au sein d’un territoire français en Amérique du Sud (Guyane française)

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    L’intégration des principes du développement durable dans la gestion des risques liés à l’eau en milieu urbain interroge la manière de concevoir les différentes formes de vulnérabilités sociales, économiques et environnementales et leurs interactions. Le cas empirique étudié, les villes de Guyane, conduit également à questionner la manière de territorialiser une action publique pensée à l’échelle du Nord (la France métropolitaine) dans un contexte dont les dynamiques s’apparente en partie à celle des villes du Sud compte-tenu des défis à relever (forte croissance démographique, pauvreté, pollution et inondation en milieu urbain). Il amène ainsi à réfléchir sur la mise en œuvre des principes du développement durable et les différentes actions publiques, à l’échelle de la ville ou à d’autres échelles, afin de répondre aux interdépendances spatio-temporelles des différents enjeux et domaines qui constituent la ville.The integration of the principles of the sustainable development in the risk management related to water in urban environment questions the manner of conceiving the various forms of social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities and their interactions. The studied empirical case, the towns of French Guyana, also results in questioning the way in which a public action fits in the territory thought by a country of North (the Metropolitan France) whereas the dynamics are those of country of the South taking into account challenges to take up (strong demographic growth, poverty, pollution and flood in urban environment). That brings us to reflect on the installation of them principles of the sustainable development and the various public actions, to the city scale or others, in order to answer the space-time interdependences of the various stakes and themes which constitute the city