51 research outputs found
Pengaruh Cultural Barrier Terhadap Komunikasi Lintas Budaya Dan Stres Kerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery – Cilegon)
This study will explain how cultural barrier, cross-cultural communication and employee job stress occur at PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery. The study also aimed to determine whether there is a significant relationship between the cultural barrier, cross-cultural communication and employee job stress . This research located at PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery - Cilegon with all the employees and staff as a population. Explanatory research was conducted in this research with a quantitative approach. In this study cultural barrier consist with language differences, ethnocentrism, and behavior differences as exogenous variable, meanwhile cross-cultural communication and employee job stress becomes an endogenous variable in this study. Data collection techniques in this research is by questionnaires that is completed by employees as respondents. The analyisis data method in this study will be using descriptive analysis and path analysis method
Analisis.faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Pada Karyawan Tetap Dan Karyawan Kontrak (Studi Pada Karyawan Pizza Hut Kota Malang)
This research based on the importance,of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) for employees in an organization, because the organization will obtained many benefits if they have an employees with the high level of OCB. Therefore, the organization needs to know the things which can cause and or increase the OCB of employees. This.research aims to understand and analysis; 1) the components of the factors that influence the OCB; 2) the dominant factor that influence the OCB; 3) whether there are a differences in factors that influence the OCB between permanent employees and contract employees of Pizza Hut in Malang City. The result of factor.analysis shows that there are twenty two components which construct eight factors with seventy total items can influence the OCB. The dominant factor that influence the OCB is a trust in leadership factor. The result of Independent Samples T Test shows that there are no significant differences in factors that influence the OCB when viewed.from the factors of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee\u27s personality, motivation, leadership style, trust in leadership, and organizational culture factors. However, there is a significant.difference in factor that influence the OCB when viewed from the factor of employee\u27s morality
Pengaruh Social Media Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Generasi Millenial (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Angkasa Pura I Cabang Bandara Internasional Juanda)
The purpose of this research is to describe the impact of social media in millennial generation's productivity. The Population that used in this research are the entire millennial generation employee in PT Angkasa Pura I Branch Juanda International Airport while 78 people of the employee are used as the research sample. The research method that used in this study is measurement using mix method with social media as independent variable and productivity as dependent variable. Sampling method in this research using quantitative method with proportional random sаmpling mеthod. To analyze the data, researcher used descriptive statistical analysis method and inferential statistic with Likert Scale method to process the data questionnaire. The result of this research indicate that social media has a significant and positive impact to employee's productivity. Therefore, regarding the result, researcher recommends PT Angkasa Pura I Branch Juanda International Airport to make regulation and policy about internet USAge in the working hour to maintain the employee's productivity
Penerapan Diversity Management dalam Rangka Meraih Competitive Advantage (Studi pada PT Petrokimia Gresik)
Diversity Management is required by an organization to manage the diverse human resources in order to maximize the advantages of diversity to achieve organizational goals. Responding to the development of the external environment of the company whether economic development, market, technology, social trend, and social environment, each company is required to adapt to the environment in order to survive in an increasingly competitive business environment. The Company consists of individuals each of whom has individual dfferences in terms of demographic factors including background of education, age, gender, and culture, skill, perception, behavior, and personality. Managing the diversity of human resources means facilitating individuals with diverse backgrounds to get involved in every organizational process until the goal of achieving a competitive advantage is achieved. Diversity if managed well can help companies achieve competitive advantages. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the implementation of Diversity Management in order to achieve competitive advantages in PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Kеywords: Diversity, Diversity Management, Competitive Advantage АBSTRАK Manajemen keragaman diperlukan oleh sebuah organisasi untuk mengelola sumber daya manusia yang beragam dengan tujuan untuk memaksimalkan keragaman tersebut guna mencapai tujuan organisasi. Menanggapi perkembangan lingkungan eksternal Perusahaan baik perkembangan ekonomi, pasar, teknologi, trend sosial, maupun lingkungan sosial, setiap Perusahaan dituntut untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan agar tetap bertahan hidup di lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif. Perusahaan terdiri atas individu yang masing-masing memiliki perbedaan (individual dfference) baik dari sisi faktor demografi yang meliputi latar belakang tingkat pendidikan, umur, gender, dan budaya, maupun kemampuan dan keahlian (skill), persepsi, perilaku, dan kepribadian. Mengelola keragaman SDM berarti memfasilitasi individu dengan berbagai latar be!akang yang berbeda untuk mau terlibat dalam setiap proses organisasi hingga tujuan untuk meraih keunggulan kompetitif tercapai. Keragaman apabila dikelola dengan baik dapat membantu Perusahaan meraih keunggulan kompetitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan serta menjelaskan penerapan manajemen keragaman dalam rangka meraih keunggulan kompetitif di PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Kаtа Kunci: Keragaman, Manajemen Keragaman, Keunggulan Kompetiti
Pengaruh Sistem Remunerasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Pada Perguruan Tinggi
The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of remuneration system which is applied in a college through testing the influence of remuneration system towards job satisfaction and job motivation using explanatory research with quantitative approach. The data analysis in this study used path analysis. The result of the study showed that there was a significant influence from remuneration system towards lecturers' job satisfaction in Brawijaya University. The result was shown the same thing in the significant influence of job satisfaction towards job motivation. However, the different result was seen in the influence which was not significant from the remuneration system towards lecturers' job motivation. One of ways to improve the role of remuneration system toward job satisfaction and job motivation was by revising negative perception of the lecturers toward the remuneration system. It can be done by evaluating the system that has been applied, then giving socialization about the elements contained in remuneration system to all lecturers, so that all of them can be balancing another elements to support the improvement of lecturers' job satisfaction and job motivation, such as providing facility like laboratory, workspace, and improving the harmony of work environment and culture
Analisis Implementasi Gaya Kepemimpinan Lintas Budaya Ekspatriat Korea Selatan (Studi Pada PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery, Cilegon-Banten)
This study describes the cross-cultural leadership style is about the culture expats applied expats, expats leadership style applied to the company, and the problems faced by expatriates in leading local employees at PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery. lThe research type was descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The location of this research was conducted at PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery, PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery is a subsidiary company of PT. Krakatau Posco from South Korea engaged in the steel industry. Methods of data collection used were used that documentation, triangulation and linterviews were conducted in three South Korean expatriates and four local employees. The results showed cross-cultural leadership style adopted by the third South Korean expatriates in PT. Krakatau Daedong Machinery is centered leadership lstyle subordinate (democratic). South Korean culture has a character that has a high collectivity and emphasis on relationships, so that cross-cultural leadership style applied democratic style. Democratic style seen in corporate decision-making is done in consultation with local employees, expatriates role for employees, and the delegation of authority to employees. Problems faced by expats lies in the lcultural barrier which consists of differences in language, nonverbal misunderstandings, prejudices /lstereotypes of the local employees
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