16 research outputs found

    Broadband Spectro-temporal Study on Blazar TXS 1700+685

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    We attempt to present a multiwavelength variability and correlation study as well as detailed multi-waveband spectral characteristics of the May 2021 γ\gamma-ray flare of the blazar source TXS 1700+685. The multi-wavelength observation from \textit{Fermi}-LAT, \textit{Swift}-XRT/UVOT as well as radio archival data are used for our spectro-temporal investigation. We estimate the variability time-scale of the source from the flux doubling time in different flaring regions detected in \textit{Fermi}-LAT observation and the shortest variability time is used to put a constraint on the minimum Doppler factor and on the size of the emission region. We have detected a statistically significant quasi-periodic oscillation feature (QPO) at \sim 17 days. The broad-band emission is satisfactorily represented during its flaring state with a leptonic synchrotron and inverse Compton component. From the broadband spectral modeling, we observe the external Comptonization of the seed photons originating in the broad line region to be dominant compared to the dusty torus. This is further supported by the fact that the emission region is also found to be residing within the BLR. The equipartition value implies the energy density of the magnetic field in the jet comoving frame is weak, and that is also reflected in the magnetic field and low power corresponding to the magnetic field component of the jet. In order to produce the high energy hump, we need the injection of a large population of high energy electrons and/or the presence of strong magnetic field; and we observe the later component to be sub-dominant in our case. The flat rising and steep falling profile in the γ\gamma-ray SED as well as the break or spectral curvature at \sim 1 GeV are in commensuration with the flat-spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) nature of the source

    The accretion properties of a low-mass Active Galactic Nucleus: UGC 6728

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of approximately 1515 years (200620212006-2021) of X-ray observations of UGC~6728, a low-mass bare AGN, for the first time. Our study encompasses both spectral and temporal aspects of this source. The spectral properties of this source are studied using various phenomenological and physical models. We conclude that (a) the observed variability in X-ray luminosity is not attributed to the Hydrogen column density (NHN_H) as UGC~6728 exhibits a bare nucleus, implying a negligible NHN_H contribution along the line of sight, and (b) the spectral slope in the X-ray band demonstrates a systematic variation over time, indicating a transition from a relatively hard state to a comparatively soft state. We propose that the underlying accretion dynamics around the central object account for this behavior. By performing X-ray spectral fitting, we estimate the mass of the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) in UGC~6728 to be MBH=(7.13±1.23)×105M_{BH}=(7.13\pm1.23)\times10^5 M_\odot with spin a=0.970.27+0.20a=0.97^{+0.20}_{-0.27} and inclination angle i=49.5±14.5i=49.5\pm14.5 degree. Based on our spectral and temporal analysis, we suggest that UGC~6728 lacks a prominent Compton hump or exhibits a very subtle hump that remains undetectable in our analysis. Furthermore, the high-energy X-ray photons in this source are likely to originate from the low-energy X-ray photons through inverse Compton scattering in a Compton cloud, highlighting a connection between the emission in two energy ranges. We notice a strong soft excess component in the initial part of our observations, which later reduced substantially. This variation of soft excess is explained in view of accretion dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Long-term study of the first Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source Swift J0243.6+6124 using NICER

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    We present the results obtained from detailed X-ray timing and spectral studies of X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 during its giant and normal X-ray outbursts between 2017 and 2023 observed by the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER). We focused on the timing analysis of the normal outbursts. A distinct break is found in the power density spectra of the source. The corresponding break frequency and slope of power-laws around the break vary with luminosity, indicating the change in accretion dynamics with mass accretion rate. Interestingly, we detected quasi-periodic oscillations within a specific luminosity range, providing further insights into the underlying physical processes. We also studied the neutron star spin period evolution and a luminosity variation in pulse profile during the recent 2023 outburst. The spectral analysis was conducted comprehensively for the giant and all other normal outbursts. We identified a double transition at luminosities of \approx7.5×\times1037^{37} and 2.1×\times1038^{38} erg s1^{-1} in the evolution of continuum parameters like photon index and cutoff energy with luminosity. This indicates three distinct accretion modes experienced by the source mainly during the giant X-ray outburst. A soft blackbody component with a temperature of 0.08-0.7 keV is also detected in spectra. The observed temperature undergoes a discontinuous transition when the pulsar evolves from a sub- to super-Eddington state. Notably, in addition to an evolving 6-7 keV iron line complex, a 1 keV emission line was observed during the super-Eddington state of the source, implying the X-ray reflection from the accretion disc or outflow material.Comment: This paper is accepted now in Astrophysical journa

    Survey of Bare Active Galactic Nuclei in the local universe (z < 0.2): I. On the origin of Soft-Excess

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    We analyse a sample of 21 `bare' Seyfert~1 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), a sub-class of Seyfert~1s, with intrinsic absorption NH1020 cm2\mathrm{N_{H}} \sim 10^{20}~ \mathrm{cm}^{-2}, in the local universe (z << 0.2) using {\it XMM-Newton} and {\it Swift}/XRT observations. The luminosities of the primary continuum, the X-ray emission in the 3 to 10 keV energy range and the soft-excess, the excess emission that appears above the low-energy extrapolation of the power-law fit of 3 to 10 keV X-ray spectra, are calculated. Our spectral analysis reveals that the long-term intrinsic luminosities of the soft-excess and the primary continuum are tightly correlated (LPCLSE1.1±0.04)(L_{PC}\propto L_{SE}^{1.1\pm0.04}). We also found that the luminosities are correlated for each source. This result suggests that both the primary continuum and soft excess emissions exhibit a dependency on the accretion rate in a similar way.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Supplement Series, 37 pages, 12 figures 5 table

    Coronal Properties of Low-Accreting AGNs using Swift, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR Observations

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    We studied the broadband X-ray spectra of {\it Swift}/BAT selected low-accreting AGNs using the observations from {\it XMM-Newton}, {\it Swift}, and {\it NuSTAR} in the energy range of 0.51500.5-150~keV. Our sample consists of 30 AGNs with Eddington ratio, λEdd<103\lambda_{\rm Edd}<10^{-3}. We extracted several coronal parameters from the spectral modelling, such as the photon index, hot electron plasma temperature, cutoff energy, and optical depth. We tested whether there exists any correlation/anti-correlation among different spectral parameters. We observe that the relation of hot electron temperature with the cutoff energy in the low accretion domain is similar to what is observed in the high accretion domain. We did not observe any correlation between the Eddington ratio and the photon index. We studied the compactness-temperature diagram and found that the cooling process for extremely low-accreting AGNs is complex. The jet luminosity is calculated from the radio flux, and observed to be related to the bolometric luminosity as LjetLbol0.7L_{\rm jet} \propto L_{\rm bol}^{0.7}, which is consistent with the standard radio-X-ray correlation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA