1 research outputs found

    Effect of pyridoxamine on chemical modification of proteins by carbonyls in diabetic rats: characterization of a major product from the reaction of pyridoxamine and methylglyoxal

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    Abstract Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) from the Maillard reaction contribute to protein aging and the pathogenesis of ageand diabetes-associated complications. The a-dicarbonyl compound methylglyoxal (MG) is an important intermediate in AGE synthesis. Recent studies suggest that pyridoxamine inhibits formation of advanced glycation and lipoxidation products. We wanted to determine if pyridoxamine could inhibit MG-mediated Maillard reactions and thereby prevent AGE formation. When lens proteins were incubated with MG at 37°C, pH 7.4, we found that pyridoxamine inhibits formation of methylglyoxal-derived AGEs concentration dependently. Pyridoxamine reduces MG levels in red blood cells and plasma and blocks formation of methylglyoxallysine dimer in plasma proteins from diabetic rats and it prevents pentosidine (an AGE derived from sugars) from forming in plasma proteins. Pyridoxamine also decreases formation of protein carbonyls and thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances in plasma proteins from diabetic rats. Pyridoxamine treatment did not restore erythrocyte glutathione (which was reduced by almost half) in diabetic animals, but it enhanced erythrocyte glyoxalase I activity. We isolated a major product of the reaction between MG and pyridoxamine and identified it as methylglyoxal-pyridoxamine dimer. Our studies show that pyridoxamine reduces oxidative stress and AGE formation. We suspect that a direct interaction of pyridoxamine with MG partly accounts for AGE inhibition. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved